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Latest revision as of 19:24, 22 January 2006

This style is the Property of Shataina.

Sound Mesh style progression

               |                          |                         |
          Enchantment                Enchantment               Enchantment
            / Lull                     / Lull                    / Lull
               |                          |                         |
                                   Bridge Decision-
                                    Forcing Charm
               |                          |                         |
          Dissonance                 Dissonance                Dissonance     
               |                          |                         |

                           |                             |
                      Silence /                      Silence /
                     Abstraction                    Abstraction
                           |                             |
                                  Pinnacle Charm
                                 Secret Technique #1
                                 Secret Technique #2


Resonant Reverberation

Min. Martial arts:2
Min. performance:2 
Min Essence:1 

Description:The Martial artist has trained to be in harmony with the essence of Creation. Using this training the martial artist channels her essence to even further this effect. The martial artist add's her Essence in dice to her next attack roll. As a side effect of the harmony induce by learning this charm the martial artist adds one auto-success to all perform rolls using their voice.

Sonorous Somnolence
Cost: 4 motes plus 2 motes per target after the first
Duration: instant
Type: Supplemental ?
Minimum Crafts [Poetry]: 2
Minimum Martial Arts: 1
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Initial Charm

By making a short poem, or sonnet the martial artist weaves the essence of inactivity, sleep and relaxation into her target(s). This Charm temporarily lulls the target(s) into a drowsy daze causing them to make easy mistakes. The target must make a willpower roll with a difficulty equal to the user of this charms charisma score. If this test is unsuccessful the target suffers a on success penalty on all rolls for the scene. This charm does not stack with itself. The user of this charm may affect more than one target with this effect by spending an additional cost of 2motes per additional target. This charm has a range of effect equal to {permanent Essence}10 yards.

Burning Dragon

Back to Issaru

Back to Shen-Tao Elder Style


This style is a reworked version of the Shen-Tao Family Style, as I was very disappointed with the results of the later. The Burning Dragon Style was created fifty years ago by Mnemon Kadama as a gift to his son Mnemon Ardaza. Kadam led an undistinguished life as far a Dynasts go. As a child Kadama perfomed only adequetly in all areas he was an average student an average Gatway player. He excelled at nothing but to his credit Kadama never showed incompetance at anything either, so it would seem that he was to become another of the rank-and-file amongst the Dynasts a cog in the machine that keeps the Empire going as opposed to one who would help steer the great machine that is the Empire. Kadama was grudgingly accepted into the house of bells, after that institution had accepted a number of "donations" from his parents. Graduation came without honors of fanfare, and he was given command of a Talon of soldiers stationed in near gem. His parents all the while scrambled to find a wife for their son as Kadama is only modest looking (for a Dragonblood), and had no true accomplishments, or talents. Finnaly, eight years after his comission, a wife for Kadama was found in the form of the lovely, intelligent and unexalted Nellens Jira. Jira and Kadama took to each other well, and a year later Ardaza was born. Ardaza was the brightest light in Kadama's life he filled him with joy, and also ironicaly brought him something else; for the first time in his life Kadama was good at something, being a father. Kadama, unlike many Dynasts, actually loved his son and doted upon him every chance he got. Ardaza was also a source of pride for his father as he had the marks of the Fire Dragon from birth. This was idillic until Ardaza's sixteenth birthday and still no exaltation. Kadama nervous and wanting the best for his son began to learn all he could of Essence control so he could teach his son and "encourage" exaltation. Being fire aspected himself Kadama focused on fire essence, and after ten long years of study he reached an ephifany this style is the result. That aside Ardaza never exalted, but he was well schooled, and unlike his father excelled at everything thrown at him eventually going on to become a highly place member of the All-Seeing-Eye keeping watch on Gem.

Burning Dragon is a fire aspected Terrestrial Martial Art.

Burning Dragon use the Wind-Fire Wheel, and Hook Sword as style wepons.

Basic Charms

Burning Speed</b>
<b>Cost : 3 Motes
Duration : Instant
Type : Reflexive
Min. Martial Arts : 3
Min Essence : 2
Prereqs : None

Description:The martial artist infuses her body with the essence of fire, gaining superhuman reflexes for a short period. Upon activating this charm the user adds her permanent essence to her initiative total. On any round in which this charm is activated the users first action must be a martial arts attack.

Smoke Borne Prowess</b>
<b>Cost : 3 Motes
Duration : One turn
Type : Supplemental
Min. Martial Arts : 3
Min Essence : 2
Prereqs : None

Description:Essence flares around the arms and legs of the martial artist as smoky tendrils of heat, invigorating her and aiding in movement. For the duration of the charm the martial artist may add her essence in bonus dice to all athletics rolls regarding movement. The effects of this charm do not stack with any charms or effects that enhance, or aid movement in any way. This charm becomes the first charm.

