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= Merciless Angel Of The Sun style = 

form weapons: Flame weapons, Blade weapons, Grand Goremauls

notes: only Solar Zenith castes may learn this syle. To learn this style you must have recieved a blessing of the blade or the blessing of the bullet.

COD means creature of darkness

=== Persistant slayer Teqniuque === 


Confers double the effect of a magical material armour bonus upon the wielder when fighing COD'sin addition to any they recieve from other things.This charm may be tken (essence) times.

eg. Bill, slayer of all those condemed, has orichalcum superheavy plate. 
The magical material bonus is +2 LMercilesS/B soak, +1 LMercilesS/B hardness.
 He has bought this charm once, and chose starmetal and orichalcum.
so, now, whenever he is fighting a creature of darkness he has his normal +2LMercilesS/B, +1 LMercilesS/B soak
and hardness from his armour,but he also has the starmetal bonus
(-1 external pen to attackers dmg rolls) and a second orichalcum bonus, 
which in total is +4 LMercilesS/B soak, +2 LMercilesS/B hardness and
attackers get a -1 external penalty to their damage rolls.
=== no charm name ===

1 mote per yard

the zenith can increase the darkness dispelling power of his anima. this charm can only be activated when the zenith channels 10 motes through his anima and the light extends for (essence x 10) yards around him. All creatures of darkness in the radius have difficulty reaching those holy enough to have his charm, let alone touching him.all COD's within the light radius are slowed by 1 yard per mote, up to half their speed (the zenith declares how many motes he spends, then the creatures are slowed). those within essence yards are slowed by another 1/2 (1/4 of their original movement).

=== strike of the sun ===

those blessed by the sun can strike down and anhialate the enemys of the lawgivers. this charm works as the first excellency, but the maximum dice added is (attribute + (abilityx2)), and adds one extra weapon magical material bonus to the strike.(chosen when the charm is bought).

no charm name

the attack has a (essence) yd flaming blast diameter. the attack is unparryable. Each person takes raw damage(roll to hit once and apply to all enemys). The exalt regains 1/2 the health levels dealt in this way(round down).

no charm name

something to do with a beam of light coming down from heaven and cleansing them or something...

notes =

this MA tree is undergoing construction.

could i have all comments, suggestions for minimums, costs and balancing the effects that you have to give.

== comments ==