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The Incarnadine Discord of Forces is a study of the principles and forces upon which the world was once built. Specifically, a study of the collision of forgotten Primordial mathematical principles with the operative laws of the world of now, with its quadriplanar arrangement of Yu-Shan, Creation, Malfeas, and the Underworld. The martial artist masters truths long-abolished, the precepts the Primordials founded their world upon, and then imposes these principles in unpredictable, chthonic ways, bringing terrible destruction to the body and mind of his adversary.
Primary theme will be either Discord, Collision, or Conflict. Flavor will draw heavily on madness-inspiring things-that-should-not-be, through the venue of applying impossible mathematics. Primarily, though, it is a study of conflict, so effects geared firmly towards combat are the real bulk of the art. Expect peculiar side-effects - some Charms might make places insane, because they have been so warped by the impossible, some Charms will change the way distance is calculated, resulting in very, very weird effects for Archery-Charm users.
Probably 14-16 Charms, Martial Arts 5-7, Essence 4-7. Form is probably MA 5, Essence 5, though I could see it requiring 6 in one or both.