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Luna Hides Her Face, Session Five: Bedlam Sonatina

Full transcript, minus out-of-character jabber, with only miscellaneous edits. Includes dice information.

Shadow Weaver: "Mm, this is awright, fit 's good, I like loose."

GM: The outfitter has crafted a pocket, of sorts, for your... hindward extras. It makes your rear look a little bulkier than it really is, but it's more comfortable than what you had previously.

Shadow Weaver: "...And the jacket.... mm, inner lining is dark, almost black. Is this reversible?"

Clothier: "Absolutely, sir."

Shadow Weaver turns to pay the good lady, then pauses. "Mmmsay miss, this cloak over here... the white one..." He smiles, somewhat ferally. "...d'y think it'd make a fine gift for a... lady?"

Clothier: "Hmm! I'd doubt it not a bit, sir." She tugs it off the rack and whirls it onto her own shoulders. "Do you think so?"

Shadow Weaver smiles ferally, thinking of Jesya. Easy prey, the grrl's in awe of him, yowrrr. "Ohyesss, that's.... very alluring. I'll take it!"

GM: As you're conducting that business, and Shine and Wisdom cross the main street, a wave of hush rolls through the market.

Shadow Weaver doesn't really notice just yet, his thoughts totally elsewhere :-P

Shining Blossom Empress is probably nattering away, too

Clothier: "Excellent! ... Er?" She looks curiously over your shoulder.

Shadow Weaver: "Mmm?" He looks up from counting his funds, and turns to look over his shoulder.

GM: A spectacle is taking place at the fountain square: a state funeral procession.

GM: At the front, Cathak Stone Raiment lies in a half-covered casket, only his upper body and nobly embalmed face visible. An armed and armoured fivefold honour guard carries him.

Wisdom of Shattered Fate pauses. "...Hmmm?"

Shadow Weaver watches the procession, impassive.

GM: Shortly behind the casket, a great covered platform follows, borne aloft by a score of servants. Upon it sit three figures:

GM: A thin man in a green cap and robes, sporting a long goatee, leering about restlessly.

GM: A captain in a red jade breastplate--a young man, strawberry-haired and fair-skinned, looking uncomfortable.

GM: Between them on an ornate seat, a woman resplendent in a long red cloak and glittering bronze armor, looking like a would-be Scarlet Empress. A daiklave is sheathed beside her. She looks confident but displeased, with sharp eyes and a deep frown.


Shadow Weaver:

..."Keep this with you," you tell the masked Sidereal. "I... I want her to feel me close by, when it happens. So that in a way I'll still be with her."

"Very well. May Fate lead you to a new and prosperous future, Weaver of the Silver Threads."

"Fate?" You sneer. "Your Fate led us to this end--so I have done with Fate. Where I go now, Fate holds no sway."

And so you leave. But not without stealing one last look at her...

Shining Blossom Empress:

..."There is no dignity in yielding to treachery, star daughter. What mad scheme is this?"

"It is the will of Heaven."

And with that, the torrent begins, giving you barely enough time to summon your weapon and enact the kata of the Fivefold Bulwark Stance before they crash upon you. Essence guides your strikes and parries more than vision, as your eyes fill with tears and fire engulfs the room.

"Where is he? He's so close--what have you done to him, how can you keep him from me? I will not suffer to perish alone!"

But alas.

Shining Blossom Empress feels a scowl, gets a good look at the woman. Know thine enemy…

Shadow Weaver semi-turns to the shopkeeper. "Impressive. Who ARE they, those three?"

Clothier: "It must be the governor... I don't know the one at her right. I think the other's Captain of the Guard."

Shining Blossom Empress muses quietly, "Shoulda cut his other leg off, coulda saved money, got a smaller coffin..."

Shadow Weaver frowns at the passing cortege.

GM: The parade draws up around the fountain, the two major elements paused on either side, facing the market, surrounded by a ring of soldiers and dignitaries.

GM: The woman in red stands and speaks, her voice apparently amplified by magic.

Shadow Weaver weighs his chances... take out the Governor, now?

Woman in red: "People of Greyfalls! Today we mourn in the wake of a brutal tragedy. The Earth Dragon weeps as he receives his own, Cathak Stone Raiment."

Shadow Weaver feels that that wouldn't be the best option, survival-wise.

Shining Blossom Empress whispers, "May he be reborn as somebody who respects their betters."

Woman in red: "But it is not enough only to mourn, my people. It is a time for righteous fury and retribution!"

Shadow Weaver rolls his eyes, what a fuss over such an ass- er? Retribution?

