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<willows-ST> A Meeting with Lions

<willows-ST> -------

<willows-ST> (feel free to come up with a cooler name for this log.)

Malic adjusts his hat back on his head so that it doesnt get in the way of his sight when he cranes his neck to look in the eyes of the much taller Celestial Lions

<willows-ST> "Thank you for coming."

<Arkadi> "Hey, you know me...always glad to help my own people."

<willows-ST> "Escort of Resentment, I understand that you're somewhat acquianted with the Maiden of Missed Opportunity."

Malic gives Arkadi a sardonic look from under his hat, slightly shaking his head.

<willows-ST> "We were hoping that you could assist us in bringing her into custody...quietly."

Arkadi arches an eyebrow

<Arkadi> "You're kidding me, right?"

Malic shakes his head for real this time. "The Bureau of Enforcement has no sense of humor."

<willows-ST> Crumbling Ivory nods his shaggy head sagely. "Of this virtue we are justly proud."

<Arkadi> "Yeah, I'm acquainted with her...we've had a bit of a falling out, as you recall.."

<Malic> "As you should be, for it is a great and noble acomplishment to remove all traces of levity and humor. So. What did the goddess do?"

<Arkadi> "you mean aside from what I previously said about the demon stuff and getting my pay docked?"

<Malic> "Well yes. Since they didnt arrest her for that."

<willows-ST> "It isn't precisely -her- activities that we are concerned with. This is why she needs to be brought in wthout incident."

<willows-ST> "You see, she has been assisting the Ministry of Subversion in certain communications they make with Malfeas."

<Malic> "..right. And?"

<Arkadi> "By Hesiesh's flaming balls, the hell do you expect things to go quiet with *me* there?"

<willows-ST> "We believe that one of the ambassadors she is escorting is not bound as we once thought it was."

<willows-ST> "And is in fact bringing others of its kind into Heaven."

<Malic> "Obviously they expect you to do things correctly. They'll learn. Regardless...that is troubling. Yeah. That's bad."

<Arkadi> "That's 10 layers of bad."

Arkadi sighs

<Arkadi> "Fine, I'll talk to Queen Bitch...:

<willows-ST> "We will be most obliged."

Arkadi sighs

<Malic> "Of course. Happy to help."

<Malic> " is Immaculate Fang and Mouth?"

<willows-ST> The lion almost purrs.

<willows-ST> It comes out sounding like a smallish avalanche.

<Arkadi> "Er, is that good or bad?"

<willows-ST> "He suffered some indigestion."

<willows-ST> "But seems to be getting better. I'll let him know you asked."

Malic snorts. "Right. The information about his accident was passed along then?"

<Arkadi> "Huh, guess they really weren't all that good."

<willows-ST> "Yes, thank you for investigating."

Malic nods. "Just doing our job."

<willows-ST> (scene?)

<Arkadi> (scene)

<Malic> (guess so)

<willows-ST> -------

<willows-ST> The Maiden of Missed Opportunity

<willows-ST> -------

<willows-ST> Arkadi's knoch at the door of the Maiden's Manse goes unanswered for several minutes.

<Arkadi> (well, she sure missed a big one...Arkadi...he's a prime catch)

Arkadi knocks again

<willows-ST> He is about to leave in disgust when she opens the door.

<willows-ST> She gapes in astonishment.

<Arkadi> "Hi honey, I'm home."

Malic waves idly. "Hello."

<willows-ST> "Sweetheart. Come in!"

<willows-ST> "Oh, hello."

Arkadi blinksd

Arkadi cleanrs his throat "Er, this is Malic, the Heliotrope Coefficient of Rejoinders..."

<willows-ST> Miya seems to be pretending that nothing amiss ever happened. It's only polite.

<Arkadi> "Malic, this is Miya, The Maiden of Missed Opportunity."

<willows-ST> "It's nice to meet you, Malic. Um...let's go into this room here, I think there are chairs..."

<willows-ST> "...what are you doing here?" she asks as soon as the door shuts, looking puzzled.

<Malic> "Chairs, poofy clouds, nicely softened rocks.."

Malic looks around for any of these items. "Oh, Arkadi just wanted to check up on you. Ya know. And I was bored so I decided to come and meet you. He talks about you so much, you know. Never shuts up, really."

<willows-ST> It turns out that there are several loaves of stale bread, just the right size to sit on.

Malic settles himself on a pumpernickle.

Arkadi shrugs and sits on a baguette

<willows-ST> "Well...that's nice, I suppose. Did you forget our little agreement, Arkadi?"

