[hide]Carmine Mandala of Consumption Style
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The common belief amongst martial art savants is that the Carmine Mandala of Consumption Style originated sometime during the Primordial Wars. The thought is that only the incredibly hostile and lethal environment of the Wars would encourage the development of such a self-destructive and aggressive style. Fire is a common metaphor and is seen as the truest form of Consumption in actual application. Most practitioners are marked by a flagrant disregard for their, or anyone else's safety, and most possess an aggressive nature which borders on the unhealthy. For them, consumption is a path and patron, a lifestyle they dedicate themselves to body and soul.
This is a Second Edition style
For First Edition rules, check out MartialArts/CarmineMandalaofConsumptionStyle
Weapons and Armor
This style is incompatible with unnatural armor of any variety, including 'non-armors' such as Silken Armor. The original texts make reference to practitioners enhancing their strikes with volatile chemical substances shaped into blasting charges. Contemporary martial artists frequently employ firedust as a substitute for the blast gel or Ignition Gauntlets called for in the style's scrolls. Such blasting charges are considered form weapons for the style.
Firedust~ If properly prepared charges are brought to hand(as per the weapon draw action) and ignited (a speed 3/-0 DV miscellaneous action) before a strike they add 12 dice to the character's base damage and make said damage lethal. In addition the target must make a stamina + resistance check, diff 3, or be knocked back/down. This inflicts an unsoakable level of lethal damage on the martial artist.
Blasting Gel~ Blasting Gel is the First Age of equivalent of Firedust and is used identically for the purposes of this style. In addition it can work if it is wet. For the purposes of acquisition or production, treat Blasting Gel as Pyromantic Gel from E:FF.
Ignition Gauntlet~ Artifact 2 for the pair, commit 3~spd 5, acc +1, dam +2L or special, def +1, rate 5, Tags-M~ An Ignition Gauntlet has two main uses: Each gauntlet stores up to three prepared blasting charges (charges may be reloaded as per loading a firewand) and may be used to reflexively ignite them or, for the cost of 2 motes, create an explosion on its own with no need for a blasting charge. In either case, increase the damage added to 15L. Finally there is a single hearthstone setting in the right gauntlet.
Note: Any charm which has effects based on the number of wounds currently suffered includes any health level costs that charm may have as part of that number.
Investment of Pain</b> <b>Cost: 1 mote Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Keywords: Combo-OK Minimum Martial Arts: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Prerequisite Charms:: None
Consumption is not an easy master. The first lesson its students must learn is that pain is inevitable. The next lesson they learn is that surface pain is but an illusion of true pain. Practitioners are taught to tap into this true pain so that my later call upon it for strength. When this charm is activated it doubles all of the Exalt's wound penalties for a number of ticks equal to their Martial Arts rating multiplied by 3 and adds 1 die to all of his damage rolls.
Fuel Attracting Grasp</b> <b>Cost: 1 mote Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Keywords: Combo-OK Minimum Martial Arts: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Prerequisite Charms:: none
The faster a fire is fed, the greater its flames become. The ability to quickly ready fodder for sacrifice is one of the fundamental skills taught to all students. While this skill is primarily taught as a means of quickly readying a firedust charge for use, it may be useful in other situations. Through use of this charm an exalt may instantly bring an object to hand. Any object within his reach is a valid target, so long as it’s easily accessible. An object on a table is valid, an item in a foe's possession is not. Additionally, this charm may be used to load a charge into an Ignition Gauntlet.
Fuel Invoking Motion</b> <b>Cost: 2 motes Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious Minimum Martial Arts: 3 Minimum Essence: 2 Prerequisite Charms:: Fuel Attracting Grasp
A fire cannot exist without fuel to burn. Through use of this technique students can turn almost any object into suitable fuel for consumption. By paying two motes an exalt can substitute any handful of material as a blasting charge by infusing it with essence. The improvised blasting charge will remain volatile until it is no longer in physical contact with the martial artist.
Reckless Abandon Approach</b> <b>Cost: 1 mote per +1 damage Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Keywords: Combo-OK Minimum Martial Arts: 3 Minimum Essence: 2 Prerequisite Charms:: none
Fire consumes everything, including itself. The quicker and brighter it burns, the faster it brings about its own demise, but it continues on regardless. Students are taught to emulate this example, engaging their foes with the reckless strength of a bonfire. For every mote spent powering this charm the Exalt enhances the damage of an attack by 1. In addition, reduce the speed of the attack by 1. This bonus cannot exceed the character's Martial Arts rating for any given attack. In addition, for every mote spent increase the accuracy of all attacks against the character by 1 until his next initiative. This bonus is only applied once regardless of the number of times this charm is used in a turn and always at its highest value.