Shining Blossom Empress thinks fury and retribution is what killed Raiment.

Shadow Weaver slowlay backs into the shadows of the merchant's stall. :-)

Woman in red: "For Stone Raiment fell defending this city from Anathema, corrupt beings who have allowed unholy spirits to direct their actions."

Shining Blossom Empress sighs.

Shadow Weaver narrows his eyes, Luna "unholy"? Why-! *grrrrs low in his throat*

Woman in red: "We must not abide such a stain upon our city, lest your souls too yield to blasphemy, and doom you never to incarnate among the Terrestrial Exalted."

Shadow Weaver snorts, so what?

Shining Blossom Empress bites her lip.

Woman in red: "Thus I, your governor, Cathak Garnet Fortress, decree: anyone providing information toward the capture of these base wretches shall earn talents of jade, as well as enduring privilege in the Realm, never to pay tax or tariff again."

Shadow Weaver gravitates closer to the shopkeeper. "...Is she always so full of shi- erm, so... eloquent?"

GM: The clothier shakes her head. "No, sir, this is new. She's paraded around, and occasionally said a few words of blessing, but she's usually kept her own counsel in the capitol."

Shadow Weaver nods, thoughtful.

Wisdom snickers as at a private joke.

Shining Blossom Empress whispers to Wisdom, "That's the Governor, huh? She do this sort of thing often?"

Wisdom: "...That's not the Governor. Or, perhaps I say a bit mistakenly. That is the governor, but her name is not Cathak Garnet Fortress."

Governor Garnet Fortress: "Live by the Dragons' perfected order, and you shall be rewarded!"

Shining Blossom Empress raises a brow? "Wisdom, you're just full of surprises. Tell me more?" She loves gossip!

Wisdom: "I've spent some time at the capitol. Oftimes it's a banal place, but it is such a delight when, on that rare occasion, a bureaucrat shows Temperance enough to resist bribe..."

Shadow Weaver scowls and addresses the clothier, "...The Dragons' perfected order, huh? Tell me, is that how you perceive it, miss? D'you enjoy their rule?"

GM: Her speech concluded, the governor sits, and the procession moves off toward the capitol below the Falls.

Clothier: "I daren't speak ill, sir. The taxes can be burdensome, but I could never trade with the Realm otherwise..."

Shadow Weaver nods. His eyes suddenly narrow at a thought. "...Hey, wanna be rich?" He grins.

Clothier: "...Begging your pardon, sir?"

Wisdom: "I was around for a... quiet coup, that happened a month or so ago. Another Terrestrial took the governor's place, and donned an artifact to assume her guise."

Shining Blossom Empress blinks. "A mask?"

Wisdom blinks too. "You are most extraordinarily intuitive, my lady."

Shadow Weaver hefts his big jade hammer. "..... I'm one of the two who took out this... Cathak Stone Raiment. Denounce me to the Governor, show her my old clothes, heck, I'll even stand in sight ofr a moment or two, heh. And y'll be rich AND tax-free, whaddaya say?" He leans closer. "..... All this for a kiss, whaddaya say?"

Clothier: "Wha-what?" She's vastly confused and shocked. "You'd go to prison, for...?"

Shadow Weaver also hates not having a good feel for his opponents' capabilities, hates working in the dark. "Naw. They hafta catch me first, dontcha think?" He slips an arm round the clothier's waist, smiling. "Tempted?"

Clothier: "Uh... I..."

[*] Shadow Weaver Scab Rolls 1d6 Soc+Pres: (4)

GM: The clothier wrestles with herself for a moment. "Well... are you sure they'll pay me if you get away?"

Shadow Weaver shrugs. "....I dunno grrl, can't rpomise you anything." He hmms. "...Y'may be right, there could be some risk." He frowns. ".... And it's true I don't trust that misbegotten ilk.... Dragon-Blooded are treacherous by nature." He nods, thought-process run through its course "Could be risky."

Shining Blossom Empress wants to be away from here, away from the mysterious and unknowable governor.. for now. She wants to get back to the alley and wait for Weaver to return after not doing anything stupid.

Clothier: "And Anathema aren't? You're a strange one, sir. But I -don't- make enough profit here to put me in comfort... nor do I often get a chance to kiss one who's slain an Exalted..."

Shining Blossom Empress shoots Weaver a meaningful glare.

GM: Empress and Wisdom slip away toward the alley.

Shadow Weaver turns, staring across the market, is that Shine over there? "...Mkay grrl, don' wanna seeya get hurt on MY account. Was a silly idea, so here, take this and live well." He smiles, pawing her a few jewels from his pouch.

