The Ghost/Stalwart Iron Hero Style

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Martial Arts and it's associated style charms do not come naturally to the Alchemical Exalted, but never the less they are able to practice them with effort and training. For mortals however Martial Arts is about the only charms they may wield and that only with effort and training at least equal to that required by the chosen of Autochthon. It should come as no surprise then that these two forces would come together to create a style which allowed the people of Autochthonia to emulate the feats of their state sponsored heroes and with utmost effort grasp the lighting and touch the divine.

History of Stalwart Iron Hero Style

Of the martial arts native to Autochthonia Stalwart Iron Hero is perhaps the oldest of all. Created within a few years of the appearance of the first Exalted who founded the eight nations