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Charm notes and comments

Lunar Charm: Meerkat Awareness Practice 2m, Wit:3 Ess:2, Sup, C-ok, Instant, 1 pre-req. +Ess sux to Join [Combat]

So there's a direct analog. Cheaper, Higher Minimums, a pre-req, Auto-Success.

This makes Coming Storm Awareness maybe a little too powerful for its place. Perhaps it should add Ess dice to the roll? I like it adding MA... maybe May replace either Wit or Awareness with MA for the Join [Conflict] roll... That seems nice... Or maybe May replace the result of the roll with their MA rank, so will always get a minimum of MA effectively... quite nice also... might be over powered at higher MA ranks, especially for the cost, effectively 5 initiative all the time from chargen, which is on average same as dice pool of 10 which is slightly harder to get... could be made more expensive, or make it need declaration prior to the Roll. I like that idea.

old version

Coming Storm Awareness

Cost    : 3 motes 
Duration: Instant 
Keywords: Combo-Ok (War) (Social)
Type    : Reflexive (step 0)
Min. MA : 2 
Min. Ess: 1 
Prereqs : None 

Like a Crow sensing a storm in the still calm air, the Exalt gains the ability to seize the initiative in any conflict. When this Charm is activated, the Martial-Arts rating is added to the user's Join (Conflict) roll as automatic successes.

new version

Coming Storm Awareness

Cost    : 3 motes 
Duration: Instant 
Keywords: Combo-Ok (War) (Social)
Type    : Reflexive (step 0)
Min. MA : 2 
Min. Ess: 1 
Prereqs : None 

Like a Crow sensing a storm in the still calm air, the Exalt gains the ability to seize the initiative in any conflict. When this Charm is activated the Martial Artist's initiative is set to their martial arts rating. The motes must be spent prior to rolling for initiative, and once spent the user's initiative become set, replacing the normal roll.