Breaching Palm Strike</b> <b>Cost: 3 motes Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious Minimum Martial Arts: 3 Minimum Essence: 2 Prerequisite Charms:: Reckless Abandon Approach
When a simple spark is fed the appropriate fuel it blossoms into an insatiable ball of fiery destruction. One of the basic techniques of the Carmine Mandala of Consumption is the ability to supercharge one's essence into a searing spark of energy. On its own, this charm lends a searing sting to the Exalt's blows, but this is not its primary use. This charm exists to serve as a catalyst for the specially prepared explosive aids employed by practitioners of this style. When used unarmed, this charm adds the character's essence to the base damage of a martial arts attack. It also causes the attack to inflict lethal damage. In an emergency, this charm can be used to supplement a martial arts parry allowing the martial artist to parry a lethal attack. If the exalt has a blasting charge readied then the charge is set off in addition to the above effects. In this case, knockback/knockdown is automatic. If this charm is used to supplement a parry while a charge has been readied, then the character may reflexively attempt to disarm his opponent with a pool equal to the base damage of his attack.
Investment of Flesh</b> <b>Cost: 1 mote per -0 HL, 2 motes per -1 health level, 3 motes per -2 health level, 1 willpower Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Keywords: Combo-Basic Minimum Martial Arts: 3 Minimum Essence: 3 Prerequisite Charms:: Breaching Palm Strike, Fuel Invoking Motion, Investment of Pain
The most readily available and reliable source of fuel is one's self. Students learn to optimize the quality of their offering before sacrificing it to their Art. Through use of this charm the martial artist may convert any of his non -4 health levels into -4 health levels on a one for two basis. It costs 1 mote to convert -0's, 2 motes to convert -1's, and 3 motes to convert -2's. At the end of the scene the character's health track is restored to normal. Total the damage inflicted to bonus -4 health levels granted by this charm and divide it by two (rounded up). Immediately apply the result as lethal damage to the character's wound track.
Carmine Mandala of Consumption Form</b> <b>Cost: 6 motes, 1 health level Duration: One Scene Type: Simple (speed 3/-3DV) Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form, Obvious Minimum Martial Arts: 4 Minimum Essence: 3 Prerequisite Charms:: Investment of Flesh
By this point in their studies, practitioners of this style have internalized the necessary motions and techniques to execute the Imperfect Mandala in celebration of Consumption. Their hands and feet are constantly in motion, evoking a complicated, dance-like pattern. Each step and gesture is a small sacrifice of the exalt's energy to pay homage. So long as the Carmine Mandala of Consumption form is active the Exalt gains strength from his state of constant deterioration. Not only does he ignore all wound penalties, but also adds a number of bonus dice to all of his martial arts attacks equal to 1/2 of what his wound level should be. This effect has no affect on charms that calculate their parameters based on the Exalt’s wound penalties. If the Martial Artist is suffering from any -4 wound penalties, reduce the speed of all of his attacks by 1. This charm will not allow the Exalt to ignore the penalties of the Incapacitated or Dying wound levels.
Sharing the Inner Loss</b> <b>Cost: 5 motes +2 motes per success bought, 1 health level Duration: Instant Type: Simple Keywords: Combo OK, Obvious Minimum Martial Arts: 4 Minimum Essence: 4 Prerequisite Charms:: Carmine Mandala of Consumption Form
This charm builds directly upon the principles of the Breaching Palm Strike. As more and more of the exalt's body is consumed he develops a cache of spiritual strength. Through use of this technique the martial artist can tap that cache and create a much more damaging burst than the tiny, essence generated spark created with the Breaching Palm Strike. The attack generated by this charm has its base damage increased by the exalt's essence + his current wound penalty. In addition, he may convert a number of post-soak damage dice, which cannot exceed the number of wounds he is currently suffering from, into automatic successes. This costs 2 motes per success. This charm may be used to ignite a prepared charge. As is the case with Breaching Palm Strike, knockback/down is automatic.
