Porcelain Child/Iridan Lao 'Y'san'

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"People always seemed to know half of history, and to get it confused with the other half." --Deianira, scribe of all tales.

Iridan Lao

Aspect: Unknown, potential Anathema
Age: Unknown
Weapon: Dagger

Resourceful, wise and with a caustic wit, Lao has been travelling creation's scenic ruins for countless years - finding, touring and taking. Lao has searched such ruins as Rathess, the Untold Depths in the south, the terrible underways beneath Gethamane and many others. Her expeditions have fallen on hard years as of late, many ruins have been gutted by other scavenger lords or have simply been filled with traps and creatures far more malicious than a lone treasure hunter can handle - even as clever as she. These hardships have won her many debts from wealthy backers, all of which still awaiting the promised pay-off from their funding. The largest debt she owes to a Guild Merchant Prince named Cenotaph, master of the wheeled galley 'The Caravan'. Thankfully for Lao, he feels there is still merit in funding her continued expeditions to explore the temples of the ancient Dragon Kings. For now at least...

Lao is above average height for a human, with a slender, muscular physique and broad shoulders. Her nose is strong and sharply angled, and her eyes are the colour of basalt. She keeps her short white hair brushed back. In dress Lao is minimalistic to the extreme, wearing only enough to cover. Normally she wears a simple leather piece strapped on the back over her torso, and a long skirt of thin, wrapped fabric. She wears three items of jewelery, an intricate necklace of a golden scarab around her neck, a pendant belt buckle decorated with gold and obsidian, and a gold bracer set with a purple stone above the wrist. She carries standard utilities in a shoulder pouch and wears a simple dagger on her belt with a very large grip.

With those Lao trusts and those she does not view as a threat she is congenial if not kind. She tends to be informative, freely answering questions, and frequently jokes with companions - though this tends to lean towards personal barbs than actual humour, barbs best not taken to heart. She tends to stay quiet around those she does not know at first, watching and evaluating, deciding if they can be trusted. Lao speaks little, and wastes words even less unless the subject happens to be ruins or artifacts.