[hide]Savage Exalted
I've written these rules with a Dragonblooded campaign in mind. Dragonblooded characters can use the Savage Worlds System with very few alterations. As you start to bring in Solars, Lunars, Sidereals, and more, the system prompts greater changes. I'll be able to put off codifying many of those changes until these other types of characters are introduced.
Wild Dice
- Players who are Heroic Mortals or God Blooded are Wild Cards, so roll one six sided Wild Die as normal. However, NPCs may or may not be Wild Cards, as normal
- All Dragonblooded roll one d6 Wild Die, just like normal for Savage Worlds Wild Cards
- All Sidereals roll two d6 Wild Dice.
- All Lunars roll one d8 Wild Die
- All Solars and Abyssals roll one d10 Wild Die
The Savage Worlds concept of Race is a handy way to handle the Aspects of Dragonblooded (or, for that matter, Caste of Solars, and so on). Heroic Mortals just use the normal Human race for Savage Worlds. It should be noted that Aspect abilities stack with Powers. Hence, an Earth Aspect can activate his aspect ability for 2 points of armor, then the Armor power for an additional 2 points, or 4 points of armor total. Of course, such a defensive display costs 4 power points just to start, never mind the ongoing costs.
Terrestrial Exalted
Air Aspect
- Anima
- Bonus Edge
- Either Arcane Background (Magic) or Arcane Background (Powers)
- For 2 (1/round) power points, Air Aspect's pace is increased to 10, they roll a d8 instead of a d6 when running and they take no damage from falls. In non combat situations, the duration is (1/10 minutes).
- Noble
- Great Curse
Earth Aspect
- Anima
- Bonus Edge
- Either Arcane Background (Magic) or Arcane Background (Powers)
- For 2 (1/round) power points, the Earth Aspect gains 2 points of armor
- Noble
- Great Curse
Fire Aspect
- Anima
- Bonus Edge
- Either Arcane Background (Magic) or Arcane Background (Powers)
- For 3 (2/round) power points, the fire aspect bursts into flame causing 2d6 damage. Anyone striking the Fire Aspect unarmed takes this damage. If the Fire Aspect makes an unarmed strike against an opponent, this damage is also applied seperately from whatever damage the unarmed strike may make. While thus ensheathed, the Fire Aspect is immune to fire damage.
- Noble
- Great Curse
Water Aspect
- Anima
- Bonus Edge
- Either Arcane Background (Magic) or Arcane Background (Powers)
- For 3 (1/hour) power points, the Water Aspect can breath underwater, and act freely underwater as if he was flying in the air, including firing bows and the like. Their swimming pace is increased to 8.
- Noble
- Great Curse
Wood Aspect
- Anima
- Bonus Edge
- Either Arcane Background (Magic) or Arcane Background (Powers)
- For 4 (1/round) power points, the Wood Aspect becomes as flexible as a sapling in the wind. This increases their Parry by 2. While this ability is active, the Wood Aspect's Agility die is increased by one die type.
- Noble
- Great Curse
God Blooded
God Blooded
- For 3 (1/round) power points, the God Blooded can Detect sanctum entrances and immaterial spirits
- Bonus Edge
- God Blooded may use Acane Background (Magic) (Terrestrial Circle Sorcery), but must get it as an edge
- Elemental God Blooded may also use Arcane Background (Power) and the following powers: Armor, Bolt, Elemental Manipulation, Environmental Protection, Healing, Fly
Demon Blooded
- For 3 (1/round) power points, the Demon Blooded can Detect demons, infernal exalted, demon blooded, gates to Cecelyne, beings enchanted by demonic magic, and all other vessels or places of infernal power
- Bonus Edge
- Demon Blooded may use Arcane Background (Magic) (Terrestrial Circle Sorcery), but must get it as an edge
- Demon Blooded may take the Edge: Mark of Infernal Favor. First Circle Demons will, out of respect, generally only combat a Demon Blooded with this Mark in self defense
Ghost Blooded
- For 3 (1/round) power points, the Ghost Blooded can Detect shadowland borders and immaterial ghosts
- Bonus Edge
- Ghost Blooded may use Arcane Background (Magic) (Terrestrial Circle Sorcery), but must get it as an edge
- Ghost Blooded may take the Edge: Deathwalker. The Ghost Blooded is then always considered at the same level of materiality as ghosts, and may always physically attack (and be physically attacked by) them.
