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As a member of the guerilla resistance movement collectively known as the Resistance of Thorns (made up largely of the remenants of the defenders of Thorns who survived the siege from Mask of Winters), White Leaf is an active opponent of Mask of Winter's hold on the City of Thorns. The Resistance is composed of 4 major sects, the Hunters, Rangers, Path-weavers and Forest-stalkers. The Hunters of Thorns are the most numerous and the only part of the resistance which requires no magical power to become a member of, they make up the foot soldiers of the Resistance and are (by resistance standards) fairly expendable, however the resistance is so dwarfed by the legions of the Deathlord that even the loss of one of these mortal warriors is a blow to the movement. The Forest-stalkers are the archers of the resistance, often possessing powers aiding in stealth and disguise, they are skilled at dividing and slowly culling any forces which enter the forest. The Rangers of the Resistance are the second most numerous and as a group they command the most power and it has been known for even the council to bow to a decision taken by the rangers, although they tend to be individually less potent than the Pathweavers. The Pathweavers are traditionally the most magically powerful, since it is their job to conceal the safehouses, encampments, villages and meeting places of the resistance, they are commonly outcaste Dragon Blooded sorcerers or Wood-aspected elemental spawn.

In session 1, Leaf was summoned by the most effective method found thus far by the Resistance for calling meetings, enchanted gemstones which can recieve summons from any of the greater calling stones, the only 12 existant stones being in the hands of the High Council of the resistance. In the council it was called for a Captain of Thorns to lead a team against two shadewalkers which had been spotted leaving Thorns unprotected, refusing to risk his own, fully magical team he requested from the council that two other captains accompanied him, along with an escort of mortals, since the potential loss of Essence-wielders would be reduced, the council reluctantly granted his request, allowing him a Path-weaver captain, a Hunter captain, three Rangers, three Hunters and three Forest-stalkers.

After nearly loosing a Ranger after skirting a little too close too the Dark Citadel, the party successfully tracked down the two Half-castes.