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Summon Magma Servant

Solar Circle
Cost: 40(or 50)+ motes
Range: 500 yards
Target: One conjured automaton

This spell summons a massive creature of earth and fire, it consists a magma core covered with cracked black obsidian, the underlying magma is usually visible through cracks in the skin. The Magma Servant has 8 20 yard long tentacles and 2 40 yard long tentacles attached to an arrow-shaped body that is 10 yards in diameter and 20 yards long. On each side of the body is a liquid golden eye 5 yards accross. The Magma Servant is sometimes(understandably) known by the name of the Celestial spell, Magma Kraken.

Unlike the Celestial Spell, the Magma Servant can reflexivly close the cracks in it's skin, creating a smooth obsidian surface that is only slighly warm to the touch, this allows it to preserve objects from it's fiery interior. The Magma Servant can speak Old Realm, but prefers nonverbal expression whenever possible. They are fairly expressive and make high pitched keening noises when in an especially good mood. The golden eyes in particular are very expressive.

These creatures can be used in combat, although their temperment is not really suited for it. They are gentle by nature, but have an instictive hatred of necromancy. Necromantic constructs will viciously attacked without explicit orders from the summoner. They are unflaggingly cheerful and will play, to the extent allowed by their orders. They have a particular affinity for juggling, at which they naturally excell. Magma Servants have a natural affinity for children and make excellent(and fierce!) nursemaids. They will not harm a child unless directly ordered to do so, in turn, children are not frightened by these creatures in the least and will gleefully climb all over them. Magma Servants may tunnel through earth at will, similar to the Mobility power of earth Elementals, they do not leave a tunnel. The also can shape earth and stone easily with their limbs, making them usefull in construction(where they count as 5 first circle demons, or alternativly have a Scope of • •).

This spell may be case three differnt ways. The standard way is via a 3 hour long ritual, at the end of which the servant will emerge from the earth(people standing in the area must make a Dex+Athletics(2) roll or be thrown to the ground). In this case,the Magma Servant will server for a number of days equal to the summoners essence. The creature may also be summoned in an emergency, in which case the base cost is increased by 10 and the servant serves for a single scene. The 10 motes are commited. This version takes the normal time to cast for a spell of this circle, and it is not possible to customize the Magma Servant. Finally, the 3 hour version may be cast using ritual materials costing Resources •••••. In this case, 5 motes of the base casting cost(40) are commited and the Magma Servant remains until killed or released.

It is possible to spend additional motes to enhance the summoned creature. The costs are the same as for the Imbue Amalagam spell with the following restrictions: The Magma Servants physical attributes, Brawl, weapon attributes and soak may not be changed. They may not be given additional weapons or Sorcery beyond the Terrestrial Circle. They may be taught to weild external weapons(given a melee skill) but must use warstrider sized weapons. They may attune to artifacts(although only warstrider sized ones are useful) like a Solar Exalt. Charms are often used customize the servant to a specific purpose.


Attributes: Strength 10, Dexterity (Casters Essence), Stamina 10, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4(cute), Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Abilities: Athletics 5(Feats of Strength +2, Juggling +1), Awareness 3, Brawl (Casters Occult)(Cliche +3), Dodge 5, Endurance 4, Resistance 1, Stealth 2 (Underground +3), Survival 3, Presence 3, Thrown 3(Magma Jet +2)
Virtues: Compassion 5, Conviction 3, Temprence 3, Valor 5(Automata, never fails valor rolls).

Stats in [] are for Power Combat

Attacks                         Speed:   Accuracy:    Damage:                  Defence:      
Fiery Tentacle(Fire Damage) +3[+10] 3 5L+(Casters Essence)+Str 3
Normal Tentacle +3[+10] 3 (Casters Essence)+Str 3

Soak: 15L/20B (Fiery Hide: 10L/10B also gives 10 hardness)
Willpower: 6+
Health Levels: 10x(Casters Essence)
Essence: 3+
Essence Pool: 35+

These statistics given refer to the Magma Servants body, the tentacles may be attacked individually and have the same statistics as the Magma Kraken spell(p 131. Savant and Sorcerer). The body regenerates 10 health levels at the start of each turn. Severed tentacles regenerate after 24 hours.

Each tentacle may act independatly each turn without penalty. Thus the Magma Servant reduces the penalty for splitting actions by 10(to a minimum of zero). The Magma Servant may spit magma at a target within 100 yards using it's Dex + Thrown(and it's specialty), this costs 5 essence and does 5+(Casters Essence) + addional successes in lethal fire damage. It may only do this once per turn. Finally, the Magma Servant may cast an inky black cloud for 5 motes once per turn as a reflexive action. This cloud of magical darkenss is roughly spherical in shape and has a radius of (Essence x 10 yards). This effect is equivilent to the Summoning the Heart of Darkness spell(p135 Savant and Sorcerer). The Magma Servant is consider to have supernatural sense for the purposes of navigating in this effect

Magma Servants have no anima banner, but their golden eyes betray their link to the Unconquered Sun and they can only be summoned by Solar Exalted. They are obvious products of sorcery. They are immune to infection and resist sorcery like Exalted, they count 10's as two successes and may perform stunts(ofen playfully).

A sorcerer may only have one of these creatures summoned at a time. If a new one is summoned, the old one will leave, although they all have the same memories. When the duration of the spell expires, the Magma Servant burrows into the ground and leaves. If killed before then it becomes a large twisted hunk of obsidian.


Comments welcome: I was a bit unsure of what the stats should be. I link this spell to Kelyom , but that isn't necessary. (Actully noticed the entry afterward, but it was to cool not to use)--FlowsLikeBits