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(distant version of Sight-Riding)
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Revision as of 01:52, 2 January 2006

Echoes of the Deep</b>

 <b>Cost: 5 motes
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Instant
 Min Awareness: 4
 Min Essence: 3
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Feeling the Dragon's Bones

The Earth Dragon can reveal not only what walks upon his back, but what treasures lay within his own body. By activating this Charm and making a successful Perception + Awareness roll the Terrestrial is able to sense the bowels of the Earth beneath his feet. This Charm can also reveal the contents of earthen buildings or containers. The sensory range extends out 10 yards per dot of Permanent Essence and the accuracy of the information gathered is based on the number of successes gained in the roll. One success may reveal underground caves but five would reveal the treasure chest surrounded by skeletons that sits inside the cave.

Plutocrat's Instincts</b>

 <b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Instant
 Min Awareness: 5
 Min Essence: 3
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Echoes of the Deep

The treasures of the Earth form the basis of every form of currency in Creation and three of the Five Magical Materials have their source within the bowels of the Earth. By tapping into his connection to the Earth Dragon and feeling his way through its body, a Terrestrial Exalted can locate deposits of precious metals, Jade, Moonsilver, Orichalcum or gems. The character rolls Perception + Awareness and can detect deposits within 10 miles for every success. Along with the desposit's location the character is also made aware of its purity and the type of material contained within it.

Call of the Dragon's Bones</b>

 <b>Cost: None
 Type: Special
 Duration: Permanent
 Min Awareness: 5
 Min Essence: 3
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Plutocract's Instincts

Jade shares the same elemental allignments as the Terrestrial Exalted do. Both the stone and its users draw their strength from the elements and replicate the traits of the elements in their bodies and personalities. Because of the link between the Terrestrial Exalted and their Magical Material it is possible for sufficiently attuned Terrestrials to sense the locations of Jade in any form when it is near them. This sense is not perfect, it is limited to detecting the color and general amount (very little to a whole lot) of Jade and telling the character where the Jade is in relation their body. This "Jade Sense" only extends 100 yards for each dot of Permanent Essence.

Perception-Snaring Amber Flow</b>

 <b>Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Instant
 Min Awareness: 4
 Min Essence: 2
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Precision Observation Method

The mind of a properly trained Earth dynast stores its perceptions of every detail and captures them forever in amber, preserving every moment of the Terrestrial's life. Using this Charm a Dragon-Blood can recall these memories and manipulate them however he wishes. When activated the Dynast can recall a single scene that he has experianced at any previous time since learning this Charm and review it as if he were there once again. Awareness or Investigation rolls can be made to observe the scene and Charms can be activated to aid such attempts. Anything that could have been done to observe the situation originally can be done to the memory called up by this Charm. As an optional rule for more bookishly inclined storytellers, the Dynast may have to pay 1 XP per session he wishes to recall scenes from at the conclusion of the session.

Shattering the Stillness</b>

 <b>Cost: 3 motes
 Type: Simple
 Duration: One scene
 Min Awareness: 3
 Min Essence: 3
 Pre-Requisite Charms: All-Encompassing Earth Sense

Within the Earth and its domains, stillness and stasis rule supreme. Any disturbance of the dark quiet is painful, it resounds through those attuned to the Earth. By enhancing their natural connection with the Earth, Dragon-Blooded can feel faint echoes of the discomfort that movement and action cause. Any motion taking place within their Essence x 10 yards is made known to them as long as it takes place on Earth-derived materials or the solid ground itself. This effect allows a Dragon-Blooded to be aware of any moving person or animal. While this prevents a character from being surprised and bypasses invisibility Charms and some other forms of Stealth, it does not tell the character were the attack is coming from and thus does not help in defending against attacks.

Sense-Riding Technique</b>

 <b>Cost: 4 motes
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Until disrupted
 Min Awareness: 3
 Min Essence: 2
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Precision Observation Method

This Charm replaces Sight-Riding, Hearing and Touch Riding as well as Smell and Taste Riding. It instead allows any of the five senses to be ridden, but only one may be ridden at a time. The first time a sense is ridden, it costs 1 XP. After the first time, there is no additional charge.

Sense-Destroying Method</b>

 <b>Cost: 3+ motes, 1 willpower
 Type: Simple
 Duration: One turn per dot of Essence
 Min Awareness: 4
 Min Essence: 3
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Sense-Riding Technique

This Charm replaces the three Sense-Destroying Methods listed in the Dragon-Blooded book. It allows the user to target any of the five senses. A target can only be afflicted by one use of this Charm at a time, using it again will replace the version already in effect. A Dynast may use this Charm on herself.

