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Unwelcome Attention

The Loom of Fate is in an uproar.

The pattern spiders, the unflappable maintainers of Creation's fabric, are scurrying about the millions of threads as if in a panic. Unsurprisingly, the Sidereals are panicking, too.

One of them, quicker on the uptake than his fellows, checks the Loom to see where the problem is. A quick breach of protocol later and he is sharing a balcony with a harried-looking young woman.

"Umi. What's going on?"

"I don't know!" she cries, "It looks almost like a full-scale incursion, but it's been centuries since the last one! Especially not... there!" she waves at the threads that she is nominally responsible for. "I got this job because nothing happens there, and now..." she turns to a servitor-god scrawls her mon on a half-dozen scrolls and then turns back.

The visitor frowns, "Nothing? When was the last time anything did happen there?"

"I don't know! That place? Five Providences? Never, as long as I've been doing this, so... a hundred years? Nothing in the records since the Empress took the throne, either."

"I'll check," a quick gesture and a strangely plant-like god appears next to his shoulder. He whispers a request and a handful of seconds later the god returns with a single scroll, both large and official looking.

"Tahtien, what's it say?!"

He reads aloud, "The records you have requested cannot be given to you at this time. They have been placed under seal at the request of the Maiden of..." his face blanches.

"Which one was it?"

"Umi," he whispers, turning the scroll around, "It was all of them."