The Emissary
The Emissary stands around 6’ 3” and for the most part resembles an athletic, possibly even idealized human male. He always dresses in a grey tunic, beige pants, grey boots with silver buckles, intricate silver bracers inlaid with ivory, a pale grey cloak and a rigid platinum mask that simply has a stylized suggestion of a nose, dark eyeholes and a stylized curled beard. What can be seen of his skin is tan, while his hair is shoulder length, white and slightly curly. The Emissary has never been seen without his mask on, but his appearance does change slightly every so often.
When the Emissary speaks it is always with a soft melodious voice that seems to carry through even the loudest sounds. In addition his presence always commands attention, compelling all witnesses to listen to his words until he is finished speaking. Few ever see the Emissary arrive, sometimes he is just there, other times he just seems to walk on foot into an area. When the Emissary leaves there is never anything overtly magical about his exit, he simply walks away and then a moment later isn’t there anymore.
The most well known member of the Council of Entities, the Emissary has been a part of Nexus for as long as anyone can remembers. Almost no one in Nexus knows anything else concrete about this mysterious figure. For the most part it is simply accepted that he has always been there and he is not to be messed with. During the days of the Council’s initial formation the Emissary took a direct hand in quashing any resistance to the Council’s will. If the stories are to be believed ordinary weapons used to strike him simply shatter upon impact, leaving him and his clothing unharmed. He also apparently knows at least Emerald Circle Countermagic, for he can shatter or disrupt any spell used against him. While he personally never uses any weapons, his bare hands are capable of breaking both bones and armor and his merest touch can cause an individual to drown in their own blood. His stare is said to reduce detractors to gibbering madness or transform bones into molten lead. Beyond that he has the ability to disappear or appear at will anywhere within the city. Some people think he can even be in multiple places at once if he wills it.
For the most part the Emissary simply acts as the Council’s official voice. He delivers their decrees and enforces their will against particularly powerful opponents such as Exalted and powerful gods. It is impossible to reason with the Emissary, though he will often approach a problem in a diplomatic fashion before resorting to direct threats. In general he prefers not to get his own hands dirty, preferring to let the Council’s mercenaries do what they are paid to do. It is unknown where the Emissary resides or what he does when he is not acting upon the Council’s will, though he has been seen numerous times throughout the city, apparently just watching Nexus’ citizens go about their daily routines.