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Endless Chase's Hearthstones

Terrestrial Stones

Air Stones

Incense Pebble

Manse: •
Trigger: Contact with Flame

This small blue-grey rock smells strongly of spice and herb if held close to the nose. If open flame touches the stone, it will emit pleasant odors of many natures. When activated, the stone emits a faint tendril of smoke, similar to incense burning, and quickly fills the immediate area with pleasing odors. The effect is pleasurable to all, giving the bearer an extra die on all socialization rolls, and in intimate situations the effect can be intoxicating, giving a +2 to all rolls involving seduction.

Fire Stones

Stone of Failing Life

Manse: •••
Trigger: Causing a critical wound

This stone is shaped like a perfect sphere cut cleanly in half. The curved surface is a semi-clear red disturbingly similar to the color of blood. The flat surface at the bottom of the gem is opaque and is colored similarly to the skin color of the people that live in the southern deserts of creation.

When the owner of the Stone of Failing Life wounds someone beyond their final health level, they lose two health levels from bleeding instead of the usual one per round. To stop bleeding, a victim must roll two successes on their stamina plus endurance roll, instead of the typical one. Characters that regenerate only a single health level per round will continue to bleed to death unless that succed at a standard stamina plus endurance roll.

Water Stones

Fresh Spring Stone

Manse: ••
Trigger: Drinking

This stone of oblong quartz has absolutely no smell nor taste at all, even when being analyzed by magical means.

When attuned, the stone causes all fluids drank to both taste like and affect the body exactly as though it were perfectly clear spring water. No toxins or impurities in the drink are able to affect the body or taste buds of the character carrying this stone. The fluids could be blood, bodily waste, foul murk, juice, or even the finest wine, and each would taste like spring water, and provide nothing for the bearer’s body save hydration.

If mundane poisons are in the drink, they cause no effect, and magical poisons are more easily detected. Unless the magical poison specifically has no taste at all, the bearer will know immediately after tasting the drink that something is in it, as it will not taste like pure clean water. If a magical poison does not have a taste to it (this must specifically be in the description of the poison), the bearer will not be able to detect the poison by taste.

Mistform Marble

Manse: ••••
Trigger: Concentration, spending a willpower point

This spheracle gem looks like nothing more than a plain, hollow, glass ball an inch in diameter. By concentrating and spending a point of temporary willpower, the bearer of the stone can transform her entire body turns into a thick, billowing steam, though everything she is wearing or holding, including the artifact in which this stone resides, remains solid and falls immediatly to the ground/floor. This change is reflexive, and is considered to be a perfect dodge if it is performed in response to an attack (That the bearer must be aware of) or environmental damage.

Once the bearer has transformend into this mist, they cannot take any action, activate any power, or even move consciously. Over the following five rounds the mist dissapates into the air, and all signs of the bearer vanish. Over the following five round the bearer re-forms anywhere that they could see at the time of their transformation. Durring these five turns they cannot take any actions. Durring the ten rounds total that they are in their mist form they may not be harmed in any way, though in any round while reforming that they are disrupted the process is delayed for an additional round as that round's reforming was interrupted.

When the reforming is complete, the bearer's body shifts from mist to flesh instantaneously. The bearer returns without any possessions, in the bare flesh. The consequences of being found completely naked in a potentially hostile environment are the bearer's to deal with. They may not transform again until the artifact containing the Mistform Marble is in their possession.

Wood Stones

By a Nose Gem

Manse: •
Trigger: Racing

This gem appears to be a nearly flawless piece of Topaz, though upon close inspection it appears to have two flaws. The fist looks like the shape of a horseshoe, and the second, on the opposite side of the stone, appears in the shape of a human foot.

When attuned, the bearer becomes far better at racing. The bearer gains four dice to their athletics roll when in a state of competitive running. If on horseback, the same applies, though to the character's ride roll instead of athletics. Regardless of the number of successes rolled, if the player wins the race it is only by a few inches, and certainly not more than two feet. The same holds true for losing a race. The bearer seems to be behind the winner (Or last winner, if there are multiple rankings in the race) at the finish. This can lead to many dramatized situations where the player rushes from a terrible deficit of space to win by a nose, or to lose by the same amount.

Secure Sleep Stone

Manse: ••
Trigger: Sleeping

This clear blue stone is vaguely teardrop shaped. When active, the stone loses it's luster and fades to a matte grey.