Fae Blooded
- For 3 (1/day) power points, the Fae Blooded have nothing to fear from the maddening and warping effect of the Wyld. They may journey into the deepest chaos and return with their form and sanity intact
- Bonus Edge
- Fae Blooded may use Arcane Background (Magic) (Terrestrial Circle Sorcery), but must get it as an edge
- Fae Blooded with the Lower Trait power may take Improved Lower Trait (Ravish). Ravish costs 3 power points to use, but has a duration of one month. Furthermore, the Fae Blooded regains 2d6 power points. Ravish requires a willing or beguilled victim, though the victim does not need to understand the full ramifications of the ability
Edges and Hinderances
In general, all of the Hinderances are okay when using Savage Exalted. In the Rise of the Air Kingdoms campaign, Elderly, Illiterate, and Wanted are disallowed, and an Enemy is going to require GM approval.
The Champion, Gadgeteer, Holy Warrior, and Mentalist edges don't really fit in Exalted. A character may have either Arcane Background (Magic) or Arcane Background (Powers), but not both. The Wizard edge is only allowed for characters who took Arcane Background (Magic), not Arcane Background (Powers)
The Trademark Weapon and Very Rich edges allow characters to start with an Artifact. If a character starts with both edges, then they can start with two Artifacts. The Improved Trademark Weapon edge can allow a Dragonblooded or other Exalted character to have their weapon fly to their hand as a free action if they are disarmed.
Martial Arts - (Requirements: Novice, Fighting d6+) This Edge from Deadlands Reloaded allows a character to ignore the Unarmed Defender penalty, grants AP 1 to their unarmed (or smashfist, or razorclaw) attacks, and allows them to eliminate the bonuses that foes get for Ganging Up on the character. It is as common as dirt in the setting, and required for some more advanced Terrestrial, Celestial, and Sidereal Martial Arts.
This is an Edge that all Dragonblooded have. It grants them the Light power at d8. Additionally, for one power point, the character can cause their skin to reflect their elemental nature for an hour (for example, to mark themselves as a Dragonblooded to establish their station), or to know their exact location in relation to their corresponding elemental pole. Also, after a character has spent 5 power points in a scene, their Anima flares brightly enough to read by, and causes 1d6 damage per minute to anything within 1" of the Dragonblooded. After they have spent 10 points in a scene, their anima is bright enough to be seen for miles, and causes 1d6 damage every three rounds to anything within 1" of the Dragonblooded. After a character has spent 15 power points in a scene, their anima is an iconic take on the character's elemental aspect, and causes 1d6 damage every round to anything within 1" of the Dragonblooded.
Great Curse
This is a Hinderance that all Dragonblooded have. A character who has spent at least 10 power points in a scene and rolls snake eyes (a one on their action die and their wild die) will become possessed by the power of their Elemental Spirit. This is usually violent, and characters indulge in elemental behavior dictated by their aspect and their Edges and Hinderances. Generally there are lots of displays of power during this period that lasts at least the rest of the scene, and probably for several hours afterwards. I'll want to talk with each of the players to see how their characters might react to the Great Curse. It's only the final roll that results in the invocation of the Great Curse for Dragonblooded. So using a Bennie can avoid seeing it activate.
Note: For other armor, use the Savage Worlds rules. Lamallar armor will use the rules for Chain.
- Buff Jackets are armor 1, weight 10
- Reinforced Buff Jackets are armor 2, weight 20
- Magical Reinforced Buff Jackets are armor 5, weight 10
- Magical Reinforced Breastplates are armor 6, weight 15
- Magical Articulated Plate is armor 8, weight 20
- Magical Superheavy Plate is armor 10, weight 30
Melee Weapons
Note: The below are magical weapons. For non-magical Melee Weapons, see the Savage Worlds rules
- Daiklave does Str+d10, AP 4, Parry +1, requires d6 str
- Reaver Daiklave does Str+d12, AP 4, requires d6 str
- Grand Daiklave does Str+d12+2, AP 4, requires d8 str
- Dire Lance does Str+d10, AP 4, Parry +1
- Goremaul does Str+d10, AP 4, AP 5 vs rigid armor, requires d6 str
- Grand Goremaul does Str+d12, AP 4, AP 6 vs rigit armor, Parry -1, requires d8 str
- Grimcleaver does Str+d12, AP 4, requires d6 str
- Grand Grimcleaver does Str+d12+2, AP 5, Parry -1, requires d8 str
- Razorclaws do Str+d8, AP 4
- Serpent-Sting Staff does Str+d8, ignores shield parry bonus, and requires d8 agil, d8 fighting
- Smashfist does Str+d8, AP 4
Ranged Weapons
Note: The below are magical weapons. For non-magical Ranged Weapons, see the Savage Worlds rules
- Infinite Jade Chakram do Str+d6, AP 4, RoF 3
- Lightning Torment Hatchets do Str+d8, AP 4, requires d6 str
- Short Powerbows do 2d6+2, AP 4
- Long Powerbows do 2d8+2, AP 4, requires d8 str
Hearthstones each draw the power for their abilities from their associated Manse.