Cave Darkness Imposition</b>

 <b>Cost: 6 motes
 Type: Simple
 Duration: One scene
 Min Awareness: 5
 Min Essence: 3
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Sense-Destroying Technique

Within the depths of the Earth there is darkness like none that ever descends upon the surface of Creation. Summoning this darkness to the surface of the world allows a Dragon-Blooded to shroud himself and all the world from the eyes of his opponents. The darkness created by this Charm extends as many yards as the character has dots of Essence and Awareness. All the character's enemies within the darkened zone suffer a +5 difficulty penalty to all vision-based actions, including combat. Within the darkened zone all mundane Awareness rolls fail and all Stealth rolls recieve 2 automatic successes. Only Perfect Awareness effects function normally, all other vision-based Awareness Charms fail to activate.

Unflappable Rejection of Earth</b>

 <b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 experiance point
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Special
 Min Awareness: 4
 Min Essence: 3
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Sense-Destroying Method

Many common curses among the Dragon-Blooded involve the rejection of their target by the elements. These curses are typically nodstrums and folk tales, with little ability to do more then give someone a sunburn on a cloudy day or make a sailor seasick. Terrestrials who are in tune with the Earth are able to do much more. Their curses carry the force of the implacable mountains and can be very difficult to remove. Setting the curse requires a Willpower + Essence roll, difficulty of the target's Essence. This roll has its difficulty reduced by 1 if physical contact is made with the victim, and it is impossible to lay the curse without at least visual contact. The target suffers from this curse as long as he is standing on the Earth or an Earth-derived substance such as stone, dirt, metal, sand or glass. For as long as such contact exists, the target has a penalty to all actions equal to half the number of successes on the curse roll, rounded up. This can not exceed the Essence of the cursing character.\\ In order to remove such a curse, the target must somehow reunify herself with the Earth. The storyteller is encouraged to make this progressivly more difficult in relation to the Essence of the Dragon-Blood who laid the curse. The tasks involved may be as simple as preventing an act of harm against the Earth or in giving time up to emulate the Earth Dragon. It may be as difficult as requiring mastery of a special Charm Tree such as Jade Mountain Style, Earth Dragon Style or the Clay Man Charms. Once the task is complete, the curse is lifted. The cursing Exalt can dismiss the effects at any time to regain his motes.

Inner Mountain Theft</b>

 <b>Cost: 3 motes per health level
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Instant
 Min Awareness: 5
 Min Essence: 4
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Sense-Destroying Method

Having gained an impressive mastery of the Essence of Earth and made it a part of his very being, an experianced Terrestrial can command the flows of Earth Essence not only within himself, but within others. By diverting such flows from within his opponent to within himself, an Ivory Dragon can steal the very strength of his foes' flesh and bone to make himself more durable. Few Dragon-Blooded use this against more powerful opponents for fear that their own Essence may be stolen instead. The Exalt engages in a resisted roll with his target, who must be in physical contact with the Dragon-Blooded. The Exalt attempting to steal the Essence rolls Strength + Awareness while the target rolls Stamina + Endurance. The winner of the contest, which need not be the user of this Charm, may opt to pay 3 motes to steal a Health Level from the loser. Health Levels lost in this way do not count as damage, nor impose wound penalties, they are simply removed from the loser's track and added to the winner's. As many Health Levels can be transfered in this fashion as the winner had net successes on the roll. The transference of Health Levels lasts for one day per dot of the winner's permanent Essence.

Eyes of the Earth Prince</b>

 <b>Cost: 2 motes per stone
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Indefinante
 Min Awareness: 4
 Min Essence: 4
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Feeling the Dragon's Bones

The Gemlords are said to be able to see through their gemstone eyes even when the eyes are long detached from their bodies. Emulating these great creatures of the Earth, Terrestrial Exalted can infuse normal stones (no larger then the Dynast's body and no smaller then their own eye) with their Essence and use the stones to extend his own perceptions. For as long as the motes remain committed, the Dragon-Blood can use an enchanted stone as his eye. It provides 360 degree vision as far as he himself would normally be able to see. Its perception can not, however, be enhanced with Charms without learning a more advanced technique. A Dynast can maintain as many of these Earth Eyes as he has dots of Awarness (specialties count).

Taking the Distant Eye</b>

 <b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Special
 Min Awareness: 5
 Min Essence: 4
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Eyes of the Earth Prince, Sense-Riding Technique

Reaching out through the Earth in an extension of earlier techniques it is possible to ensnare the vision of any living being touching the ground, provided the character knows the being in question or knows the exact location of that being. The Dragon-Blood rolls Wits + Awareness to gain access to the target's vision. If the character gets at least as many successes as the target has dots of Essence, the target is unaware of the Charm. If the target's Essence is higher then the number of successes, they are aware someone is using their eyes. The target also becomes aware on a failure and on a botch. A botch allows the target to see through the character's eyes for a single turn. The character may end the Charm at any time.


Nice. I actually have a similar Charm, but it allows a wider use - like examing buildings, large objects and such. BTW... "treasure chest surrounded by skeletons that sits inside the cave"? Must be a pirate cave. Yarr! Resplendence

Arr! -BogMod