Thus Spake Zargrabowski/CharmsAndSherlockHolmes

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This is true. Basically, where you have your Charms, especially advanced Charms, is where you excel all men. Where you don't have Charms, you're still just a heroic mortal. You have some advantages, but they're not insuperable. Heroic mortals who try to fight against Exalted don't live very long.

Sherlock Holmes is a pretty viable character, but not for a story about battling other Exalted, because if they catch him, they're gonna do some godly attack on him and that'll be the end of him. If you want to play a Hong Kong action move, then everyone needs to be a Hong Kong action movie character, or some Jubei is gonna come along and cut them into nine pieces that all slide apart when they try to say "but!"

Geoffrey C. Grabowski\\ Exalted Developer, WWGS\\