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Name: The Wanderer, Dancer in the Wind
Concept: First Age Lunar
Caste: No Moon
Totem: Hybroc


Back in the first age, there was a young Lunar who lived for the dance. She would perform in front of the Solar courts with her mid-air dance, and many, Exalted and mortals alike, admired her beauty and grace. However, dancing was not the only thing she knew... the Lunar was an incredible sorceress for her young age, mastering several spells, especially those than involved the wind. This and many other things gave her the nickname of the Dancer in the Wind among her friends.

And then the Usurpation came.

Like many of her kind, she fled into the corners of the world, into the Wyld. She fled alone, losing contact with her peers. And then the Wyld nearly claimed her.

When the No Moons finally found the way to lock the forms, the young Lunar had already lost most of her mind to the Wyld, and the rest threatened to follow. They found her almost by luck and managed to seal her shape. They discovered they had almost been too late as they saw the changes brought upon the girl. She was in her human form, but... now she had two gigantic, feathered wings on her back.

She woke up not long after, confused and without memory. Attempts to communicate with her met mostly with failure. She was so confused she could barely remember how to talk right. She only finally reacted when somebody referred her as the Dancer of the Wind, but it wasn't much.

While the other Lunars discussed among themselves what they should do with her, they suddenly discovered she had left without a word. They didn't manage to find her afterwards either, and, in fact, it wouldn't be several years until she was seen again.

Ever since, the Dancer of the Wind, who sometimes forgets that name and then refers to herself as The Wanderer, travels across Creation without rhyme or reason. She sees new things all the time, because she promptly forgets whatever she just saw. Sometimes, however, she remembers things. And the one thing she always remembers is that she loved to dance. If one pays close attention to a storm with powerful winds, they might just see the young Lunar dancing in the middle of it, to forgotten songs.


The Wanderer is... a ditz. This is the first impression many who meet her for any length of time get of her. She's always smiling absently, getting lost in thought, and quickly seems to forget any given name.

She is, however, pleasant company, and easy to amuse. Many mortals who meet her often assume she's a spirit of sorts, and many leave happy that they easily managed to please said spirit. She's curious, like a child, and asks lots of questions, sometimes even repeating herself. Whenever somebody asks her name, she thinks for a long time before answering. She sometimes calls herself the Dancer in the Wind, and The Wanderer the rest of the time (and sometimes she just plain says she forgets). Her true name is likely lost forever.

She is... pleased, with her lot in life. She cannot remember a thing, which makes her sad sometimes. But then she forgets that she was sad, and is happy again. Every day brings new things to her, and this makes her happy, even if she gets an odd feeling of deja vu most of the time.

From time to time, she has the odd bout of wisdom as she remembers something from her past. Said bouts tend to last only for a couple of minutes, and then she's right back to normal.

The Wanderer is -incredibly- hard to anger, playful as she is. She has been hunted by Immaculate Monks a few times, and she seems to enjoy the game well enough. Then she gets distracted by a shiny thing and flies off, leaving a frustrated but unharmed monk behind. She has never been angered in all these years... which is just as well. Making her angry would probably trigger memories of her more unpleasant powers, and that'd be bad for everybody involved.


In her human form, The Wanderer appears as a beautiful, slim young woman with long and messy blond hair held up in a ponytail. She wears only a light robe, which is worn with time and use. Her eyes are large and green in color. One can also easily see the two huge wings that sprout from her back, easily a foot taller than her head and long enough to nearly sweep the ground; her Tell, mutated by the energies of the Wyld long before she was tattooed, and a testimony of how close she was of losing herself completely.

Her tattoos are located in her arms, beginning from the wrist to her elbow. She also has a couple under each wing (an unsuccessful attempt on getting rid of them) which are much less visible. Her tattoos are never hidden. If she knows Hide of the Cunning Hunter or any similar charms matters little, because she has no idea what the Wyld Hunt is.

Other than her robe (which are what remains of the once beautiful robes she first fled with... which says something about their incredible duration), the Wanderer has nothing else in her person.

She has not assumed her beastman form since the time she was tattooed, or her totem form. It’s certain she has quite a lot of animals in her library as well, but she has never taken their forms either.