<Arkadi> "Forget? I remember it every time I pick up my paycheck...not that I'm *bitter* or anything."

<willows-ST> She makes an unladylike noise.

<Malic> "Ark hasn't got a bitter bone in his body. You must know all about that, of course. Never bitter."

<Arkadi> "And, much as I'm sure you wish I was, I'm not here to crawl back and ask you for a second chance..."

<Arkadi> "Business...the Lions sent me."

<willows-ST> She stiffens. "What for?"

<Arkadi> "They want to talk to you."

<Arkadi> "Not about anything you did...this time."

<Malic> "Well, they discovered that you're using your influence in the Bureau of Change to turn the tide of the struggle for Creation against us, attempting to end the world and want to burry you under a mountain forever. Or something."

Malic smiles.

<willows-ST> "Um. Are you trying to make a mockery of me?" She looks for a fly or something...maybe the Ridicule Committee arranged this?

<Malic> "Me? No."

<Malic> Anyway, the Lions wanted to see you.

<Arkadi> "I'm dead serious."

<Arkadi> "If I wanted to mock you, I'd find out a way to do it far, far away."

<willows-ST> "You mortals never did have very good senses of humor. Maldesigned, I always used to say. The Incarnae should have consulted me about it."

<Malic> "Right. So, lets go."

<willows-ST> "Alright then."

<willows-ST> (scene.)

<willows-ST> -------

<willows-ST> Back with the Loins

<willows-ST> -------

<willows-ST> (hm, that's not a good typo)

<Arkadi> (No Will, there'll be no slash tonight)

<willows-ST> "Good Goddess, I see that the Chosen have persuaded you to visit with us."

<Malic> "Of course. That's what we do."

<willows-ST> There is a quiet rumble of assent. "Miya, we have a certain difficulty."

<willows-ST> The lion explains the situation as delicately and obliquely as it can.

Arkadi leans against a pillar, and lights a cigarello to hide the smirk on his face

<willows-ST> "And what do you expect -me- to do about this? It's not like you warned me in advance to check my bindings."

<Arkadi> (I thought Bog as supposed to do the lions?)

<willows-ST> (meh. it's easy enough to gloss over dialogue. easier than bringing a new person up to speed.)

<Malic> "Most people do that anyway, you know. Demons being evil."

<willows-ST> "I am not a novice summoner."

<willows-ST> "This does not help to answer the Maiden's question," the lion grumbles.

Arkadi coughs

<Malic> "Well, she being the one that spends all the time with the demonic ambassadors might she not, you know, know them well enough to figure out their twisted and insidious plans?"

<willows-ST> "I know nothing of the kind. I am a doorkeeper, that is all."

<Arkadi> "In my experience, doorkeepers tend to me more selective towards the rabble they let in."

<Malic> "A doorkeeper that lets demons through whenever they please.."

<willows-ST> "It is not a responsibility I am fond of."

<Arkadi> "So you just let it slide?"

<willows-ST> "You make things so difficult."

<Arkadi> "How am *I* involved in this cock-up in any way but dragging you here?"

<willows-ST> She rolls her eyes. The lion places a heavy golden paw on her head, and turns it to face him.

<willows-ST> "You can either help us apprehend these demons, or these two Chosen will help us apprehend you."

Arkadi takes a deep drag of his cigarello to keep from grinnign ear-to-ear

<willows-ST> She looks afraid. "All right."

<Malic> "That was easy."

<Arkadi> "Just means the other foot hasn't dropped yet."

<willows-ST> "It's very hard to argue with a mouthful of incorruptible teeth," the goddess admits.

<Arkadi> "Hasn't stopped some from trying in the past."

Arkadi shrugs

<willows-ST> "True," the lion observes.

<willows-ST> "Now, what we need you three to do is to locate this renegade demon, and control it."

<Arkadi> "HA! I knew it! See?! The other foot!"

<willows-ST> (*giggles*)

Arkadi 's look of triumph fades into a look of sudden 'oh crap'-ness as he realises he's gotta WORK with this chippy

<willows-ST> "For now, we have some research to perform, and we believe that the Circle has certain other pressing duties."

<willows-ST> "Miya, you will need to remain here to assist us in this."

Arkadi grinds out the last of his smoke

<Malic> "We'll be sure to help whenever we can. You know, in between saving the world."

<willows-ST> Crumbling Ivory nods.

<Arkadi> "Doesn't change my job description any...I'll be ready when the time comes."