Thus Spake Zarasnead/CelestialBattleArmourRepairRating

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From 20th April 2009

Re: (Exalted) Celestial Battle Armor

Quote:(Originally Posted by Argent)
"I would say, since it is roughly on par with the Dragon Armors (which are Artifact 4) - in some cases arguably worse - that it is Artifact 5 precisely because it needs no maintenance. The alternative does not make much sense in context."

I wrote up CBA, and I definitely agree that it should not require maintenance - it's a creation of the High First Age, and like most things made then, it shouldn't. From my PoV, most devices that require maintenance were either made for Dragon-Blooded or during the Shogunate. I'd assume that Repair 3 only matters if the armor is damaged and requires repair.