Scytheus/Blind Yet Sees Bearing The Violent Blade Undoer Of Flesh

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A gruesome being that wields a morbid daiklave made from bone and soulsteel. The daiklave is named UndoerOfFlesh. Adorning its hilt are the skeletons of two human babies. The blade is outlined with sharp teeth that spin incredibly fast, like a chainsaw, when the sword is swung. The sword emits a disheartening roar like the screams of a dragon of legionnaires mixed with the bellows of over 1,000 demons and the mournful weepings of 1,000 mothers.
He wears a black leather, ankle-length buff jacket, the shoulder cape of which is composed of sewn together skins of human faces. His head resembles a rotting corpse with no lips or nose. His eyes are covered with buckled black leather straps and a ball gag is strapped in his mouth. What sparse hair he has atop his rotted scalp is grey with countless age.

Blind Yet Sees Bearing The Violent Blade Undoer Of Flesh - Dusk Caste Abyssal