Consecrated Offering Strike</b>
<b>Cost: 5 motes, 1 health level Duration: Instant Type: Simple Keywords: Combo Basic Minimum Martial Arts: 4 Minimum Essence: 4 Prerequisite Charms: Sharing the Inner Loss
Skilled adepts of the Carmine Mandala of Consumption are able to twist another’s anima and make him into an offering towards their ideal. Through use of the Consecrated Offering Strike they may make their foes as unto spinning prayer wheels in homage to Consumption. The character makes a standard martial arts attack. This attack may not be parried. Should the attack hit it inflicts no damage, instead roll the character’s martial arts + essence + ½ the number of wounds he is suffering from against a difficulty equal to his target’s essence. If the roll succeeds roll a single die of lethal damage against the target. This damage is unsoakeable, but may be prevented by charms that reduce or prevent damage. On each subsequent round, at the end of the character’s turn, roll this damage again and increase the number of dice by one. This effect persists for a number of actions equal to the Exalt’s martial arts rating. Once affected by this charm, targets may not be effected by it again until its duration expires.
Hungering Palm Strike</b>
<b>Cost: 3m Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Keywords: Combo OK, Obvious Minimum Martial Arts:5 Minimum Essence: 4 Prerequisite Charms:: Consecrated Offering Strike
By infusing his blows with a fraction of his inner hunger, the adept of this style may disperse and consume the essence of his opponents. Essence literally pours forth from the victim’s anima and into the martial artist’s whereupon it bursts in to crimson flame. Attacks supplemented by this charm inflict no damage. Instead roll the character’s martial arts + essence. Subtract a number of dice equal to the target’s essence from this roll. For each success on this roll the target loses 2 motes of essence as the spark of consumption in the martial artist’s anima devours them. As a side effect, if the target is currently afflicted by the Consecrated Offering Strike then the effects of that charm end immediately and they martial artist regains a number of lost health levels equal to the amount of damage that Consecrated Offering Strike has cumulatively inflicted against its victim.
Courage Consuming Battle Stance</b>
<b>Cost: 5 motes Duration: MA x3 ticks Type: Reflexive Keywords: Combo OK Minimum Martial Arts: 4 Minimum Essence: 3 Prerequisite Charms:: Burning Mandala of Consumption Form
Martial Artists trained in this style are terrifying opponents to face in combat. Even the toughest of warriors are sometimes shaken by the utter recklessness and abandon with which practitioners conduct themselves. Characters versed in this technique can capitalize on this fear and strengthen it. Once this charm is activated all of the character's opponents must succeed at a essence + valor check with a difficulty equal to the Exalt's essence. Success indicates that they lose a number of dice equal to the Exalt's essence on all attacks against him. Failure means that the difficulty to hit the exalt increases by his essence. This penalty lasts for the duration of the charm. This charm is less effective if it sees repeated use within the same scene. Opponents receive a bonus die to their valor roll for each successive activation of this charm they are subjected to within the same scene.
Blazing Effigy of Sacrifice</b>
<b>Cost: 7 motes, 1 willpower, 1 health level to initiate/ 4 motes, 1 health level to maintain Duration: Instant Type: Simple (speed 3, DV -3) Keywords: Obvious, Combo Basic Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Essence: 4 Prerequisite Charms:: Sharing the Inner Loss, Valor Consuming Battle Stance
One of the more feared, and questioned, techniques of this style, the Burning Effigy of Sacrifice allows the martial artist to turn himself into a potent, if fleeting, monument to Consumption. The exalt employs a special mudra and anoints himself with blasting gel (an adaptation has developed for the use of firedust where the practitioner envelops himself in a cloud of the stuff) and then ignites it with a spark of power. The character becomes engulfed in a whirling conflagration of hunger infused essence. The initial explosion inflicts an amount of lethal damage equal to the Exalt's essence + the number of wounds he is currently suffering from to everything within a number of yards equal to 1/2 (rounded up) the Exalt’s essence. Targets may make a stamina + resistance roll, with a difficulty equal to 1/2 the character's essence (rounded down), to halve that damage (round down). The character continues to 'burn' for a number of ticks equal to three times his martial arts score. During this time anything that comes within a yard of the character suffers a number of levels of lethal damage equal to the character's current wounds. This is environmental damage and may be resisted in the same way as the initial blast. Once the duration is up, the exalt has the option of keeping the charm active by paying 4 motes and 1 health level as a reflexive charm action. As a side effect, if both Burning Effigy of Sacrifice and Courage Consuming Battle Stance are active at the same time, increases the difficulty of the valor checks necessitated by Courage Consuming Battle Stance by 1. This charm may only be initiated once in any given scene.
