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These three Hubs were designed by Incarna for use by their Chosen. Each of them provides power unmatched by mundane Hubs and Ordinati, albeit in different ways.

Orihalcum hub

A huge cluster of thousands orihalcum Hubs. Each server is equipped with five five-core processors that crush numbers with unbelievable speed and supplied with vast amounts of memory and disk space. No matter how grand the task is, these boxes can solve it in a shortest time just because of their incredible raw processing power.

Moonsilver hub

Not as numerous and powerful as orihalcum ones, moonsilver Hubs are much more complicated. Designed by Luna itself, they change architecture when presented with different tasks, freely switching between binary and ternary logic, adjusting bus capacity or even rebuilding processor structure to implement new commands. By adapting to the task, they reduce solving time exponentially.

Starmetal hub

Quantum technologies present an entirely different way of calculation, and these computers make full use of this novel approach. Because of quantum parallelization, the time required to solve the task depends not on the amount of operations, but on the effort needed to split and reformulate it.