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Done in a bit of a hurry, I thought these might be cool + useful. Probably somewhat unrefined, as yet uncosted, and probably horribly formated. I'll try to fix 'em up a little later. If you want, feel free to comment, stick prices on them, or otherwise play with them. I'm not real possesive.

Empathic Riding Philosophy</b>
Allows Rider to understand horse perfectly, always knowing his mount’s physical condition and emotional state. If the two are seperated, the rider gets a +3 die bonus to find the horse so long as he leaves the Essence commited. This Charm requires that you handle the horse for sometime, getting to know the beast.

<b>Fellowship with Horse Meditation</b>

<b>Prereq: Empathic Riding Philosophy

Allows Horse to understand (and obey) rider perfectly. The Horse trusts his handler explicitly, and will follow the Exalt into even the most dangerous circumstances. If used with a Horse you have never before ridden, it will obey you as its lifetime master. If used with a Horse on which you have Empathic Riding Philosophy, it allows the Horse to track *you*. (whatever that means.)

Wild Stallion Stance</b>

<b>Prereq: Empathic  Riding Method

Allows the horse to make three reflexive attacks, using your Charisma + Ride pool and dealing +2L, againist any unmounted troops near it. Your mount may not do so in a turn in which it moves.

Sun’s Trumpeting Charge</b>

<b>Prereq: Wild Stallion Stance

Your next attack, which must be a charge, gains dice equal to your Charisma + Ride score. You must use the attack within two rounds, and may not make other attacks in the meantime (although you can parry as usual.) When you use this Charm, your anima bellows forth, bolstering your mount and announcing your coming victory. Needless to say, it is not an effective ambush tactic.

Invincible Charger Spirit</b>

<b>Prereq: Wild Stallion Stance

As long as you stay mounted, your horse is completely invulnerable. Invicible Charger Spirit confers no protection on the rider, who is likely to become a target quickly. This effect is incompatible with Wild Stallion Stance.

Racing the Wind Method</b>

<b>Duration: One Day
Prereq: Empathic Riding Method

Allows your horse to gallop at 5x its normal speed. (which is to say, you go real real fast.)

Creation Trotting Steed</b>

<b>Prereq: Ride like Lightening, Fellowship with Horse Meditation

Your horse may now ride over the most impossible terrain: running water, rocky ground, anything but thin air.

Crossing the Ocean Attack</b>

<b>Preq: Sun’s Trumpeting Charge, Invisible Charger Spirit

You may charge through an army as though you were a ship on a sea. You may literally charge through ranks of infantry, pushing them all out of the way with a wave of golden essence that goes before you. Beings with an Essence rating above 1 are immune to this effect.

Infinite Endurance Announcement</b>

<b>Cost: 10 Essence
Duration: Commited
Prereq: Invincible Charger Spirit, Creation Trotting Steed</b>

Gives the Horse infinite endurance – it may ride at full gallop for months on end without food or water, so long as the Essence remains commited.

Racing the Sun Triumph</b>

<b>Cost: 8 Essence, 1 Willpower
Prereq: Infinite Endurance Anncounement, Crossing the Ocean Attack

For one glorious moment, the horse and rider are the fastest pair in all Creation. You may instantly move to anywhere within 10x your normal riding speed, regardless of any obstacles between.