- Windhands Gemstone - grants Deflection Power at d8
- Gem of Sapphire and Emerald - grants Dispel Power at d12
- Salt Gem of the Spirit's Eye - Grants Conceal Power (from Spirits) at d6
- Gem of Adamant Skin - Grants Armor Power at d10
- Gem of the Calm Heart - Grants Strong Willed Edge
- Jewel of Hungry Fire - Grants Elemental Protection (vs Fire) at d6
- Jewel of Ready Warmth - Grants Elemental Protection (vs Cold) at d6
- Freedom Stone - Grants Deflection (vs grapples and entangles) at d12
- Seacalm Gemstone - Grants Elemental Protection (vs Weather) to a ship at d12
- Stone of Healing - Grants Healer Edge
- Gem of Incomparable Wellness - Grants Hard to Kill and Harder to Kill Edges
- Jewel of Fire Sense - Grants Detect Fire at d6, one mile radius
- Blazing Soul Shard - Essence cost of activating aspect ablities is reduced by 1
- Prism of Focused Passion - Boost power for Persuasion, Intimidation, or Taunt at d8
- Battle Fire Ruby - Grants Combat Reflexes edge
- Bright Eye of the Fire Dragon - Clairvoyance through any fire, d6 mile range
- Pearl of Wisdom - +2 on all Guts Rolls
- Fire Eating Rock - consumes all non-magical flames within 1d4". Dispels fire elementals at d12
- Hardened Spirit Gemstone - Grants Soul Drain edge
- Stone of Humble Glory - +2 Charisma when telling the unembellished truth
- Gemstone of Brother's Bond - Grants Common Bond edge
- Crystal Venom Jewel - Immune to poison at d8. Cough up any poison as a water soluable crystal
- Gem of Inner Purity - Gain Power Points advantage
- Iron Soul Stone - Causes 1 wound of Damage per round to Wyld Creatures within 2" yards on a d12
- Gem of Visitations - Can receive incoming Infallible Messengers mentally and invisibly, and when casting the spell can name up to 5 additional recipients at the cost of 2 motes each
- Scintillating Gem of Ally's Embrace - Grant range of Spirit to touch range powers that boost allies
- Stone of the Spider's Eye - Grants Alertness edge
- Godspeaking Trillion - +2 Charisma when speaking to spirits, elemtals, and gods
- Opal of the Hunted - Grants Danger Sense edge
- Tree Striding Emerald - Grants the Fly power (as the Arcane Background (Power)) at d6
Arcane Backgrounds
Choosing the Arcane Background (Magic) give the character the Spellcasting skill at d4, and has no Backlash. Magic can be dispelled. Characters who choose Arcane Background (Magic) do not have any Rank restrictions on the powers they choose. Otherwise, it is as listed on pg. 76, Savage Worlds.
Choosing the Arcand Background (Powers) gives the character a single skill called Charms at d4, based on Spirit. All of the powers use the Charms skill. Charms cannot be dispelled. Otherwise, it is as listed for the Super Powers background on pg. 77, Savage Worlds
There are a number of changes to the individal Powers based on whether the character is Arcane Background (Magic) or Arcane Background (Powers). There are some powers that are not available to any Dragonblooded, and there are some that are not available to Arcane Background (Powers), and there are some that have limitations for one background or another. Also, there are a few additional Powers that will be detailed in the New Powers section below. Finally, Dragonblooded may activate as many Defensive powers in a rount as they like (and have the power points for). To activate multiple other types of Powers costs a Bennie. But, spending that Bennie lets you activate as many Powers as you'd like with one exception: spending a Bennie in this manner does not let you make more attacks in a round than normal: for example you couldn't use it to activate both a Bolt and a Burst power.
- Armor - No changes to Arcane Background (Magic). For Arcane Background (Power), a raise on the Boost does not increase the Armor to 4, but allows up to 5 additional people to be protected. A character may only benefit from one armor power at a time. Trappings for Jade Mountain style, cannot be knocked down, cannot jump or otherwise leave the ground, pace reduced by 2. If unmoving, Armor raises to 3/5)
- Barrier - only available to Arcane Background (Magic)
- Beast Friend - no change
- Blast - available to Arcane Background (Magic) with no change. For Arcane Background (Power), the Charm skill is limited by the character's Knowledge (Occult) - the character rolls whichever is lower. Also, may spend 1 Power Point for AP 2, or 2 Power Points for AP 4
- Bolt - available to Arcane Background (Magic) with no change. For Arcane Background (Power), the Charm skill is limited by the character's Knowledge (Occult) - the character rolls whichever is lower. Also, may spend 1 Power Point for AP 2, or 2 Power Points for AP 4
- Boost and Lower Trait - Split into two seperate powers: Boost and Lower. Lower is otherwise unchanged. Non Combat Boosts have a duration of 10 minutes (1/10 minutes). Otherwise no change to Arcane Background (Magic). For Arcane Background (Power), a raise on the Boost does not increase the Die type by 2, but instead allows up to 5 additional people to benefit from the Boost. A skill or attribute may only benefit from one Boost at a time. If a character with Arcane Background (Power) also has the Natural Leader Edge and spends a Bennie, then a Boost given to a Follower's Smarts and Knowledge (Bureaucracy) both have a duration of 1 day (1/day). Boost may only increase a skill that the character, pre-boost, has at least a d4.