Clothier (disappointed): "Uh... thank you, sir, have a fine day."

Wisdom: "And where are we headed, milady?"

Shadow Weaver's smile widens into a grin and he reaches out, slowly, lifting the grrl's chin a few inches "..... Not so fast." He leans in and kisses her! :-P *

Clothier: "...!"

Shining Blossom Empress: "Hopefully, to meet some friends." Her infidelity-sense is tingling.

Shadow Weaver breaks the kiss, smiles, backs away. "...Till we meet again, prrrhaps."

Clothier: "V-very pleased, sir... will I see you again? Or will you be too busy scorning the Governor?"

Shadow Weaver: "..... I trust I'll be back to... sample your wares. G'day, m'lady!" He saunters off, heading back towards the alley, with a spring in his step.

GM: Shine and Wisdom reach the spot. Wisdom stops, puzzled.

Shining Blossom Empress stops too. "Something the matter?"

Wisdom: "It shames me to show such baseless cowardice, but... something about this place sets me very ill at ease, my Empress."

Shadow Weaver keeps a wary eye out for bugs and nasties, all senses on the alert

Shining Blossom Empress frowns. "I'm told the area's warded, I assumed it was against evil." She realises the enchantment could be less specific…

Shadow Weaver is still on his way, a-sauntering still. :-)

Wisdom: "Against... evil? There are surely those who broadly paint those of my kind with such a brush..."

Shadow Weaver is one of them, grr.

Shining Blossom Empress sighs. "You and I both, it seems. Hard to imagine a ward against you, but they neglected to shield against the dread Anathema."

Shadow Weaver flinches and snaps his head to look over his shoulder! He looks UP. "..... Wanderer, grr. Whaddayawant?"

Tradewind Wanderer skates down the side of the building and steps lightly away from it. "Just curious as to your progress."

Wisdom: "Perhaps they've sympathy for your kind but not for mine."

Shadow Weaver stops, not wanting to bring Wanderer too close to Shine and her companion.

Shining Blossom Empress wishes we could all just get along...

Shadow Weaver shrugs "We're close on the trail, no doubt. But all this posturing by the Governor, her drive-by rallying of the rabble, that might add some.. complications. Did you see?"

Shining Blossom Empress: "This could make things difficult. I'd hoped to hide you here while we dealt with something."

Wanderer: "I did. Consequences of your actions, isn't it? Ah well... so long as I receive what's mine, I care not. Speaking of which, where is the Empress...?"

Shadow Weaver raises a brow. "And what of YOUR progress then? Your target was here mere minutes ago." He ignores Wanderer's question. :-P

Wanderer narrows his eyes. "I agreed to assist you, not to get myself butchered in the street. I'll go with you when you make your move, but that shall have to wait until you've guts to begin the march."

Shadow Weaver hrmphs. "In that case, you seem well-informed. For Shine and I to make our move, information is needed. So, what can you offer? 'assistance', eh?" He smiles sardonically. He's boiling inside, this character rubs his fur the wrong way.

Wanderer: "I have a working knowledge of the local Dragon-Blooded and their forces, such as they are. I've done business in the capitol, I know its tactical layout. Sufficient?"

Shadow Weaver doesn't look impressed. "Yes, nice to know YOU have that knowledge. Now, how do you propose to impart it to ME?" He waits, starting to look increasingly impatient. :-P

Wanderer shrugs. "The governor, the captain of the guard, and this Auditor remain constantly in and around the capitol. A Circle of others come in and out of the city as their business requires; the latest unrest makes their presence rare, and you've already done away with one. Beyond that... I'll need more than 'we're close on the trail,' my friend."

Shadow Weaver thinks a moment. "Oh really? Answer me this then. Are YOU one of this 'Circle' you mentioned?"

Shining Blossom Empress is swamped by exalted testosterone.

Wanderer laughs! "What an amusing thought. No, I meant a Terrestrial circle... I don't intend to stay here after my business is done. I stay true to my name."

Shining Blossom Empress doesn't know what to do. Thinks about going to look for Weaver, he should be back by now...

Shadow Weaver nods, then shrugs. "Well, for your enlightenment, I have the creature's scent and now all we need is a first trail."

Wisdom leans against a wall opposite the warded alley, his cloak pulled tight around him.

Shadow Weaver: "...the fae is elusive, I'll grant you, we;ve come close a few times but alas, the trail petered out." He feigns a slight embarrassment.

