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There are no peaceful forests in Creation... at least not for the unlucky travellers and dwellers who do not have (or don't appear to have) the necessary prowess to keep one of the most mischievious of elementals at bay. The forest can be a dangerous place unless you're quite adapted to it; there are numerous dangers that one should most certainly be weary of: chimera, beastmen, behemoths, panic monkeys... but there's one in particular that oddly curious, strange... and supremely annoying.

Brackies live in forests. Sometimes they'll live near swamps, usually close to a riverbed, but they always, always, always stick to the forests. Wood elementals without any proper breeding or any sort of respect for anything but themselves (and often not even that), brackies are deceitful, malign beings that will do anything to see something they would consider funny. They have a penchant for picking on the little guy, and anyone weaker than them is a little guy. There is no such thing as "too little" in the world of bracky victimization... anyone they can overpower is a target, and anyone they can't is an enemy.

Roughly human-shaped, brackies look like something between a satyr and a wet bush. They're usually between four and a half to five and a half feet tall, very slim and possess several distinguishing features. While between their hips and head they look completely human, the rest of them is significantly different. They have a satyr's legs, hooved and hairy, typically mimicking the color of the majority of the plantlife within their forest. These legs are powerful, and often take opponents by surprise when in battle. Skimming upwards, a bracky's head is furred in the same way his legs are, only the strands are longer and hang down more, smoothing and ending with a tip at the chin and cut short before the nape of the neck (it doesn't cover the neck, that much is human looking). Atop their heads they possess two horns, each ranging from between half a foot to a foot and a half in length (not necessarily proportionate to the bracky's size). Their eyes are an eerie, milky white, and they curiously appear to have no mouths... until they open them. Possessed of a vicious array of teeth, they have three rows, perfect for gnashing and ripping. All in all, while they may look interesting, it is perhaps best to stay away.

In battle, brackies are furious, cocky little beasts. They have outstanding physical prowess and their commonly known Charms are perfect for their style of combat, which is a quick and extremely agile style, full of leaping, launching, and quick dashes through enemy lines. Brackies are incredibly fast, oftentimes enough to make a person wonder if he saw anything at all, and surprisingly strong. While tough, they aren't the epitomy of durability, but that's not to say it's easy to hurt them, even if you do hit them.

All brackies live in trees. They find a large enough tree and hollow it out using whatever tools they can muster (oftentimes these are simply their teeth and Charms). They sleep inside their homes, which are almost always near a river or lake that supplies water. Disturbing a bracky's home is a good way of earning its eternal wrath, and it may just leave the forest just to continue making your life hell, and will most likely try to kill you. They're outstanding hypocrites, and do not like having vicious, mal-humored pranks played on them (though that's what they do).

Brackies don't usually speak, but they can if pressed. Most of the time, if one can be made to hold still and forced to give information, they are an excellent tool for knowing the local powers in a woodlands area, as they also function as mercenaries for anyone willing to pay the price (which may be anything). To hire a bracky, however, one must take with good humor one of their pranks, which is oftentimes why people go to other, less peculiar beings for help.

Character Sheet

Element: Wood
Nature: Deceiver

Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 7, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 6

Air: Linguistics 2, Lore 2 (Local Knowledge +3), Occult, Stealth 4 (Camouflage +2), Thrown 3
Earth: Awareness 3, Crafts, Endurance 3, Martial Arts 5, Resistance 3
Fire: Athletics 5, Dodge 5, Melee 2, Presence 2 (Intimidation +2), Socialize
Water: Brawl, Bureaucracy, Investigation 1, Larceny 3, Sail
Wood: Archery 2, Medicine 2, Performance 2, Ride, Survival 4

Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Influence 1, Resources 2
Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 5
Charms: Compassion (Landscape Travel, Landscape Camouflage), Conviction (Harrow the Mind, Stoke the Flame); Temperance (Cunning Thief, Hurry Home, Portal, Temper Form,); Valor (Affinity Element Control, Essence Bite, Materialize, Principle of Motion, Uncanny Prowess, Will-o-Wisp)
Elemental Powers: Aegis, Coarse Skin, Element's Domain, Mobility, Rejuvenation

Essence: 3
Essence Pool: 68/73
Committed: 5 (Principle of Motion)

Willpower: 7/7
Health: -0, -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, -4, Incapacitated
Armor and Soak: Aegis
Lethal: 5
Bashing: 9
Aggravated: 0

Fist: Speed 13, Accuracy 13, Damage 4L, Defense 14, Rate 5
Kick: Speed 10, Accuracy 13, Damage 7L, Defense 9, Rate 3

Dodge: 15
Base Initiative: 13