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Citadel of Ebony Torrents

Not more than a dozen years prior to the Usurpation, the Twilight Sorceress, Blooming Violets, erected this citadel overnight in what had once been the heart of the Bitter Flower Empire.

Over five hundred people and more than a dozen individual buildings, all of remarkable quality, appeared suddenly, along with a single tower that rose higher than any other building for hundreds of miles.

Blooming Violets was said to do strange experiments on the people that came with her, experiments that were said to leave more dead than alive. Even if this were true, nobody made any moves against her there, nor could they really tell that her people were unhappy. The only signs that something was wrong were the periodical disappearances of several dozen of her people.

The year prior to the Usurpation Blooming Violets revealed to the deliberative her greatest work, the Resonance Stone. Unfortunately, I have not managed to determine much on the nature of the stone itself.

It took me several years to determine the methods that Blooming Violets used to erect this tower in such a hasty manner. After cross referencing between my note on the tower and my notes on Manse construction, I found a footnote that I had left to myself nearly eighty years ago. It left a reference to the Eshertzets Chronicles, a tome covering the topic of magical building construction. I feel I must track down this lost tome to find more information.

- Mnemon Talneth, Scholar

See Also:



Note that there's a timing conflict here. The Bitter Flower Empire came into being hundreds of years before the Usurpation, while this entry says that the Citadel rose before the Empire but after the Usurpation. - Quendalon

It says "Not more than a dozen years prior to the Usurpation" Do we have a time when the Bitter FLowers Empire collapsed? -EndlessChase

It says, "Not more than a dozen years prior to the Usurpation, the Twilight Sorceress, Blooming Violets, erected this citadel overnight in what would become the heart of the Bitter Flower Empire." So it indicates that, just before the Usurpation, the Bitter Flower Empire hadn't yet come into existence, which contradicts the timing in the BFE entry. I hope this makes things clearer. - Quendalon

I'm editing this, since we haven't seen hide nor hair of EC in a while. - willows

Hmm. This kind of screws my /EmptyMouthBrotherhood entry, since I'd assumed that this entry would be edited to make the Citadel older. Is it kosher for me to edit this slightly, or do I have to do it to /EmptyMouthBrotherhood?\\

~ Shataina

Hm, I hadn't checked the timing of your entry. Do whatever feels good. - willows