- Burrow - only available to Arcane Background (Magic)
- Burst - only available to Arcane Background (Magic) Also, may spend 1 Power Point for AP 2, or 2 Power Points for AP 4
- Deflection - no change
- Detect and Conceal Arcana - Split into two seperate powers. Conceal Arcana unavailable to Dragonblooded. Otherwise, no change to Detect Arcana
- Dispel - only available to Arcane Background (Magic)
- Elemental Manipulation - only available to Arcane Background (Magic)
- Entangle - no changes
- Environmental Protection - no changes
- Fear - no changes
- Fly - no changes to Arcane Background (Magic). Arcane Background (Powers) can glide, but can only gain altitude if they're touching something. Think Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon's chase across the rooftops, and you're there.
- Healing - no changes
- Greater Healing - no changes
- Invisibility - no changes
- Light - no changes, but unnecessary to take as an individual power. Everybody gets it with their Anima
- Obscure - no changes
- Puppet - no changes. Note, use of this power is generally frowned on
- Quickness - no changes
- Shape Change - unavailable to Dragonblooded
- Smite - no changes
- Speak Languages - no changes
- Speed - In non combat situations, the duration of this power is (1/10 minutes)
- Stun - no changes
- Telekinesis - only available to Arcane Background (Magic)
- Teleport - not available to Dragonblooded
- Zombie - only available to Arcane Background (Magic). And, technically, you're not using this power to summon undead. Its three different powers you'll use to summon minor elementals, first circle demons, and infallible messengers. (which will have some zombielike stats - Infallible messengers use the Zombie template, removing the fighting, intimidation, and shooting skills and zombie special abilities, and adding Pace 96 flight, and the Ethereal and Elemental traits. Minor Elementals use the Zombie template, removing the zombie special abilities and adding the ones for the appropriate elemenatal. Demons of the First Circle use the Zombie template, removing the zombie special abilities and adding the Liche special abilities (sans permenant necromancy), and with a smarts of d8. Yes, the demons you can summon are more powerful than the elementals, but the demons don't really have your best interests at heart now, do they? Also, casting the Infallable Messanger spell takes 1 round as normal, and has a duration of until the message is delivered. Casting Summon elemental takes hours, and has a duration measured in weeks rather than hours. Casting summon demon also takes hours, but has the duration of a year and a day. Infallable Messenger has a cost of 5 power points. Elemental costs 10 power poitns, and Demons cost 15 power points.
New Powers
Dragon Beast Friend
- Rank: Novice
- Power Points: 2
- Range: Touch
- Duration: 1 hour (1/hour)
- Trappings: The animal shares in the Dragonblooded's Anima Flux
This power allows the Dragonblooded to keep an animal and anything it's carrying from being harmed by the Dragonblooded's Anima flares. This allows those rare Dragonblooded cavalrymen to remain mounted in combat. With a raise, the duration becomes 1 day (1/hour). Characters with Arcane Background (Power) require the Beast Bond Edge to use this Power.
- Rank: Seasoned
- Power Points: 1+
- Range: Special
- Duration: 10 minutes (1/10 min)
- Trappings: Awareness of distant conversations, riding somebody else's senses
Clairaudience allows a character to be able to hear as if they were standing in a location up to 10" disant from themselves for every power point spent, or 15" per power point with a raise. Clairaudience is available to all Dragonblooded
- Rank: Seasoned
- Power Points: 1+
- Range: Special
- Duration: 10 minutes (1/10 min)
- Trappings: Scrying, Riding somebody else's senses
Clairvoyance allows a character to be able to see as if they were standing in a location up to 10" distant from themselves for every power point spent, or 15" per power point with a raise. Clairvoyance is available to all Dragonblooded
Greater Barrier
- Rank: Veteran, requires Barrier
- Power Points: 10/section
- Range: Smarts
- Duration: Permenant
- Trappings: Wall of stone, Kekai
Toughness 14 Barrier. Greater Barrier is only available to characters with the Arcane Background (Magic)
Terrestrial Circle Flight
- Rank: Veteran, requires Flight
- Power Points: 10
- Range: Touch
- Duration: 1 hour (1/hour)
- Trappings: Riding cloud, Granting demonic wings
Fly at pace of 48 (120 mph). On a raise, up to 5 additional people can benefit from the spell. Greater Flight is only available to characters with the Arcane Background (Magic)
Exalted Rules
Changes to Savage Worlds Base Rules
We're using the Savage Worlds Explorer's Edition for all of the rules. If there are any conflicting rules between versions of the Savage Worlds rulebooks at the game session, Explorer's Edition is the version that will be deemed "correct." Naturally, Explorer's Edition rules are superceded by the changes made in this wiki.
