The Book Of Water/Sanda Household

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The Sanda Household is a splinter branch of the Dynastic House Ledaal, whose members have developed their martial arts prowess to a level almost unheard of in the Realm. Founded by Ledaal Sanda two hundred years ago, it is based out of a level-two Dojo Manse that produces a Kata-Sculpting Gem in the Household's territory in Greyfalls.

Sanda members are raised in all the traditional pursuits of Dragon-Blooded families, but also add a strong emphasis on hand-to-hand combat and the virtues of the Martial Arts World. Indeed, the Household has consistently maintained such a high level of skill, that all members enjoy a Face rating of +1 in all lands maintained by the Scarlet Dynasty (although their Reputation and Family ratings are still determined independently). Most members are also renown for their personal mastery of exotic weaponary not normally seen used...

Household Sanda has an open policy of accepting any and all challenges, at any time, and the few who win against them in fair contests are often invited to join (by marriage if a Terrestrial, by becoming a retainer if mortal). This reknown that ensured that most of the best Dojos in Realm territory are run by Sanda Sifu...

Notable Members

Ledaal Sanda: Still going strong on three hundred years old, Sanda knows that he is nearing the end of his lifespan. He spends most of his days meditating on Water Essence beneath the Grey Falls waterfall near Greyfalls or on the bottom of a lake. Occassionally, he releases some new treatise into circulation, which rivals Ragara Myrrun's influence in the Martial Arts World.

A Water-Aspected martial arts prodigy, it was Sanda's talent at devising cunning branches of Terrestrial Hero Style martial arts that gave him the clout to take neglected Ledaal territory in the Scavenger Lands for his own development. He has only taught his unique THS extensions and combos to members of his own family and rules that they should do the same.

Through these charms (and incredibly rigorous training, even for Dragon-Blooded) he has produced Terrestrial and mortal fighters almost as powerful and disciplined as Terrestrial and mortal Immaculate Monks. This will be most useful in the upcoming Dynastic civil war Sanda foresees; he has no ambitions of taking the throne or seeing any of his children upon it, but he does intend to make their usefulness as official Guardians of the Throne indisputable...and, depending on who finally sits on it, that may well be an even more powerful position.

Sanda has mastered many Terrestrial disciplines, including some quite rare in the Threshold that those in the Realm have likely never heard of. His early seminary training introduced him to the Immaculate Dragon Paths, four of which he has mastered (he's still working on Wood Dragon Style). The Sidereals would be quite surprised to learn that he has mastered many other Celestial Styles as well, thanks to the influence of Three Ravens...

Ledaal Sanda Chou: An Earth-Aspected Outcaste, Chou was embraced into the Family after defeating one of its members in a Scavenger Lands national duel. A former Pit Fighter, this highly skilled warrior has since tried his hand at virtually every offer of violence the Realm could offer: He has served in the Legions, the Wyld Hunt, and even as an elite "Dragon Handler" of the Imperial Force. His ultimate ambition is to face an Immaculate Master in combat; and his frustration at their refusal to honor such requests is growing...Chou is a First Pulse master, and is near to mastering Jade Mountain.

Ledaal Sanda Decimus: This Fire-Aspected wanderer is the very paragon of the Heroic Swordsman image; perhaps consciously so. Eschewing all but the most informal contact with his family, he selflessly meaners about, doing good deeds for any who need them done. One of the few Magistrates who actually *requested* the job, he loves nothing more than flashing his official badge at lawbreakers...except the inevitable tussle that occurs when they put up a fight, that is.

The Magistrates have fallen on hard times recently. Many have been killed by political enemies and others have fled. Decimus' rousing, inspiring manner rallies the remainder...and, perhaps with a bit of strategic planning, can transform them into something greater than they've ever been before...Decimus has mastered Even Blade Style and other sword arts.

Ledaal Sanda Eudoxia: A Wood-Aspected socialite, Eudoxia watches over the Household's interests on the Blessed Isle, a role many see as her escape from the boondocks she was born in. Perhaps to compensate for her geographical origins, she goes to great length to impress with her exquisite, tho somewhat overbearing, taste in fashion, fine arts, and entertainments. Those who are deceived by her "party girl" demeanor never realize that she is one of the deadliest members of her Household until it is far too late.

Indeed, even her immediate family does not know that she has joined the White Veil Society as well as a couple of Sorcerer Societies and is often engrossed in their mysterious work. She has mastered White Veil, Orgiastic Fugitive and Ill Lily Styles, among other subtle arts, and is quite skilled at mixing their effects with Terrestrial Sorcery.

Ledaal Sanda Ran: An Air-Aspected Immaculate Monk of the 1st Coil, Ran has impressed her tutors with her honest piety as well as with her prodigious skill. She is only a few steps away from mastering Air Dragon Style, and may well become one of the rare Grandmasters of the Order, given time. Unfortunately, with so many eyes upon her, Ran is uncertain if her loyalty to her Household means that she should use those skills in their name. She is currently torn between chosing the Cloister or the Itinerant traditions...

Three Ravens: A Chosen of Endings who was born into the Sanda household shortly after it began, Three Ravens has an almost fanatical devotion to her family that places her firmly in the "Dragon's Bastards" clique of the Bronze Faction. She has used her knowledge of First Age Enlightenment techniques to pass on the Tiger-and-Bear Initiation to her Terrestrial ancestor, who she also personally (and secretly) trained in various Celestial Styles.

Together, the two of them steer the fortunes of the Household, although Three Ravens is usually in a Resplendent Destiny disguise as a family servant, tutor or gardener. She has no compunctions about boosting the family's business through Sidereal Astrology, but she draws the line at enhancing their combat prowess that way (so far...).

Three Ravens ponders what she will do when the old man dies (besides personally conducting his funeral rites, of course). Both are anxious about finding a successor to take the reins of the Household, but so far no one quite qualifies. Three Ravens is sorely tempted to take the position herself, if she can find a way to do so without Heaven noticing...