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Daughter of Silk & Steel

Name:    Daughter of Silk & Steel (formerly Copper Lily)
Caste:   Day
Nature:  Paragon (Solar)
Anima:   Placeholder
Concept: Misguided Maiden of Mayhem
XP Left/Total: 00/00


Strength  •••oo   Charisma     •••oo   Perception   ••ooo
Dexterity •••••   Manipulation •••oo   Intelligence ••ooo
Stamina   •••oo   Appearance   •••oo   Wits         •••oo


    (Caste)                   (Favored)                (Other)
Athletics     [XXX..]     Investigation [XX...]     Archery      [XXX..]
Awareness     [XX...]     Melee         [XXXXX]     Endurance    [XX...]
Dodge         [XXXXX]     Presence      [XXX..]     Linguistics  [XX...]
Larceny       [.....]     Resistance    [X....]     Lore         [XX...]
Stealth       [XX...]     Socialize     [XX...]     Medicine     [X....]
Languages: Flametongue, Riverspeak, Old Realm

Virtues and Essence

Compassion    [X....]     Temperance   [XX...] 
Valor         [XXX..]     Conviction   [XXXX.] 
Willpower     [XXXXXXX...]
Resonance     [..........]

Essence       [XX...]    Personal: (13)13  Peripheral: (17)37  Commited: 20


Past Lives (1)
Selective Conception (1)
Ambidexterous (1)
Hidden Manse (1)
Eternal Vow (3)
Amnesia (-1)
Secrets (-2)
Nightmares (-3)


Manse            [XXX..]                 Nest of Serpents (Sphere of the Revolutionary Dog)
Manse            [X....]                 Windcarved Spire (Jewel of the Flying Heart)
Artifact         [XXXXX]                 Soul Edge, Silken Armor, Soulsteel Chain Shirt, Soulsteel Hearthstone Bracers, Skinmount Amulet
Resources        [XXX..]
Liege            [XX...]                 Combo + 2 Favored Abilities
Underworld Manse [X....]                 The Bone Forest (Stone of the Hunted)


    Raiton's Nimble Perch            Ref - 3 m                 Automatically balance, however weak or fragile the surface for the scene.
    Flitting Shadow Form             Ref - 1 m/2 dice          Remove dice from an opponent's attack, minimum 0.
    Uncanny Impulse Evasion          Ref - 2 m                 Dodge an unseen attack with Dex only.
    Ox-Body Technique                                          Extra Health Levels (-1, -2, -2).
    Excellent Inquisitor Attitude    Sup - 1 m/die             Add dice to single Investigation task for a scene. 
    Furious Blade                    Sup - 1 m/die             Add dice to a Melee attack.
    Blade Summoning Gesture          Sim - 1 m                 Bring blade to hand from in view.
    Void Sheath Technique            Sim - 1 m                 Hide one weapon Elsewhere indefinately.
    Elegant Tyrant's Majesty         Sim - 6 m                 Add Ess to one on one interactions or intimidation attempts for 1 hour.
    Exquisite Etiquette Style        Ref - 3 m                 Avoid unintentional offense, and know local manners for a scene.


Darting Shade Stance - Flitting Shadow Form + Furious Blade



Soul Edge (Razor Daiklaive)                                    Jewel of the Flying Heart
The Dead Bride's Dress (Silken Armor)
Embrace of the Grave (Soulsteel Chain Shirt)
The Inevitable Arms (Soulsteel Hearthstone Bracers)            Stone of the Hunted
Skinmount Amulet                                               Sphere of the Rebellious Dog
Exceptional Straight Sword (Chiaroscuro Glass)
Exceptional Firewand Pistols (Brace)

Combat Cheat Sheet

Soul Edge                                       Init: +15  Rate: 6                  Attacks @ Acc: 17  Dam: 7L     Parries @ Def: 13
Chairoscuro Glass Straight Sword                Init: +12  Rate: 3                  Attacks @ Acc: 14  Dam: 7L     Parries @ Def: 12
Exceptional Firewand Pistols (2)                Init: +08  Rate: 1/2                Attacks @ Acc: 11  Dam: 10L  Range: 10
Dodge                                           Init: +08 or by weapon              Dodges @ Def: 18
Soak: 13L/11B   (7L/7B vs Piercing)
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incap