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A young woman appearing to be in her early twenties, Lady Tanoi has pale skin. It isn't to an unhealthy extent, but it definitely stands out in the South. She has long silver hair that goes down to the small of her back, and obsidian eyes. She is usually dressed in a modest black dress that doesn't reveal much but doesn't hide her figure much either. She usually has a slight smile on her face, and seems to be far more aware of her surroundings than a noblewoman who rarely gets out should be.


Lady Tanoi, to the public, is the heiress to a noble merchant family that has recently moved into The Lap. She hasn't been seen much outside by the general public, which is what people attribute her pale skin to. On the times she does come out, people get the impression of kindness, though something seems off about her at times. She recently approached Scarab, and after some conversation on their part and following on Scarab's part, asked her to help find her sister, who matches Ciel's description and is also named Ciel. She seems to have taken quite the liking to Scarab, and has offered a fortune and more if she succeeds in finding her sister.

However, she was not what she appeared to be. In Session 3, she led the attack on the inn where the Circle was staying, personally killing Ciel and seriously wounding Diamond. Before she could take anyone else down however, Soran interfered and the two engaged in a duel. From what Syla has said and what snatches of conversation between the duel could be heard, she was once known as Laria before she was killed in a Wyld Hunt by Dendra. She escaped with her companion before Soran could strike the final blow.

The group encountered her and her fellow deathknight Her Faithful Hound in a newly formed shadowland as they began their journey to Gem. Another battle ensued, but this one went quite differently than the others. With the intervention of Silence and Bull, Hound was killed. After that it seemed Laria had reawakened to an extent, but before anyhting else could be done Ciel, now a deathknight as well, intervened and employed a spell to warp herself and Laria out of the area. Her current fate is unknown.