As a note to other GMs who may use these rules, Novice Savage Worlds characters seem to fit just fine for playing Dragonblooded students that have just Exalted. If you'er wanting to start with normal starting Dragonblooded characters, beginning at Seasoned might fit better.
A character can jump as far as they can run in a turn. Yes, this means the Speed power helps your jumping. They can leap as high as half of their move.
A character can use Sweep, or Frenzy, or Two Fisted in a combat round, not all three. They may use the additional attack from quickness in the same round as they use any of these three edges as well.
This is a cinematic game, and I'm wanting Bennies to be spent rather than hoarded. Hence, unspent Bennies do not give xp.
Again, this is a cinematic game. Rather than using static target numbers for hitting ranged targets, use the character's Parry for the ranged target number as well.
The following is not a change I suggest for most Savage Exated games. In the particular case of my game, we don't play around a table, but each of us sitting on sofas and lounge chairs in the living room. Passing out Initiative cards in our particular case turned out to be something that slowed the game, so we went back to a dice based initiative. We use a simple 1d20 roll. A 20 is a joker, the Level Headed edge acts on the best of 2 rolls, the Improved Level Headed edge acts on the best of 3 rolls, and the Quickness power (on a raise) treats any roll of less than 10 as if it had +10 to the roll. The Quick edge allows a reroll if the dice comes up 7 or less.
While I will allow almost any Knowledge in the game, but the ones that will most commonly be rolled are Battle, Bureaucracy, Law, Occult, and Religion. The Common knowledge rules on pg. 17 of Savage Worlds are in effect for all of these. Knowledge (Occult) replaces Knowledge (Arcana) wherever the latter is referenced in the Savage Worlds Rules.
All characters in the Rise of the Air Kingdoms campaign begin with Knowledge (Language) d6. Each die of Knowledge (Language) allows a character to speak another language. Also, each character speaks one language natively (use Smarts or Knowledge (Language), whichever is higher, if it is ever necessary to perform a language skill test for a character's native language). This means starting characters speak three languages. I'm forcing High Realm to be one of the three, and suggest Low Realm and Northern to be the other two, but character reasons might have you speaking one of the other languages, or Haslanti, or even Ice Walker.
Favored Skills
The Charms skill and two other skills of the player's choice can be Favored Skills. The character gets +2 to these Favored Skills. (This takes the place of Professional Skills)
A well described stunt grants you a couple of things. A stunt that describes the action gives you back a power point, so you can continue to keep using your powers. If you make use of the scenery in the stunt, it provides two power points. It provides insurance in non combat situations that failing a roll will not kill a character - a failed stunted walk across a highwire guarantees a chance to grab the line, a failed stunted seduction of a queen guarantees a chance to make the flirtation seem roguish or innocent. This doesn't mean you're immunized from consequesnces, it just means you won't lose the characte for trying something cool. Finally, within a limited scope, it lets you do the impossible. In many cases, a character who performs a stunt can equal the effects of some charms. For example, a character might use a stunt and an agility roll to run across the heads of a crowd. Sure, they could do that without even rolling to succeed just for paying the power points with the Arcane Background (Power) Flight Power, but a stunt gives you a chance to do things you normally couldn't. Finally, a truely awesome stunt, one that makes us go wow, is a great way to get a Bennie.
Terrestrial Martial Arts
While a character may know many martial arts Forms, they may only be using one at any given time. At the start of the round, the character must announce which martial arts Form they are using.
Five Dragon Style
- Five Dragon Form is achieved by taking the Block, Hard to Kill, and Martial Arts Edges and the Armor power
- Edge: Five Dragon Wrath (Requirements: Five Dragon Form, Veteran, Fighting d10+, as well as the Boost, Quickness, and Smite Powers) Allows the character to activate the Boost, Quickness, Smite, and Armor Powers in the same round without spending a bennie for activating multiple powers in the same round. Additionally, activing each of those powers costs one power point less - so if all four powers are activated in the same round, the total power point savings is four points. These bonuses do not stack with the bonus from the Wizard edge.
