Scytheus/The Cult Of The Oubliette

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011 i if i could remember it i know
nothing is left
nothing exists
not even past to be remembered
012 if no one can remember, no one can tell
if no one can remember, no one can tell
013 as if i could remember it, i tell...there was that light
that blinding light
which turned all matter to unseen light
not darkness
darkness cannot exist where light cannot be known
014 nothing is left
no matter
and no more light
and no more dark
and nothing
015 as if i could remember it, i know...i have a hand
unseen, my weightless hand restlessly lies on nothing
for it needs to write
to write what matters
when no matter is left to write upon
my hand now writes on nothing
it writes...
016 know then, that nothing lasts forever
and nothing will remain when i have written
these words, on nothing written, will remain
for nothing lasts forever
it will remain
waiting for new creation

Chapter 0106; Verse 011-016 of the Nameless Gospels

Seemingly since the dawn of humanity, there have been apacolypse cults. The Cult is no different. This cult seems to have its beginnings back as far as the First Age. However, during that time, it was nothing more than roughshod underground chaosmongering cabals located hither and yon throughout Creation. It stayed so, until shortly after the Contagion and the appearance of the mysterious, Hir (pronounced "her").

Hir was androgynous (thus "sHe" and "hir") and gave an air of knowing wisdom beyond mortal ken. Hir traveled, seemingly haphazardly, all throughout Creation seeking out individuals of a nihilistic bent. It seemed as though Hir was drawn to them - attuned to them almost. SHe would enlighten these individuals of a being of all encompassing power. Hir reffered to this being by many monikers and titles ("The Inverted Womb", etc.), but never gave it a name. "To do so is of the utmost mockery and heresy!", sHe would explain. "It has transcended Godhead and beyond. It no longer requires nor abides names". Through Hir's preachings, these individuals and cabals united into a pan-Creation "society" that would later be known as The Children of the Oubliette.

For a millenium Hir taught the dogma of The Inverted Womb. It professed that there was never any true "Golden Age". As long as there has been an existence, there has been sin and selfishness. Man has, ever the hypocrite, strived for and yet ostracised the concept of Utopia. This cancer of licentiousness has infallibly corrupted leaders and laid peace to ruination. The cancer will never be excised. Nor will the afflicted ever wish to be cured. For to them, the cancer of sin is all there is to existence. However, this sickness, the sickness of sin, will undoubtedly spread to those who would be left free of it. Powerless to stop their own corruption, they give in to it and wantonly compromise the innocence of others. And so all of society will tumble in this ever-downward spiral until all is lost in a miasma of odium and wretchedness. The only way to stop it is to eradicate existence entirely. Return it to its pristine original state of nothingness. And through this "Rebirth back into the womb", existence will become paradise once more.

Hir compiled all his teachings into a plain tome. More like a stack of parchments, actually. This collection of hir teachings sHe called, The Nameless Gospels. SHe then bestowed the Gospels to hir most trusted aide instructing him to see to it that they are kept safe. With that done, sHe gave one final sermon to the largest gathering of the Cult ever remembered. It is said that it was held in the southern deserts near the Elemental Pole of Fire. The rampant wyld energies there made child's play of the congregation's beings. And as this mass mutation ran rampant, the congregation continued to listen as Hir preached. SHe said that sHe would leave their company to prepare The Inverted Womb to receive Its children once more. That they should pray to It and glorify It in all they do so that It will deem them favorable when the Rebirth comes. At the end of the sermon, Hir was spontaneously engulfed in a pillar of flame that rose eternally above him for what seemed to be a millenia, yet as short as a minute.

The Cult of the Oubliette exists even today as a vast pan-Creation secret society. It's members hail from all walks of life: serfs, merchant lords, slaves, courtesans and even nobility. While its actions remain secretive, its motive remains unchanged: the glorification of the Inverted Womb. Each member knows that in the unmade world, should he be deemed favorable, he will end in the nothingness of the Womb. However, those unwilling to relinquish their wantonness and selfishness will get to keep it...for aeternity. And as the nothingness drives them mad, they will have no escape. For where will they run? No reprise. For there is no time. And no end. For there is no longer a beginning.

The Cult of the Oubliette's symbol is merely a palm sized polka-dot of the opposite color of their garb. I.e. if they are wearing white, the dot is black. If blue, then orange. They consider the number 0 sacrosanct and place it in front of all numbers. They always refer to themselves in written language as "i", never "I". The Cult of the Oubliette's canon - The Nameless Gospels - mentions "chosen children" of the Inverted Womb. The appearance of these children would be a time to rejoice. For they are the heralds of the soon to come Rebirth. Unnamed in the Gospels, later theologists who have studied copies of the scriptures have dubbed them "TheBlasphemousKinder". These creatures, once men, women and children, are seen by the Cult as the ultimate blessing upon the undeserving flesh. To them, the "blasphemies" are angels of the Inverted Womb.