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The House of Lambant Flames: Manse •••• (Fire Aspect)

Once a redoubt for Celestial Hosts, the House of Lambant Flames was a major gathering point and military base for Dragonblooded troops assigned to border patrol. Here they drilled and marched on how to keep order while on the edges of the Wyld, how to retain discipline against the hoardes of the Mad Ones. It was overseen by a Solar, his name Anathema and any other title lost to time, killed during the Usurpation, far from his home and House by the troops he himself had trained.

However, the House itself did not escape so easily- it served as a final redoubt and fortress against the Dragonblooded for a married Solar and Lunar. Between them, they tore the attunation of the House to only themselves, tying it in with their own lives, and then began to operate the machines of the Manse, the machines that turned out adamanant suits of armor, enchanted to fight with the strength and skill of an undying host of mortal men. The Adamant Blade nearly bought escape for the pair, but a fortunate shot by an otherwise undistinguished officer brought down their escape vehicle.

The House exploded after that, engulfing the hundreds of Dragonblooded who had sought the deaths of the Anathema in the fires of Creation. Even those normally born and bred of fire knew the agony of this gold and silver heat.

Today, the ruin of red marble and jade, of brass that ran like water and rock melted to black glass, are what mark where once the House of Lambant Flame was. The Chalice which held the Fire of Creation, which fueled the vast war machines of the House, sits undisturbed- a hand cast of a single piece of orihalcum, holding a torch crafted of white and red jade. The Flame itself is gone, however- from it's heart, the Hearthstone of the Manse was once formed.

Now, time and ruin have engulfed the House of Lambant Flames. It is the home of unclean things-- demons and fae and ghosts. Things which can only attune to the wild source of energy, and serve as unwitting guards of the vast power that the Manse could provide to someone who repaired its damage. But no mortals come within a quarter mile of the House- jets of white fire will sometime spurt from the ground, so hot they will melt the flesh from bone, so brief they will leave the chest unburned and the wound perfectly closed and cauterized. Sometimes it will rain chunks of fiery hail over the House's ground- remains of a lost training program for soliders who are no longer there. Great statues, features lost to time and fire, still stand guard at the perimeter, marking it for anyone who knows what to look for.

-- DS

(The House of Lambant Flames doesn't have any single source in my head.)


I think it would be cool if the manse did generate a hearthstone, albeit a lesser one since the manse is in a state of disrepair. Ikselam's "hot potato" (Fire manse 1) would do well; I just finished reading its description and immediately thought of this manse. --dissolvegirl (Who also fixed some spelling)

If you use this idea, the Manse would probably produce more than one Hot Potato; they'd probably coalesce in random places around the ruins, wherever the wrecked architecture causes the Essence to pool. If repaired, the obvious candidate for hearthstone (from my list, at least) would be the Inferno Stone (both given the way the Manse exploded, and the tendency of Hot Potatos to detonate at inconvenient moments). \\ _Ikselam Assuming that repairing it would raise it to Manse 5.