Air Dragon Style
- Air Dragon Form is achieved by taking the Danger Sense and Martial Arts edges, and the Boost, Detect Arcana, Invisibility, Speed and Stun powers
- Edge: Avenging Wind Strike (Requirements: Air Dragon Form, Veteran, Fighting d8+, and the Quickness Power) When fighting unarmed, opponents are knocked back 1d4" per success and raise of your character's Fighting roll. If they strike a solid object, such as a wall, they must roll a Vigor check at -2 to avoid being Shaken. Avenging Wind Strike also allows characters with Arcane Background (Powers) to take the Blast and Bolt powers without their normal limitation of the Knowledge (Occult) skill
- Edge: Hurricane Combat Method (Requirements: Avenging Wind Strike, Heroic, Fighting d10+, and the Bolt, Blast, Flight, and Quickness powers) Allows the character to activate the Boost, Flight, Quickness, Speed, and their choice of the Stun, Blast, or Bolt powers in the same round without spending a bennie for activating multiple powers in the same round. Activating each of those powers costs one power point less - so if all five powers are activated in the same round, the total power point savings is five points. Additionally, as long as any of the powers activated with the Hurricane Combat Method remain active, the Stun, Blast, and Bolt powers receive a 1 power point cost reduction. These bonuses do not stack with the bonus from the Wizard edge.
Earth Dragon Style
- Earth Dragon Form is achieved by taking the Combat Reflexes, Martial Arts, and Nerves of Steel edges and the Armor, Detect Arcana, and Smite powers.
- Edge: Weapon-Breaking Defense (Requirements: Earth Dragon Form, Veteran, Fighting d8+, and the Trademark Weapon (Grand Goremaul) edge) If an attack fails to overcome your Parry, your opponent is forced to roll a Fighting check at -2 or their weapon is broken. Artifact weapons ignore the -2 penalty. Weapons affected by this charm are not totally destroyed, just rendered immediately useless. They can typically be repaired or reforged given time and skill. Additionally, characters with the Arcane Background (Powers) may now take the Burst power.
- Edge: Perfection of Earth Body (Requirements: Weapon-Breaking Defense, Heroic, Fighting d10+, the Improved Nerves of Steel Edge and the Boost, Burst, Entangle, Lower, and Stun powers) Allows their character to activate their Boost, Smite, and Armor powers in the same round by paying only one power point to activate all three, and without having to spend a Bennie for activating multiple powers in the same round. This bonus does not stack with the bonus from the Wizard edge.
Fire Dragon Style
- Fire Dragon Form is achieved by taking the Ambidexterous, Dodge, Flourentine, Martial Arts, Quick and Two Fisted edges, and the Detect Arcana and Lower Powers. The Fire Dragon Form does not work with the Quickness power.
- Edge: Firey Hand Attack (Requirements: Fire Dragon Form, Veteran, Fighting d8+, and the Smite power). This allows the character to make a bonus Lower attack on any opponent who takes damage from the character's unarmed or twin sword attacks. This also allows a character with the Arcane Background (Power) to take the Bolt and Burst powers without the normal limitation of the Knowledge(Occult) skill
- Power: Consuming Might of the Fire Dragon (Requirements: Fire Dragon Form, Heroic, Fighting d10+, the Strong Willed Edge and the Blast, Bolt and Fear powers) For 2 (1/round) power points, the character bursts into flame causing 1d6 damage. Anyone striking the character unarmed takes this damage. If thecharacter makes an unarmed strike against an opponent, this damage is also applied seperately from whatever damage the unarmed strike may make. While thus ensheathed, the character is immune to fire damage. This ability stacks with the Fire Aspect ability and damage caused by Anima flares. Additionally, while ensheathed, the character may make a bonus Fear attack every round, in addition to their other attacks.
Water Dragon Sytle
- Water Dragon Form is achieved by taking the Acrobat, Martial Arts, and Sweep edges, and the Boost, Deflection, Detect Arcana, and Lower powers.
- Edge: Theft of Essense Method (Requirements: Water Dragon Form, Veteran, Fighting d8+, and the Soul Drain edge) Whenever the character makes a melee range Lower attack, they also steal 1d6 power points from the character and add it to their own power point pool. The target's lost power points are recovered normally, and power points stolen in this manner fade at the rate of 1 per minute if they are not used.
- Edge: Essence Dousing Wave Attack (Requirements: Theft of Essence Method, Heroic, Fighting d10+, the Rapid Recharge and Improved Rapid Recharge edges, and the Smite, Armor, and Quickness Powers) If the character damages an opponent with an unarmed or razorclaw attack, that character must make a Spirit check at -2, or lose the ability to spend power points for 1d6 rounds. Also, this edge allows a character with Arcane Background (Power) to take the Burst power.
