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Chapter 3 : Character Creation

Step 1: Concept

Note Concept and Nature. Decide what the character was annointed with Exaltation for, what the character strives to accomplish with Autochthon's grace, and how the character continues to be with her own eccentric existence. Take note that by the time of initial Exaltation of Alchemicals, he only could afford nine Shards without causing possible unwanted catastrophe. Only the ones with dogged determination to accomplish her life's goal were Exalted by Autochthon.


The original Nine Chosens of Autochthon were seperated into three Castes, in accordance with their merit and potential. Unlike how Lesser Alchemicals' Castes dictate what they are, more than what they do, Alchemicals' Castes represent the Exalts' efficiency and potential of their actions. Heroes who display greater mechanical efficiency of their body become the Forges, shields and weapons that terminate any opposing forces against Autochthon and his children's will. Analysts and ambassadors with keen sense of complex social interactions are granted with abilities to bring the most ideal situations and scrutinize convoluted social engineering without peer, and are named the Actuators. Those destined to become strategists and savants are reborn as the Abacuses, who calculate and design reality with their incomparable intelligence and flexibility.


While they are machiens that act as the Great Maker's arms, each Alchemicals are ultimately ruled by what they are. Nature acts almost identically with it would with any other characters in Exalted.

Step 2: Choosing Attributes

As usual, Attributes of Alchemicals begin with one (1) dot. Alchemicals receive nine (9) dots to distributes among her primary Attributes, seven (7) dots among secondary Attributes, and five (5) dots among tertiary Attributes. At this stage of Character Creation, no Attribute is allowed to be raised above five.

Caste Attributes

  • Forge Caste are those who execute to achieve their goals. They show preternatural superiority in Strength, Dexterity and Stamina.
  • Actuator Caste are those who interact to achieve their goals. They show preternatural superiority in Charisma, Manipulation and Apparance.
  • Abacus Caste are those who devise to achieve their goals. They show preternatural superiority in Perception, Intelligence and Wits.

While these Caste Attributes are the Alchemical's most potential traits, this does not mean that they are already the Alchemical's forte. It is not necessary for the Caste Attributes to be the Exalt's primary Attributes.

Step 3: Choosing Abilities

Abilities, unlike Attributes, begin with zero (0) dots. Alchemicals do not possess Caste Attributes, however they excel at certain things they do. For example, all Alchemicals have great potential in Craft, due to Autochthon's creative Essence within them. The character may favor four (4) other Abilities that he has natural affinity with. Craft of any kind is automatically considered Favored for all Alchemicals. Then, players receive ten (10) dots of Ability dots to spread among the Alchemical's Favored Abilities, and fifteen (15) among the others. At this stage of Character Creation, no Ability may be larger than three (3).

Step 4: Advantages (To be fixed up later!)

As newly Exalted beings, Alchemicals begin their heroic journey with seven (7) points of Background. At this stage of creation no Background may be raised above three (3). Alchemicals have access to special Backgrounds due to their connection with the Great Maker, in addition to the Backgrounds presented in the corebook. For Alchemicals created after Autochthon returns to Creation, they possess ten (10) points of Background, and automatically receives Class 3.

Alchemical Exalted developed Essence routines and circuits that empower their actions known as Charms, just like other Exalts of Creation. However, their inherent uniqueness in design made Charms of Alchemicals differ from the most of the rest. Alchemical Charms are based on Attributes instead of Abilities. Alchemicals start with nine (9) Charms, and four (4) Charms among them must be from the Alchemical's Caste Attribute.

As beings with souls, the Children of Machine God have four Virtues that drive them. Distribute five (5) dots among four Vitues, which none of them may exceed three (3) at this stage of character creation.


Step 5: Finishing Touch

Like all other Exalts, Alchemicals begin with two (2) dots of Essence. Their Willpower trait is calculated like other Exalts as well (the sum of two highest Virtues.) Alchemicals' Essence pool is divided into two - Personal and Peripheral. Personal mote pool is small compared to the Exalt's Peripheral mote pool, however spending Essence from the Peipheral pool creates magnificent displays of Essence, thus Personal motes are preferred if stealth is necessary. The Personal Essence pool of an Alchemical equals [Essence + (Willpower x 2)] and Peripheral pool equals [(Essence x 4) + (Willpower x 2) + (the Exalt's Highest Virtue x 4)].

Alchemicals have usual seven Health Leves - 0, -1 x2, -2 x2, -4 and Incapacitated, and others gained from Merits and Charms. Unlike Lesser Alchemicals, Alchemicals of the First Age do not grow in size as their mastery of Essence increases, thus they do not receive -2 HLs for each dots of Essence like Lesser Alchemicals.

Lastly, Alchemicals receive 15 freebie points to purchase addtiional trait dots with.

Spark of Life

Now is the time to breathe spirit and dreams into the machine you have crafted. Ask your character the questions you would ask to other Exalts; What does he look like? What does he like to do? What does he hate? How is his personality? What are the things the Alchemical is good at? What does he think of Autochthon, other Alchemicals and other Exalts? What kind of person was he before his Exaltation?

In addition to these, there are several questions to ask your character:

  • Autochthon : How did the Great Maker appear during your Exaltation? Did he manifest in front of you physically? Did he appear as a striking inspiration during your contemplation? Were you blessed with Autochthon's miracles during your Exaltion? Could you even recognize the Great Maker?
  • Your Assembly : How did you meet the Alchemicals or other Exalts within your Assembly? Did the Machine God assign your companies or did you gather to better serve the Great Maker? What are your relationships with them? What do you have in common and difference with your Assembly?
  • Creation and its Exalts : How do you regard Creation and its Exalts? Do you despise them for forgetting Autochthon's selfless sacrifices, or do you intend on reforming and reshaping them if possible? If an Exalt or an agent of Creation finds about your mission, what actions will you take?