Thus Spake Zargrabowski/ShallowGods

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g_c_grabowski - 10/12/2003 15:29:12 -

>>they turned the gods from paragons of the good virtues into a bunch of lazy gambling addicts no doubt with lots of porn stashed on their essence-driven hard-drives.<<<

You're free to like or dislike the games of divinity as you please. But...

First, this isn't Plato's Republic or the Immaculate Philosophy. I don't have a civic duty to make sure that the myths I make encourage everyone to be better citizens by demonstrating good citizenship is the natural order. You act like I'm comitting some sort of moral wrong. I'm not.

Second, actual gods in actual epics are very often shallow, selfish and short-sighted. So are gods in fantasist literature. Sorry if you don't like that my gods are like Norse gods or the gods of Pegana, it's my feeling that a lot of the paying customers are here for that, though, so I wouldn't expect it to change.

Geoffrey C. Grabowski\\ Exalted Developer, WWGS\\

g_c_grabowski - 10/11/2003 07:55:25 -

>>>On the other hand, why did they have to be on the Equivlent of Celestial Crack? I mean Come on now! How are we suppose to have any respect for the Uncounquered Sun or the Others when there all to Busy Getting Stoned by this Game!?<<<

Several reasons --

  • Distant and dislikeable gods are staples of the pulp fantasy genre. If you think the Exalted gods are pricks, read Pegana or Tales From The Flat Earth sometime.
  • If the gods were all that great, you'd be asking how they could let Creation get run down, and I'd be all like, "umm, dunno."
  • I think that it resonates well with the modern reader.

Geoffrey C. Grabowski\\ Exalted Developer, WWGS\\