The Cast Of Characters/Magnificent Celestial Tiger

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Magnificent Celestial Tiger

(Magnifike Himmelstiger)

MCT is a centuries-old Lunar Exalt who has settled down as God-King in the valley of Erd in the north. The valley, as is custom for hidden savage lands, is subtropic in temperature, lushly vegetated and adorned with a city of gold and silver-plated pyramids.

MCT settled down in the valley more than two hundred years ago, as a pretty young Lunar who had just been tattooed and initiated as a Full Moon. Bringing people from the nearby starving mountain tribes with him, he settled down in the discovered lost city of pyramids. He also negotiated for peace with the nearby Raksha (in the neighbouring valley-Freehold) by agreeing to fight their champion in a formal duel every three years; if the Raksha won, they could invade (and indeed, re-claim) the valley. If he won, there would be a new duel in three years. So far, this arrangement has worked magnificently.

The valley is populated by humans, though many of them has Lunar blood in their veins and have some feline physical characteristics. MCT has three highly valued Half-Caste children who serve him faithfully.

The PC:s came in contact with MCT when their skyship crashed down in Erd after an attack by violent mountain tribes (with some quite proficient weather thaumaturges) of wolven beastmen. He welcomed them happily and treated them as highly valued guests (as he remembered the lessons about the Sun-Children; his mentor held them in quite high regard).