Wood Dragon Style
- Wood Dragon Form is achived by taking the Marksman, Martial Arts and Trademark Weapon (Bow) edges, and the Armor, Detect Arcana, Healing, and Smite powers.
- Edge: Enthralling Blow Attack (Requirements: Wood Dragon Form, Veteran, Fighting d8+, and the Stun power) Any character that is hit by the character's unarmed or bow attacks must make a Vigor check at -2 to avoid being Shaken.
- Power: Soul Mastery (Requirements: Enthralling Blow Atttack, Heroic, Fighting d10+, the Giant Killer and Healer edge, and the Deflection, and Greater Healing powers) For 3 power points, the character may make an unarmed attack that strikes for 4d6 damage. If this damage causes the target to go to the knockout table, they are automatically considered Mortally Wounded. Once Soul Mastery has been activated, if an opponent is not successfully struck within four rounds, then the character who activated the power suffers the damage. Soul Mastery does no damage to inanimate objects.
Jade Mountain Style
- Jade Mountain Form is achived by taking the Brawny, Nerves of Steel, and Martial Arts edges and the Armor, Boost and Smite powers.
- Edge: Falling Rockslide Onslaught (Requirements: Jade Mountain Form, Veteran, Fighting d10+, and the Arcane Resistance, Combat Reflexes and Improved Nerves of Steel Edges) When damaging an opponent in a grapple, your character does +1d6 damage.
First Pulse Style
- Edge: First Pulse Form: (req: Martial Arts, d8 Fighting, d6 Streetwise, d8 Vigor) When unarmed, punches do +1d4 damage. Also, this edge allows a character to take the Smite power, and reduces the cost to activate the Smite power by 2.
Solar Exalted
As I'm writing this for a Dragonblooded game, I'm going to spend more time on just talking about what is different and what is the same for the other types of Exalted. I'm tempted to just use Necessary Evil to describe the other exalts, and if I were ever to run a Solars game in the Savage Worlds system, I might fall back on that in preference. But, for now, here's Solar rules based on just the core Savage Worlds system.
Arcane Background (Magic) for Solars has the same powers as Arcane Background (Magic) for Dragonblooded. Simply put, Terrestrial Circle sorcery is the same for both kinds of sorcerers. I'll likely eventually convert some of the Celestial and Solar circle sorcery spells to Savage Worlds as new powers. Solar exalts who chose Arcane Background (Magic) begin with 15 power points.
Arcane Background (Powers) for Solars has the same accesses and restrictions as Acrane Background (Powers) for Dragonblooded, with the following exceptions: The Bolt and Blast powers are not limited by a character's Knowledge (Occult), and the effects of a Raise on the Boost and Armor powers are as normal for Savage Worlds. Solar exalts who chose Arcane Background (Powers) start with two Powers.
The Solar Anima does not cause damage, and they cannot use it to know their location. They can use it, however, to tell the precise time. The Solar Great Curse is based on witnessing or being placed in situations where one of their flaws comes into play. In addition to the normal effects of the flaw, they must make a spirit roll. If they succeed, they gain a point of Limit. Once a character gets 5 points of limit, for the next scene their actions are dominated by that flaw (this is called a Limit Break), and then the character's Limit is reset to zero.
Solars don't start with the Noble edge, however they do get a bonus additional edge of their choice. And, they obviously don't get aspect Abilities, but instead get Caste Abilities. Dawn Caste gain the Fear power. The Zenith Caste gain the fear power, only usable against demons, ghosts, and unclean creatures. Zenith Caste also get the Smite ability against demons, ghosts, and unclean creatures. Finally they may also spend one power point to burn the bodies of the dead and send their souls on to the next cycle of life, preventing them from rising as a ghost or zombie. Twilight Caste gain the armor power. Night Caste may spend twice as many power points when using Arcane Background (Powers) to keep their anima from flaring. They also gain the Boost power for Stealth, and when using that Boost power, tracking the Night Caste requires a raise. Eclipse Caste may sanctify an oath for 5 power points. If that Oath is broken, then the breaker will suffer a critical failure at the worst possible time - this will happen once for each rank the Eclipse Caste has recieved. Also, members of the Eclipse Caste are protected by ancient pacts with the Spirit World, the Demon Princes, and the Fair Folk. Eclipse Caste and their companions who have legitimate business with will not be attacked, and those beings will honor the rules of hospitality - but they may try to provoke the Eclipse Caste and their companions into breaking the peace. Finally, Eclipse Caste may learn the Powers of other types of Exalted.
Solar Edges
Counterattack - (Requirements: Heroic, Improved First Strike) The character gains one free attack in response to every melee attack directed against them, regardless of whether or not that attack hits.
