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Manse: Atelier d'Mecanisme
8 points base; Maintenance 2 [Monthly ritual cleansing and oiling to avoid rust buildup]
Magitech Workshop Manse [3]
Provider [3]
Archive [2]
Magical Conveniences [2] - Automated illumination, automatic doors, multi-room communication, heated mineral baths

Hearthstone: Pavillion of the Burning Heart: When the bearer of this hearthstone makes arguments related to one of their firmer Intimacies [the intimacy must have existed prior to the scene, unless supernaturally empowered by a charm], they receive a bonus success on relevant social rolls. This increases to three successes when arguing in favor of their motivation. However, the bearer suffers an equal internal penalty if their argument goes against an intimacy or motivation, even temporarily.

The Atelier d'Mecanisme was constructed in a naturally occuring volcanic area; with a bit of geomantic tinkering, the fires were fueled underground and encouraged, manipulating the water to create a hot spring. The hangar entrance, which seems to roll with fog thanks to the heated air escaping, exits into a depression valley. The manse proper rests underground, beneath the magitech workshops, living quarters, recorder crystal archives, and hydroponic gardens - all seemingly powered by the steam that vents into the fields above. The undertunnels leading to the hearthstone chamber are hot, though those attuned to the manse rarely notice the fatiguing heat. Several pools of boiling water, arranged in a careful geomantic layout, provide the heat that fuels the manse, and within, the hearthstone crystallizes if destroyed; attunement requires ritual purification within the sauna-like atmosphere, and the hearthstone's bearer must reach into the pool of water to draw it out.