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Character Sheet

Name: The Storyteller        Concept: Storyteller     
Player: Scrollreader         Anima:
Caste: Eclipse               XP: 0
Motivation: To Spread His Tales from the Pole of Air to the Blessed Isle
(Physical)              (Social)                (Mental)
Strength      [X....]   Charisma      [XXXXX]   Perception    [XXX..]
Dexterity     [XXXX.]   Manipulation  [XXXX.]   Intelligence  [XX...]
Stamina       [XX...]   Appearance    [XX...]   Wits          [XXXX.]
(Dawn)                  (Zenith)                (Twilight)
Archery       [.....]   Integrity     [XXX..]   Craft         [.....]
Martial Arts  [.....]   Perform       [XXXXX]   Investigation [XX...]
Melee         [.....]   Presence      [XX...]   Lore          [X....]
Thrown        [.....]   Resistance    [X....]   Medicine      [.....]
War           [.....]   Survival      [X....]   Occult        [X....]
(Night)                 (Eclipse)               (Specialties)
Athletics     [X....]   Bureaucracy   [XXX..]   Performance (Storytelling) x3
Awareness     [XX...]   Linguistics   [XXX..]   Lore (Age of Sorrows) x3
Dodge         [XXXX.]   Ride          [.....]
Larceny       [XXX..]   Sail          [.....]
Stealth       [XX...]   Socialize     [XXX..]

Languages: Skytongue (Haslanti), Tribal Tongues (Northern Barbarian), Old Realm, Low Realm, Riverspeak 
   (=Backgrounds=)                        (=Virtues=)
Contacts       [XX...]        Compassion [XXX..]    Temperance  [X....]
Influence      [XXX..]        Conviction [XXXX.]    Valor       [X....]
Artifact       [X....]        Virtue Flaw: Deliberate Cruelty
Artifact       [X....]        Condition: The character is backed against the wall, or put under extreme stress.          
Essence        [XX........]   Fine Staff:  Spd 6,  Acc +2 (6 dice),  Dam +7B (8 dice),  Rate 2
Willpower      [XXXXXXX...]   
Limit          [.........!]   
                              DV:Dodge 5, Parry 3, Soak: 2B/1L , Join: 6 dice, MDV: 
Health Levels:                Personal Ess   13/13
-0:  [ ]                      Periph Ess     30/30
-1:  [ ] [ ] [ ]              Committed  Pers/ Periph: None
-2:  [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-4:  [ ]
Incap[ ]
Ox-Body Technique                             (Permanant)
  Extra Health Levels  (-1, -2, -2)
Shadow Over Water                             (1m, Instant, Reflexive)
  Removes all external DV penalties from a single roll.
Seven Shadows Evasion                         (3m, Instant, Reflexive)
  Perfectly Dodge any Attack you are aware of.
Righteous Lion Defense                        (Permanant)
  Magically Reinforces an Intimacy so mental influences to betray it are unacceptable orders.
Sagacious Reading of Intent                    (3m, Instant, Reflexive)
  Instantly gets a summary of a speaker of writers intent.  If the intent is hostile to the exalt, or his motivations, perfectly defends against that social attack.
Wise Eyed Courtier Method                      (3m, 1 WP, Instant, Simple)
  Removes all external DV penalties from a single roll.
Second Performance Excellency                  (2m/success, Instant, Reflexive)
  Adds automatic sucesses to performance rolls.
Phantom Conjuring Performance                  (Permanant)
  Adds special effects when a performance excellency is used.
Heart Compelling Method                        (6m, One Scene, Supplemental)
  Forves emotions on others.
Memory Reweaving Discipline                    (10m, 1WP, Instant, Simple)
  Rewrites the memories of those who hear the story.
Intimacies: Poetic Justice*, Rogueishness, Children
Equipment: Fine Staff, Clothing, Triple Strength Walkaway, Triple Strength Good Luck Charm, Several Days Food and Water

XP Record


