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Seasoned Oak Infusion</b>

Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Resistance:5 
Minimum Essence:4
Pre-Requisite Charms: Adamant Skin Technique 

As the durability of the Oak increases as it ages, so too does the resiliency of a Lawgiver who gains mastery over his essence. Increase the soak value granted by all soak boosting Resistance charms by an amount equal to twice the Exalt’s Essence. Increase the hardness granted by all hardness enhancing Resistance charms by the Exalt’s Essence.

Trunk Turns the Steel Understanding</b>

<b>Cost: - 
Type: - 
Duration: Permanent 
Minimum Resistance:5
Minimum Essence:4
Pre-Requisite Charms:Seasoned Oak Infusion

Whenever the Solar activates a Resistance charm, she temporarily ignores the Overwhelming tag of attacks targeting her and reduces the minimum damage of attacks against her by ½ her essence. This effect persists for a number of ticks equal to either twice the number of motes spent activating the charm or the character’s stamina + resistance, whichever is lower.

Imposition of the Celestial Bastion</b>

<b>Cost:8m, 1wp 
Type: Simple (7/-0)
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-Basic
Duration:  One Scene
Minimum Resistance:5
Minimum Essence:5
Pre-Requisite Charms: Adamant Skin Technique, Unbreakable Warrior’s Mastery

The Lawgivers inherit the power of Sol Invictus, greatest of the Incarna. As his chosen avatars they are able to draw upon their divine heritage and bring their animas to bear as a powerful shield. The Solar’s caste mark flares into streaming brilliance and he becomes lambent with the scintillating light of his anima. Reduce the raw damage from all sources by an amount equal to his Resistance + Essence. This effect occurs in step 7. The effects of this charm may be augmented via the first Resistance Excellency on an attack by attack basis

Orihalcom Assertion Stance</b>

<b>Cost: 8 motes
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration:Resistance x3 ticks
Minimum Resistance:5
Minimum Essence:4
Pre-Requisite Charms:Iron Kettle Body 

By calling on his divine heritage, a Solar may infuse his flesh with the essence of the sun, transmuting it into that most unmatchable of metals, Orihalcom! While under the effects of this charm, all raw bashing damage is reduced to one die, all raw lethal damage is reduced to bashing, and one half of the raw aggravated damage is reduced to lethal. This effect occurs in step 7. Attacks capable of harming one of the magical materials ignore this reduction.

Vulnerability Denying Posture</b>

<b>Cost: 4m
Type: Reflexive (step 6)
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: One Tick
Minimum Resistance:5 
Minimum Essence:4
Pre-Requisite Charms: Orihalcom Assertion Stance

So perfect are the forms of the Lawgivers that they possess no weakness or flaw for a cunning or skilled foe to exploit. Activating this charm causes the attacker to treat his attack successes as zero when determining raw damage. This applies to all attacks against the Solar in the tick in which it is activated.

Refutation of Harm</b>

<b>Cost:7m, 1wp 
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords:Combo-Basic, Obvious 
Minimum Resistance:5
Minimum Essence:5
Pre-Requisite Charms: Vulnerability Denying Posture, Imposition of the Celestial Bastion

A Solar’s anima is intimately linked with the defining characteristics of his very being. With a focus of will, a Lawgiver can render the area his anima describes sacrosanct; none may violate this sacred personal barrier. The Solar may activate this charm in response to any action or effect targeting his person. Refutation of Harm causes the effect to be ignored entirely, as if it never targeted the Solar.

Unassailable Body of Awe</b>

<b>Cost:   10m, 1 willpower 
Type:Simple (5/-0)
Keywords:Obvious, Combo-Basic
Duration: Resistance x3 Ticks 
Minimum Resistance: 6
Minimum Essence:6
Pre-Requisite Charms: Refutation of Harm

So perfect are the bodies of the Solar Exalted that the base weapons forged by mortals will twist themselves apart in shame rather than touch them. The Exalt becomes immune to damage from mundane weapons. Any such weapons that hit the character are destroyed. Opponents striking the character with natural attacks that are not enhanced by charms or other magics receive dice in bashing damage equal to their own strength upon striking the Solar. This damage bypasses armor.


So a few months ago GL queried what sort of charms people might derive from Adamant Skin Technique, and I thought, "Hey, sounds like a fun challenge." Finally, here are the results.-Ambisinister