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Name: Hue
Race: Changeling

Hit Points: 19


Str 08
Dex 14
Con 10
Int 16
Wis 10
Cha 18

Skill Ranks

Bluff: 07
Sense Motive: 07
Intimidate: 07
Diplomacy: 07
Disguise: 07
Speak Language: 07
Pick Pockets: 07
Gather Information: 07
Innuendo: 07
Read Lips: 07
Escape Artist: 07

Synergy Bonuses

Diplomacy +4; Disguise +2; Innuendo +2; Imtimidate +2; Pick Pockets +2;

Languages Spoken

Draconic, Elven, Dwarven, Gnome, Halfling, Celestial, Infernal, Undercommon, Common, Orc, Druidic


Combat Reflexes
Expert Tactican

Racial Abilities

Alter Self: (Spell-like). As a full round action, Hue may shapeshift to another humanoid form, adding a +10 bonus to her disguise checks, and copying the features of another humanoid, as per the spell description.
Hue gets a +2 bonus to all Bluff, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks due to her heritage of deceit.
Hue always treats Speak Language as a class skill, regardless of class.


Hue was eight, the first she remembers, living on the streets of the city, scrounging through the trash piles. She was nine, when Black Dragon (the half-orc) taught her how to pick pockets and bring the proceeds to him. When she was ten, he sold her to The Blushing Virgin. She could look eight, or twenty, and that made her a valuable commodity to the brothel. From the Blushing Virgin, to the Velvet Mask, from there, she moved to the Gilded Cage, and finally, to the Saints and Sinners. She was a quick learner, and anything or anyone the clients wanted. When she was 14, she bought out her contract and went into business for herself. A girl has to eat, and she only knew one trade ...

She made a massive splash onto the social scene, the daring and beautiful youg woman who refused to bow to societal convention. Always with a clever quip, or a warm smile, she was always on the arm of an eligible bachelor. Or lonely husband. Very elegant. Very beautiful. And very expensive.

When the ambassador fell asleep watching the stars with her, and the treaty practically fell into her hands (Black Dragon's lessons were still second nature to her deft fingers) she began the first of her forays into an equally lucrative, though far more exciting career. She lived two lives, then. One, as the most exclusive and beautiful courtesan in the city, able to pick and choose her suitors and her gentlemen callers, and one as the greatest spy and information broker in the city. In her guise as the Maksed Information broker, she made and broke men and women, and fortunes, and even, once a small nation, whose prince was un-wise enough to be mugged in a dark alley.

She is sixteen, now. But she can remember being eight, and meeting Black Dragon's gaze over a trash heap. She can remember her first client, drunk and pawing, eager to spend the last of his tomb-stolen gold. She remembers the Gilded Cage, and the wounds she learned to heal without a mark. A gift her follow whores were unfortunate not to have. She remembers everything. And at night, when she sleeps, occasionally, she remembers more. Remembers a wizard, cruel and proud. Remembers his laboratory, and the horrors within. And remembers her mother, alien, but loving. She remembers her mother dyig, in the dream. And then she wakes, in her true form, shaking, and remembers nothing until she is eight.