Building Manses and Crafting Hearthstones
- See theXerExaltedLite/Geomancy subsection for these rules.
Creating Artifacts and the Magical Materials
- See theXerExaltedLite/Artificing subsection for these rules.
Evaluating Goods
Evaluating the quality of a finished product or work in progess is an Intelligence or Wits + Craft (specific skill) roll. The difficulty varies depending on the intent to deceive and the skill of the deceiver to do so, of course.
Creating Items
Crafting items, brewing potions and just about everything is a series of extended rolls.
Planning a project is an extended Intelligence + Craft (Specific skill) roll. Successes are assigned between time taken to plan, the overall resulting quality and the scope of the planning.
- Time taken is in raw hours, minutes or turns of work - a 'two day' project could easily take a week.
- No Successes - Two days (50 hours)
- 1 Success - one day (25 hours)
- 2 Successes - ten hours
- 3 Successes - fifth of a day (five hours)
- 4 Successes - two hours
- 5 Successes - one hour
- 6 Successes - 30 minutes
- 7 Successes - 10 minutes
- 8 Successes - 5 minutes
- 9 Successes - 2 minutes
- 10 Successes - 1 minute
- 11 Successes - 30 seconds (10 Turns)
- 12 Successes - 15 seconds (5 Turns)
- 13 Successes - 6 seconds (2 Turns)
- 14 Successes - 3 seconds (1 Turn)
- Successes are assigned to quality. Quality begins at 0 (fraudulent - worthless), 1 success is 1, and doubling (sortof) thereafter.
- - Poor (1 success). Shoddy, substandard.
- - Average (2 successes). Typical work.
- - Good (5 successes). Respectable.
- - Excellent (10 successes). An amazing design.
- - Legendary (20 successes). Flawless. Perfect. No mortal mind could design better.
- - Exalted (50 successes).
- Successes are also assigned to Scope. This is more difficult to gauge than Composing is - a doorknob with a lock is far more complex than the door itself, but repetition exists in abundance.
One designed, the Character need not design again, but replacing parts of a larger design (to improve the quality) lose any previous successes assigned to Quality.
Additional design rolls expand scope. The nature of design components will vary, but often are at least clearly and humanely seperable (multiple floors on a building, etc.)
Gathering Materials
Gathering the proper materials to build a design is generally a series of evaluation rolls (bothXerExaltedLite/Lore for raw materials and Craft rules above for tools and parts), netting at least as many extra successes as the quality of the component being built. Failure means flaws will exist in the resulting design.
Construction rolls take a single hour, with a base difficulty of the consistent quality of the item to be made. These are Dexterity or Intelligence + Craft (specific Craft) rolls. Intelligence is used for large projects that require the coordination of multiple people.
Further successes are assigned to quality of implementation. 0 means the worst possible job, 1 is 1, doubling like quality of design does.
- - Poor (1 success). Shoddy, substandard.
- - Average (2 successes). Typical work.
- - Good (5 successes). Respectable.
- - Excellent (10 successes). An amazing design.
- - Legendary (20 successes). Flawless. Perfect. No mortal hand could craft better.
- - Exalted (50 successes).
Remaining successes are assigned to scope, using the same handwaving that designing does. At least one success must be assigned to it. The Scope of a design may be less than the Scope of its construction.