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Charm Revisions by Name

Bulwark Stance - This Charm's Type is Reflexive and its duration is "Until broken". Maintaining this Charm is considered the character's dice action each round, and taking a dice action that is not defensive breaks the Charm.
Fivefold Bulwark Stance - This Charm's Type is Simple.
Heavenly Guardian Defense - This Charm has an Essence requirement of 3.
One Weapon, Two Blows - This Charm's Type is Simple. It's effect is to double the base damage of the attack, before attack successes are added.
Iron Whirlwind - This Charm has been changed; see below.
Blazing Solar Bolt - This Charm has been removed entirely.
Sun-and-Moon Method - This Charm has been removed entirely.
Retrieve the Fallen Weapon - This Charm has been removed entirely.
Call the Blade - This Charm's Type is Reflexive. It is the prerequisite for Iron Raptor Technique.

New and Revised Charms

Iron Whirlwind</b>

<b>Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Min. Melee: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Peony Blossom Attack

The Exalt sweeps his weapon in a deadly arc about him, attacking every nearby foe. The Solar makes a single Melee attack roll as normal and applies it to every enemy in melee range of him. If placed in a combo with Supplemental Charms, they need be paid for only once per activation of this Charm, regardless of how many opponents are affected by the Iron Whirlwind.