Visions of the World

Lunars: The Wanderer has no renown and thus no face to other Lunars, who usually regard her with oddity. Of course, she cannot keep promises she makes as she often forgets about them. Others First-Age Lunars think her a lost cause and just avoid her. A few, however, try to keep track of her and see what she's up to. From time to time, these few benefit from her sudden bursts of wisdom... or just with her dance.

Solars: It’s fully possible... in fact, very likely, that her own Solar mate is out there somewhere. However, she cannot remember him at all. She herself doesn't remember the Solars, but she sometimes does remember and dream things about the sun. these dreams have come more and more often in the last years.

Sidereals: She cannot remember the Sidereals at all, but has bumped into them a few times. The younger ones that have heard of her consider her harmless, but the eldest know better.

Abyssals: If she has ever met an Abyssal before, she certainly cannot remember any.

Dragon-Blooded: The Dragon-blooded... she finds funny. Some chase her and call her things that she hasn't been called before. She likes to play with them just as much as she likes playing with mortals. Very, very rarely, seeing a Dragon-blood will make her get sad or slightly angry at something, but she soon forgets about it.

Mortals: The Wanderer can't help but like mortals, even if she finds them incredibly silly most of the time. Most of them tend to be afraid of her though... so she likes to play games with them to cheer them up (The games can be anything from a riddle she remembers from somewhere to grabbing somebody and taking them for a short flight). She especially likes children, as they are less likely to be afraid of her and are often much more creative in their games than adults.

Other Things: Unconsciously, the Wanderer avoids the Wyld like the plague, and anything that has something to do with it. She also tends to ignore shadowlands, as those places sadden her for some reason. She cannot remember ever dealing with demons (and it’s unlikely she actually knows the demon summoning spells). Spirits, especially spirits of the wind, tend to respect her a great deal.

One of the few things the Wanderer does remember (most of the time) is that she's a servant of Luna. She participates in no hunts nor does she make her own though. However, she can usually be found doing her dance all night long in those nights that have no moon, at least once every month. This is her own way of giving thanks to Luna.

Powers and out of game stuff

Amnesia aside, The Wanderer can be, and as a matter of fact -is-, incredibly powerful. She has quite a bit of Essence, and once learned several spells of the Terrestrial and Celestial Circles. Chances are, she will remember any of them at a given moment, and might just try to cast it (of course, if the casting time is ridiculously large, she'll probably forget midway or just starting). This is especially true if the spell involves wind control of any sort.

Stating her is almost impossible: Her age means she's very powerful, and her amnesia means that her traits tend to fluctuate. A few things remain constant: she is an -EXCELLENT- dancer, for example. She also knows several languages, and can speak with just about every person in Creation easily... hearing different tongues often triggers memories of said tongues. However: Most of the time, her Manipulation and all her Mental stats can be considered an effective 1 (she never tries to trick anybody, and often appears more than a little spaced out), and her Appearance is a constant 4.

Also, it must be pointed out that her Hybroc totem means that her animal form and her beastman form are -huge- and terrifying. She's no Full Moon, but she can hold her own against anybody in that form save for other First Age Lunars, and even this is uncertain…

Should she ever get angered enough to get into a fight, she can be considered to change into her beastman form almost by reflex and tear into anybody nearby in a berserker rage. She can also be assumed to remember her offensive and defensive sorcery then, and chances are she will use them very, very effectively. And when she's done, she'll likely wander away and forget about it. This, thankfully, has never happened in the past.

The Wanderer has no real Backgrounds to speak of, and that might be her only short-coming power-wise. This means she has no Artifacts, Manse, Resources, Allies, Renown, Cult... The only thing she can be considered having, Background wise, is Heart's Blood (which includes no humans in its library). However, as said before, she hasn't left her human form in ages.

Her highest virtue is that of Temperance, followed by Compassion, Conviction, and finally Valor. It’s hard to tell if she has ever fallen into her Curse.

Also, in game terms, The Wanderer has the Flaw: Amnesia, but it goes even beyond the 5 point version (she often forgets things a couple of minutes after she's learned them). She recalls things at random, whether the knowledge is useful or not at the given moment.

She can also be considered to be having the Wings mutation, but she has grown so used to them that she can pull any mid-air stunt with them you can possibly think of. Her wings are quite powerful as well: a single flap from her wings as she takes off will pull her several meters off the ground, as well as knock just about anything nearby to the floor as long as its not too heavy (most humans aren't that heavy).
