Solar Charms/NihilioCharmsSolarDodge

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Dreamlike Evasion</b>
 <b>Cost: 10 motes + 1 willpower
 Duration: Scene
 Type:  Reflexive
 Min. dodge:5 
 Min Essence: 4
 Prereqs: Flow like blood

Created in the first age by a pascifist solar who abhored violence, the purpose of this charm is to neutralise an enemy without causing her any harm. By manipulating essence the solar can make his moves hazy. This has a hypnotic result on any enemy attacking her. For every attack, the attacker must make a convinction roll. On a failure, she takes an accumulative -1 penalty. When this penalty surpasses her willpower, she falls asleep. During the charm the exalted cannot attack. In case she does so, all penalties are automatically removed, while the charm ends.