Thus Spake Zarasnead/AdditionalDragonKingArtifactsAgain

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Quote: Originally Posted by Radendaren View Post Dragon King technology should have something suitable, no? Either some sort of healing crystal or a plant that grants regenerative abilities. There is indeed, and it was cut for lack of space.

Healing Orchid (Artifact ••) The Dragon Kings bred the rare and potent emerald orchid from the life flowers found in the far East. This plant is designed to grow on living flesh and can be easily used any being with Enlightened Essence. The wearer must commit 3 motes of Essence to keep this plant healthy.

This plant is a finger-thick vine bearing several dozen thumb-sized leaves and half a dozen small emerald green flowers. It is designed to encircle the wearer's arm. It sends many small roots painlessly into the wearer's flesh. Exalts and creatures that heal as rapidly as the Exalted who wear this flower heal one level of bashing damage per hour or one level of lethal damage every three hours. This flower also allows Dragon Kings and other Essence users who heal more slowly to heal as rapidly as one of the Exalted. The flower also allows Exalts or Dragon Kings to roll two additional dice to resist poison, disease or infection. As long as the wearer is alive, the plant survives and functions normally, although it loses its flowers in extremely cold climates.

Here are two other items that were cut:

Belt of Crystal Adaptation (Artifact •••) This belt of flat rectangular crystals allows the wearer to exist in almost any natural environment. He can remain comfortable in a blazing desert, walking barefoot through a frigid arctic blizzard or even underwater. This artifact even allows the wearer to comfortable swim in freezing water or in the far extremes of the North or South. However, this item only protects the wearer against harsh environments, it does not protect him from elementally-based attacks or other environmental effects like poisons or the energies of the Wyld. In addition, while this device negates the wearers need to breathe, she still requires food and water. To attune this item, the wearer must expend 6 motes of Essence. Once attuned, the belt sizes to fit the wearer. A single large flat circular crystal forms the belt's buckle, this crystal has a setting for a single hearthstone.

Crystal of Protection (Artifact •••) These items are fist-sized clear crystals usually carved in the form of some sort of statue, often of a large animal. When the user places it on a solid surface and expends 7 motes of Essence, it creates a hemispheric dome of softly glowing sunfire. This dome is four yards in diameter and eight feet high and provides light equal to late twilight. This Essence dome prevents wind, rain and cold from affecting anyone inside and provides a warm and comfortable environment for them. In addition, anyone from outside of the dome that attempts to enter takes five dice of lethal damage from Essence burns. Armor does not protect against these burns, only the character’s natural soak. This dome also provides protection against ranged attacks equal to 75% cover (increase the DV anyone inside the dome by +3 for ranged attacks). However, it provides no protection against hand-to-hand attacks. The dome lasts until the character who activated it leaves or until a full day passes. As soon as either happens, the dome collapses and cannot be used again until the crystal has been exposed to sunlight for at least one hour. Users often tie these crystals to their saddles or wear them as large pendants.