Fiery Vigor</b>
<b>Cost : 1 Mote per 2B or 1L
Duration : Instant
Type : Reflexive
Min. Martial Arts : 3
Min Essence : 2
Prereqs : Burning Speed, Smoke Borne Prowess

Description:Drawing upon the infinite vigor of flame the martial artist heals herself so quickly as to seem uninjured by a blow. This charm gives the martial artist one extra lethal or two extra bashing soak per mote of essence spent on this charm. The soak provided by this charm is considered natural. This charm may also be activated to give the martial artist a bonus to resist poison equal to half her permanent essence rounded down. This damage is considered to be from flame/heat for all purposes. ??? If it is kept it will need a reworked fluff section.

Hellfire Assault</b>
<b>Cost : 4 Motes, 1 Willpower
Duration : Instant
Type : Simple
Min. Martial Arts : 4
Min Essence : 3
Prereqs : Shen-Tao Family Form

Description:One of the martial artists fists bursts into an obviously supernatural fire, and she streaks into the air in a devastating unarmed strike. The martial artist makes a standard martial arts attack against one target. If this attack is successful the post soak damage is doubled. On the turn in which this charm is activated the martial artist may not move. Revise to be something other than a celestial Charm remake, and place Pre-Form

Form Charm

Shen-Tao Family Form</b>
<b>Cost : 5 Motes
Duration : One Scene
Type : Simple
Min. Martial Arts : 4
Min Essence : 3
Prereqs : Invocation of Ancestral Flame.

Description:The martial artist drops into a very "hard" low stance, and her skin ripples with the power housed below it. Upon adopting this form the martial artist becomes like a Bonfire, fast, sure, and deadly. The martial artist gains a bonus to initiative equal to her essence. The martial artist may soak lethal with his bashing soak. The form also allows the martial artist to do lethal with her Unarmed attacks. If the martial artist is already doing lethal somehow, or is using one of the styles weapons this charm adds the following bonuses:


Characters cannot normally have more than one Form charm at a time active. Revise to include movement, and dodge bonuses.

Advanced Charms

Invocation of Ancestral Flame</b>
<b>Cost : 1 Mote per 1L damage
Duration :Instant
Type :Simple
Min. Martial Arts :3
Min Essence :2
Prereqs : Fiery Vigor.

Description:The martial artist conjures a small ball of swirling, unstable flame between his two hands. An instant after it is conjured it streaks from the martial artist to an opponent, exploding on contact. The martial artist makes a Martial arts + Essence roll as an attack on an opponent. The base damage of this charm is 1L per mote of essence spent plus whatever extra successes are gained from the martial arts + essence roll. This attack has a total range of ([permanent essence]10) yards. The martial artists can only spend as many motes as he has dots of Martial arts + Essence. This becomes Post-Form

Flaming Eyes Insight</b>
<b>Cost : 3 Motes
Duration :Instant
Type : Supplemental
Min. Martial Arts : 4
Min Essence : 3
Prereqs : Hellfire Assault.

Description:The martial artists eyes glow like stoked coals allowing her to see the weaknesses in one opponents style. This insight allows the martial artist to strike at an opponent in the most efficient manner. Attacks supplemented by this charm add the martial artists permanent Essence to the difficulty to be dodged. Change sucky name, but keep the same after revising the flavor text.

Pinnacle Charm

Heart of Primal Fire</b>
<b>Cost :none
Duration :Permanent
Type :Special
Min. Martial Arts :5
Min Essence :3
Prereqs : Hellfire Assault, Flaming Eyes Insight.

Description:The martial artist masters the basics of fire through the insight of her ancestors. She now has the ability to call upon this fire as easily as a normal man exhales. This charm makes the ball of flame produced by invocation of ancestral flame an unarmed martial arts attack for this style. The connection to flame that this charm creates causes the wielder to look as if they had one more dot of breeding if one of the Dragon Blooded, or to exhibit some elemental fire traits if any other type of being. Change to make more useful than just "ooohh my old attack is cooler now."


This is my attempt for the "starter charm" of this style. Tell me what you think. - Issaru Thinks all Wikizens should have a page that we just use to help each other with side projects that don't have to involve the whole of the wiki.
Not bad. I hate permanent Charms, though, and I fully intend never to use any ever. I also kind of decided this morning that the starter Charm would add dice to rolls to perform poetry rather than anything to do with attack rolls ... so ... sorry. Good try, though! And the Charm name is cool. I think I'll steal that. :)
I can understand wanting to have your own subpage where you keep comments, but would you mind crossposting them also to the main page I've set up for this style? I don't want to have to check a million places for peoples' comments, and I'd also like to keep a record of development, if you know what I mean.
~ Shataina
NP. Consider it done. Glad you like the name (the hardest part of charm creation), and please steal away. Consentual plagiarism is one of the reasons I post - Issaru Has far too much ego to not smile when people use his stuff.