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The Corgo League

  • Location: Scavenger Lands, just east of Cut'n'Shoot
  • Population
    • Urban: 400,000
    • Surrounding Area: 8 million
  • Ruler: The Council of Cities
  • Status: Tributary State of the Realm, assigned to the Houri Gang

Once a prosperous region during the Iron Millenium, the Chaos Plague reduced this area to a few shrivelled cities and many pathetic villages. The enslavement of the hapless inhabitants of the Messana and Pelops Districts by the Seventh and a Half Legion, however, forced the locals to unite and they appealed to the Scarlet Empire for protection. Shielded by the Realm, they have held off endless attacks by their neighbors over the centuries and prospered.

The Corgo League cities have become bastions of culture and entertainment in the often-crude Scavenger Lands. They are the premiere producers of high and low quality manga and doujinshi in all the East. In addition, the two main cities are stuffed full of theatres, museums, libraries, parks, and amusement parks, along with fine dining and lots of alcohol. And brothels. Lots and lots of brothels. This is maintained by extensive raiding of neighbors to gather slaves to do all the hard work. This has tended to slow the spread of their superior culture.

Corin city has one of the few major schools outside the Scarlet Empire, dedicated to the study of oratory, philosophy, history, music, law, and astrology.

Argo City is noted for its major theatre festival each year, which attracts aspiring playwrights; the plays tend to reinforce the doctrines of the Kawaii Order or else involve showing people from Cut'n'Shoot being thick-witted militaristic thugs who are out-thought by the superior minds of the Corgians. Really.

Corgians tend to be deeply philosophical and like to argue endlessly about the meaning of the universe and the very definition of Kawaiiness. They also LOVE TO HEAR THEMSELVES TALKING.

Like Cut'n'Shoot, the Corgo League divides its inhabitants between slaves at the bottom, foreigners in the middle, and citizens at the top. It is a republic, though like most republics in Creation, this means outcaste Magical Girls and God-Blooded tend to win all the elections. The highest ranking offices require one to show skill in one of the six academic fields: oratory, philosophy, history, music, law, and astrology. They refer to this as rule by 'Philosopher Kings'.