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NetExalted Class

The NetExalted Class is the heart of the program. It holds and manages the top-level data structures, particularly theNetExaltedXP/Character library and theNetExaltedXP/Trait library. It also stores the current 'rules set', which covers the basic, core definitions of the rules as well as the type ofNetExaltedXP/Character being made. These two are stored and read separately for modularity purposes.

This Class handles data I/O (but not user-friendly output such as to screen, .pdf saving or printing). It also returns basic data, such as base traits.

  • Specification of a configuration file is probably desirable. Likely using the same .xml format that it runs on, so it can edit its own configuration.

Data Members

  • Character Array (an array of classNetExaltedXP/Character) - possibly a doubly linked list. There is likely little overhead for capping the number of Characters, however, and just making it an array.
  • Trait Array (an array of classNetExaltedXP/Trait)
  • Base Array (an array of classNetExaltedXP/Data)
  • Basefile (a string containing the filename for the Base rules)
  • Trait files (an array of strings containing the filenames of the traits in use.
  • Front End class - a hook for the GUI and other such things.

Private Function Members

  • boolean WriteXMLFile (Array ofNetExaltedXP/Data, File Name)
  • (Array ofNetExaltedXP/Data) ReadXMLFile (File Name)
    • (Array ofNetExaltedXP/Data) ReadBase (File Name)
    • (Array ofNetExaltedXP/Trait) ReadTraits (File Name)
      • (Array ofNetExaltedXP/Data) ReadSingleTrait (File Name)
      • boolean CheckTraitProperties (Trait Name) - As Traits are getting read, this function will ensure that the proper fields are set up.
  • (pointer toNetExaltedXP/Character) FindCharacter (Character Name) - returns a pointer to the Character requested by CharacterName, for SetValue

Public Function Members

  • (pointer toNetExaltedXP/Trait) GetTrait (Trait Name)
  • (Array ofNetExaltedXP/Data) GetTraitTypes () - A 'get base rules' function.
  • (Array ofNetExaltedXP/Data) GetTraitList (Trait Type) - Not typically called by theNetExaltedXP/Character class but rather the Front End class. When the user attempts to set a value for a trait that her character does not currently have, the Character will attempt to request the Trait (via GetTrait) and handle it accordingly.
  • (Array ofNetExaltedXP/Data) GetRequiredTraits () - Some Traits will have a required flag (every creature has some sort of Stamina score, for example). This works like GetTraitList, except it is mainly called by theNetExaltedXP/Character class
  • int SetValue (Character Name, Trait Name, Value) - A function called by the Front End to set a Trait value for a specific character. All inputs are strings. This returns an int, instead of a boolean, because a signal will be needed to tell if GetCharacter must be called. Also used to tell why a certain action has been rejected - not enough BPs, XP, Set too low, set too high - whatever.
  • (Array ofNetExaltedXP/Data) GetCharacter (Character Name) - Retrieves a character. Used for New Characters, debugging and sanity checks.