Conflagration of the Devout</b>
<b>Cost:1 health level, and a variable number of motes Duration: MA in rounds Type: Simple Keywords: Obvious, Combo Basic Minimum Martial Arts:5 Minimum Essence: 4 Prerequisite Charms: Blazing Effigy of Sacrifice
As the adepts advance in this style, they grow closer to becoming living avatars embodying their ideal of consumption. Through the use of this charm the martial artist is able to create a swirling vortice of hungering essence centered on his anima. The character executes a series of frenetic gestures and steps causing his anima to surge forth in a pale red corona. Once this charm is active, everyone, including the martial artist, within a number of yards equal to the Exalt’s essence + the number of wounds he is currently suffering must spend a minimum number of motes of essence each round. This number is equal to the number of motes spent by the character when activating the charm. Any character failing to do so suffers a number of dice of lethal damage equal to the Martial Artist’s essence. This damage is unsoakable, but may be prevented by charms or effects that prevent levels of damage.
Implacable Holocaust Mien</b>
<b>Cost: 12 motes, 1 willpower, 1 health levels Duration:</b One Scene <b>Type: Simple Keywords: Obvious, Counterattack Minimum Martial Arts:5 Minimum Essence: 5 Prerequisite Charms: Conflagration of the Devout, Hungering Palm Strike
Students who learn the form reach a level of basic understanding and can assay the Imperfect Mandala of Consumption. Adepts who master Implacable Holocaust Mien have reached a level of understanding that allows them to describe the Perfected Mandala of Consumption. Through this charm they are able to transform their bodies into temples, their anima into prayers, and their foes into offerings. Building upon the rote movements of the Form, the adept adds further articulations. While this charm is active the character adds a number of dice equal to the number of wounds he is suffering from to all of his damage rolls. Furthermore, everyone within a number of yards equal to the ½ the character’s essence + martial arts increases all of their damage rolls by the Exalt’s essence. In addition, anytime anyone within this area of effect, including the character, inflicts damage, he receives a level of unsoakable lethal damage. Finally, whenever the character is damaged by an attack, he may issue a counter attack using his full Martial Arts attack pool. As an added side effect, increase the duration of Conflagration of the Devout to one scene so long as this charm is active. The character must have Carmine Mandala of Consumption Form active before he can activate Implacable Holocaust Mien.
From the Ashes Burn Again </b> <b>Cost: 12 motes, 2 willpower Duration:(Martial Arts + Essence) /2 actions Type: Simple (speed 7) Keywords: Obvious, Combo Basic Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Essence: 5 Prerequisite Charms: Implacable Holocaust Mien
As the blazing flame finally burns itself down, it takes only a nearby fuel source for a tiny spark to find and blossom forth to begin the cycle anew. Through the use of From the Ashes Burn Again, the master of this style may emulate these last moments of the dying flame. Once this charm is activated, it remains active for a number of actions equal to the character’s martial arts + essence divided by 2 or until he successfully hits a non-extra opponent. On a successful hit double the character’s raw damage before soak, and convert a number of dice of post soak damage equal to the character’s essence into automatic successes. Regardless of the outcome of the damage roll the martial artist dies, exploding in a burst of essence that inflicts a number of levels of lethal damage equal to the character’s essence x2 as an environmental effect. This may be resisted with a stamina + resistance roll with a difficulty equal to the martial artist’s essence. Success halves the damage inflicted. If the character reduces the target to below incapacitated with his attack, then the target dies immediately, and on the character’s next action, he bursts forth from the target’s corpse in a blaze of essence, fully healed, and with all of his equipment. His willpower and essence levels remain as they were. If the Exalt fails to kill his opponent then he just dies. If the opponent’s essence is higher than the martial artist’s, then he will fail to be reborn regardless of whether he kills the target or not.
- Name: Carmine Mandala of Consumption
- Author: Ambisinister
- Type: celestial
- Subtype: metaphoric
- Rules: E2
- Form Weapons: explosive charges
- Armor Allowed: none
- Shield Allowed: no
- Essence Range: 2-5
- MA Range: 2-5
- Total Charms: 15
- Forms: 1
- Comboable Charms: 14
- Reflexive Charms: 4
- Persistent Charms: 6