The Secure Sleep Stone grants its owner complete control over many aspects of their own sleep patterns. The first, and often most welcome aspect of the stone is its ability to let its bearer fall immediately to a peaceful sleep, regardless of position or comfort level of the place the bearer is at, for any pre determined duration. They can let themselves sleep for an hour, or three minutes. The desired time is precisely what they get. This will in no way prevent the sleeper from becoming stiff or sore from sleeping draped over a tree branch or other such uncomfortable position for hours, however. The second ability granted by the stone is to make the sleeper totally immobile and silent while sleeping. Heavy snorers will breath clearly, no rattle escaping their throat, and people that toss frequently through the night will not move a muscle.

The third power of the stone is most likely the most useful for the paranoid. The sleeper is no easier to sneak up on while they are asleep than they are while awake. The bearer of the Secure Sleep Stone is aware to all stimuli that would affect any of her senses while awake (such as sight, even though eyes may be closed).

Celestial Stones

Solar Stones

Gemstone of Heart’s Purity

Manse: •••
Trigger: Gaining Limit

The Great Curse was the downfall of the Solar Exalted once, and it may yet be so again. This disc like stone bears the markings of each of the Solar Caste symbols, each symbol overlaying the next. When attuned, it allows an exalt to overcome a bit of their curse. Any time the bearer would gain a point of limit, they may roll their willpower against a difficulty of the virtue that their flaw is based off of If the roll is a success, a number of points of limit are avoided equal to one plus the extra successes rolled. If the Exalt bearing the stone is not a solar exalt, no more than a single point may be avoided. This ability does not work when the bearer would gain limit from acting against their virtues.


Manse: ••••
Trigger: Being Struck in Combat

The chime stone is incredibly light, feeling as though it is little more than a hollow ball of bronze. While attuned, it makes a small tone, similar to a small bell ringing, when tapped lightly. This effect can be suppressed by covering the stone with a piece of cloth or other similar shroud.

When the bearer of the stone is struck in combat, the stone emits a harsh, high-pitched ring that assaults the hearing of any within a radius equal to twice the bearer's essence in yards. Everyone within the radius, minus the Exalt herself, must make a reflexive Stamina + Resistance roll at a difficulty to the Exalt's essence rating. Anyone that fails this roll suffers a dice penalty equal to their own perception rating for the remainder of the scene. The sound, while clearly audible to anyone that is capable of hearing, is magical, and as such will still affect the deaf or those covering their ears. This penalty cannot be applied to an individual more than once per scene.

Owner’s Stone

Manse: • • • •
Trigger: Constant

The Owner’s Stone has the appearance of a clear glass marble. When attuned, the center of the stone flickers with sparks the color of the bearer’s anima.

When placed in an artifact made from one of the five magical materials, the Owner’s Stone supplements the essence required to maintain the attunement of the artifact. The motes to commit the artifact must still be paid to attune it, though once the artifact is attuned the motes are regained at the Exalt’s normal rate. Artifacts not of the magical material associated with the bearer’s Exalt type do not gain their material bonus unless the bearer supplies the extra motes required.

Lunar Stones


Manse: ••
Trigger: Constant

Appearing to be an oblong stone of Rose Quartz, the Mightstone is always as warm as normal body temperature, regardless of the ambien atmosphere. When attuned though an artifact made of one of the magical materials, the Mightstone imparts an overall feeling of health and hardiness onto it's bearer. The bearer of the stone may soak lethal damage with her entire stamina.


Manse: •••
Trigger: Constant

Similar to the Mightstone in appearance, the Weakstone feels even warmer to the touch, though in no way hot enough to hurt. Contrary to it's name, the Weakstone enhances the toughness of the bearer when attuned, making many attacks from weak enemies worthless. If an attack would deal less dice of damage than the bearer’s stamina, after soak, the attack does minimum damage only. Any extra dice of damage are lost.

Dementia Stone

Manse: ••••
Trigger: Being Struck in Combat

The Dementia Stone appears to be an inch and a half diameter ball of the purest silver with veins of cold iron running through it.

When the bearer of the stone is damages the stone emits a wave of distortion outwards a number of yards equal to the number of health levels sustained. This aura lasts for the scene, and follows the bearer of the stone when she moves. Any further health levels sustained increase the radius of the area by a likewise amount. Anyone within the radius suffers a penalty equal to the bearer's permanent essence when trying to attack the owner of the stone or defend from one of his attacks. People outside the sphere of influence suffer the same penalty when trying to attack the Exalt with ranged attacks.

