The No Moons are often cast as the shamans, storytellers and sorcerers of Lunar society. All well and good, because they can do all these things. But they can be more.
Game Mechanics
Favored Attributes
Perception is the controlling attribute for many attack spells in the Terrestrial Circle, and is widely used otherwise.
Anima Ability
The Anima ability for No Moons is specific to sorcery. This ability specifically stacks with the Key of Mastery (see Aspect Book: Air, which specifically discusses the Lunar anima power), meaning that very potent sorceries can be enacted very cheaply. While a Lunar may not be able to more than halve the cost of a given spell, this does allow Lunar sorcerers to cast spells with variable Essence costs that would cost more than their total Essence pools normally allow - like Demon of the Second Circle.
Charms From Favored Attributes
For combat, No Moons favor over half of the Lunar Ranged Combat tree. They own virtually all of Lunar Perception, Spirit, and Sorcery. Interaction and Knowledge is there, but the Changing Moons sit on about half of that. Their ability to see and attack from far away suggests that flight is an important acquisition for any No Moon, which is trivially attainable.
Combat Sorcerer
This is pretty well covered here: TheMyriadOfShades/PC300.