Solar Danger Sense (Requirements: Seasoned, Danger Sense) The Notice roll is no longer required for Danger Sense to activate
Layered Defense - (Requirements: Seasoned, Fighting d8) The character may use an attack to raise their Parry by 4 for the rest of the scene
Improved Layered Defense - (Requirements: Veteran, Fighting d10, Layered Defense) The character may use an attack to raise their Toughness by 4 for the rest of the scene
Solar Layered Defense - (Requirements: Heroic, Fighting d10, Improved Layered Defense) The character gains 10 power points whenever they take damage. This cannot give them more than thier maxiumum power points.
Solar Leadership - (Requirements: Seasoned) The character's leadership edges have a range of 50 inches times their charisma, with a minimum range of 50 inches
Tiger Warrior Training - (Requirements: Veteran, Solar Leadership) Given one month of training, the character can train a number of people (even the weakest, most disorganized rabble) equal to their charisma times 100 up to the level equal to the Soldier template on pg 90. Soldiers trained for one month with Tiger Warrior Training can use the Experienced Soldiers template.
Solar Trademark Weapon - (Requirements: Veteran, Improved Trademark Weapon) The character may instantly summon their Trademark Weapon to their hand.
Solar Powers
Memory Reweaving
- Rank: Veteran, requires Puppet
- Power Points: 10
- Range: Touch
- Duration: Instant
- Trappings: Performance, Beguiling Conversation
The character can tell a story so convincingly that the listener believe it rather than whatever the truth of the matter is. The listener believes this to be the truth until they are given a solid piece of evidence to the contrary. Each raise gained on the arcane skill roll makes it so that an additional piece of evidence is required for the listener to break out of the Memory Reweaving. A character may spend a Bennie to require the Memory Reweaving power to require an opposed roll of the Arcane Skill against the character's Spirit
Perfect Attack
- Rank: Seasoned
- Power Points: 3
- Range: Self
- Duration: Instant
- Trappings:
The character activates this power before making an attack. That attack is rolled as normal. If the attack roll indicates a miss, the attack still hits, but with no raises. Likewise, the damage is rolled as normal. If the damage roll indicates that no wounds are caused, the perfect attack still causes one wound. The only way to keep a Perfect Attack from hitting and damaging is to use a Perfect Defense.
Perfect Defense
- Rank: Seasoned
- Power Points: 3
- Range: Self
- Duration: Instant
- Trappings: Heavenly Guardian Defense, Adamant Skin
The character activates this power in response to an attack. The character takes no damage from that one attack.
Solar Speed
- Rank: Seasoned, requires Speed
- Power Points: 2
- Range: Self
- Duration: 3 (1/round or 1/hour)
- Trappings:
When activated, the character has a pace of 32. If the character is doing nothing but travelling, they may enter a trance like state and increase the duration per power point to 1/hour - however, if the character does anything besides travel, the duration reverts to 1/round.
Celestial Circle Sorcery
All Celestial Circle Sorcery requires the character to spend at least a full round of casting, taking no other actions.
Celestial Circle Zombie - uses the Elemental stat block for Elementals and any non wildcard template with its smarts increased to a d10 for a second circle demon
Dolorous Reflection
- Rank: Seasoned
- Power Points: 10
- Range: Touch
- Duration: 10 minutes (1/10 minutes)
- Trappings: Swirling bands of mystical Energy
Any non-perfect physical missile attack is caught by the spell and reflected back at the attacker. Use the character's Spellcasting as the attack roll of the reflected attack.
Incomprable Body Arsenal
- Rank: Seasoned
- Power Points: 15
- Range: Touch
- Duration: 1 hour (1/hour)
- Trappings: become automaton
The character's attributes and skills are increased to those of an Earth Elemental's (if the character's are better, they retain the higher value), and they gain the Earth Elemental's special abilities with the following exceptions: They do not get Burrow, and instead of a Bash it is barbs, hooks, and blades; and the damage is Str+3 (AP 2). Incomprable Body Arsenal cannot be used with weapons or armor.
Travel Without Distance
- Rank: Seasoned
- Power Poitns: 12
- Range: Touch
- Duration: Instant
- Trappings: blazing corona, whirling clouds, then nothing
Teleport up to 50 miles
Solar Circle Sorcery
Solar circle sorcery spells are almost more plot points than just simple powers. They all take at least 5 + 1d6 rounds to cast
Solar Circle Zombie allows the summoning of any creature in the Beastiary as a third circle demon. If they are not Wild Cards, then their Smarts and Vigor are increased to d12 and they become Wild Cards. If the Orc Chieftan's template is used, its fighting becomes a D12+2
Rain of Doom causes a corrosive venom to fall from the sky for an entire night, from dusk until dawn