Abyssal Stones

Strikeback Stone

Manse: ••••
Trigger: Being Hit

This gem looks to be an irregular lump of volcanic rock. When attuned the stone glows the dull red of annealing steel, and when in combat the stone trails ash colored smoke that stains clothing and skin alike. When the bearer of the Strikeback Stone is hit, the stone seeks vengeance. The stone makes an attack against the assaulter of the bearer. The difficulty to avoid the attack is equal to the bearer's essence rating, and deals a base damage equal to the health levels sustained by the bearer. This damage is not soakable by any means without the use of charms-The target's armor and stamina are useless against it.

Soulchill Stone

Manse: ••••
Trigger: Being Struck in Combat

The Soulchill stone appears to be an inch and a half sphere of flawless bone. When attuned, the stone grow cool to the touch, and a rime of ice, similar to winter frost on a window, forms across its entire surface.

When the bearer of the stone is struck in combat, the stone begins to emit a light, whirling breeze that swirls around the bearer for a number of yards equal to twice her essence rating. The whirlwind lasts for a scene and follows the bearer wherever she moves. The Stone emits a slight whirlwind of chill, misty air within radius equal to twice the bearer's essence in yards. The wind devours essence, draining a number of motes per round equal to the bearer's permanent essence rating from anyone caught within. This effect takes place on the bearer's initiative.

Sidereal Stones

Portent Stone

Manse: ••••
Trigger: Being Struck in Combat

The Portent Stone appears as an inch and a half sphere of obsidian. When the stone is attuned, its surface clears, and tiny motes of essence inside, appearing remarkably similar to the stars that can be seen on a clear night, are revealed.

When the bearer of the stone is struck in combat, tiny wisps of essence flow from the bearer's surroundings into her eyes, granting her foresight as to what is about to happen. Until the end of the following turn, the bearer is aware of everyone and everything that is going to happen within an area with a radius equal to twice her permanent essence in yards. Until the end of that time, the bearer reduces the target number to defend against any attacks coming from within that radius by the number of health levels she sustained, to a minimum of four.

Special Stones

Impenetrable Manse Gem

Manse: •••••
Trigger: Concentration, Approaching its Manse

This hearthstone holds the shape or a large diamond, though it appears to be made of the purest Orichalcum. Though the name of the stone implies an effect on its Manse, it s in fact a key and a scrying stone. When attuned, the character may concentrate for a moment, and the stone tells her the exact status of her Manse, and even gives her a feel of the immediate surrounding area. This allows her to know exactly what kind of creatures are lurking, and the effect is considered to be perfect unless beings in or near the manse are using essence enhanced hiding abilities.

The manse that this stone comes from is neigh impregnable. The walls are indestructible, the roof can hold more weight than can be set upon it, and the doors and gates will resist even the strongest attacks of the Celestial Exalted. The whole building, including the immediate area around it is immune to teleporting effects, and anyone that attempts to dig beneath the structure will find that the bottom is similarly indestructible. Obviously attacks of incredible power will be able to harm or destroy the structure. Things like Solar Circle Sorcery or the Godspear of the Five Metal Shrike should be able to harm the building. These effects should be left to the Storyteller's discretion.

The only way into the structure is through the door, and the door will only open for the bearer of the Impenetrable Manse Gem. In addition, the door will close mere seconds after the stone's bearer enters, so any companions must enter the manse before the bearer or risk getting crushed. When the manse has no exalt attuned to it the doors stand wide and all defenses are shut down, allowing free entrance to anyone that wishes to claim it.

There were several of these Manses and Hearthstones created in the first age, and only one has been discovered since.


More to come soon, I hope. -EndlessChase

I like the Incense Pebble, although if I had written it, the trigger would probably involve actually setting it on fire. I also would have probably called it Wood, though Air makes just as much sense. (I like the flame idea. -EC) Weakstone and Mightstone are both decent effects; I probably would have called them Earth instead of Lunar, but that's just me.

Impenetrable Manse Gem is an interesting idea, but I'm not sure it merits Manse 5.

Unrelated note: the word is "impenetrable," not "impenitrable." It's formed from the same root as "penetrate." (Fixed -EC) _Ikselam

Well, the Impenetrable Manse Gem is set up as a plot device, primarilly. The reason its effect doesn't seem strong enough to merit a manse of five is because of the advantages the manse has itself. Anyway, though Hearthstones are cool, the background is called Manse. I figure having a manse that no one can mess with is a sizeable advantage all on its own. The lack of power that the stone has is made up in manse security. -EndlessChase

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