Shining Blossom Empress smiles apologetically. "I'm sorry about this, I truly am. Perhaps we should find Shadow Weaver again?"

Wanderer: "Mmmm... perhaps I can smooth the path." He touches his chokers, thoughtfully.

Shadow Weaver looks up. ".....? How so?"

GM: Tap, tap, tap. Wanderer drums his fingers on one of the chokers, and sparks fly at each touch.

Shining Blossom Empress turns to Wisdom.

Wisdom cowers!

Shining Blossom Empress: "There's an exal... whuh? What's happening?"

Shadow Weaver raises a brow. "Wanderer, my dear fellow, leave tracking to the experts, that IS why you are dealing with me at all, after all."

Shining Blossom Empress unslings her staff, looks around, anxious.

Wisdom shrinks down, backpedaling, and shoves himself through the dust into the corner of a doorway, trembling.

Wanderer: "A flushed quarry is easy to track. Good hunting, Weaver."

Shadow Weaver steps closer. "..... Pass one of those li'l artifacts to ME, if you want to render my search effective. After all, its properties can best be exploited by me."

Wanderer starts to turn away, his eyes glinting. "I do not relinquish what's mine."

Shining Blossom Empress moves closer to Wisdom. "Wisdom... your sword, staff, ring and cup.. can he use those against you?"

Wisdom: "Oh, it is true, my Empress! Defend me!"

Shadow Weaver's eyes narrow. "Prrrhaps catching and slaying this vile creature is nearer my heart than your insubstantial contribution to our cause, Wanderer. Think on that." He steps closer, almost threatening.

Shining Blossom Empress: "I'm here, Wisdom, none shall pass... Can he use them against ME?"

GM: A glitter leaves Wisdom's eyes. "No... no... but do not mind it. It is no use, what shall come to pass shall..."

Shadow Weaver: "...Hand it over, Wanderer." His voice is a low growl.

Wanderer: "I trade like for like. Insubstantial currency, insubstantial goods."

Shining Blossom Empress: "You think I'd abandon you to such as him?" She keeps glancing about, half expects Wanderer to appear any second.

Wisdom: "It would be my lot. ... Do, and let the terror pass from me!" He clings, childlike, to your ankle.

Shadow Weaver's gaze is steely. "Then make the first move in the trade, Wanderer. One or more of those items would make my hunt all the more easy. And productive!"

Shining Blossom Empress frowns. "Get up man, snap out of it. You've nothing to fear."

Wisdom: "Nothing to fear? There is nothing but fear!" He recedes, and gets to his feet, dashing away down the street!

Shining Blossom Empress blinks. "...Hey!" She sprints after the Raksha!

Wanderer: "These things have no price. Name anything else, Lunar, even if I must walk by your side and use these items as you direct. But not to give them away."

GM: A dashing pair crosses an intersection a block away!

Shining Blossom Empress: "GET BACK HERE YOU CRAZY IDIOT!"

Wanderer: "Eh...? Was that...?"

Shadow Weaver manages not to turn his head, but his blood freezes in his veins! "...Was what?" He feigns an innocent look. :-)

Wanderer turns around and strides briskly down the street in that direction.

Shadow Weaver curses under his breath and follows.

Shining Blossom Empress lunges forward and wraps her staff around Wisdom's legs.

[*] Shining Blossom Empress Scab Rolls 5d6 Phys+MA: (5) (6) (5) (5) (2)

GM: Fwabam! The fae sprawls in the street!

Shining Blossom Empress dives on top of him!

Wanderer rounds the corner and sees them there! "Well, well... Lunar, you have been outdone as a hunter, it seems..."

Shining Blossom Empress is about to slap the hysterical Fae... hears a voice. "Uh-oh."

Shadow Weaver's gaze is inscrutable, thoughts in turmoil.

Wisdom: "It is over. The horror shall descend upon me, and the end shall then come. What is it like to end? I have never known an ending." He babbles, pinned.

Shining Blossom Empress looks down, whispers urgently. "Been there, done that. Fight it with everything you can, Raksha."

Shadow Weaver hefts his big hammer. He stifles a grrrrowl and concentrates, shifting into a more devastating hybrid form, Daiklave-enhanced claws extending.

Shining Blossom Empress hops off Wisdom and untangles her Staff. She narrows her eyes, distaste evident in her glare. "Wanderer..."

Wanderer: "What is this? Betrayal from my allies? I knew I should have had you swear..."

Shadow Weaver snarls! and lunges at Wanderer / swinging the jade Hammer in a vicious arc / while HOWLing his pent-up frustration and enmity towards this despicable character! / "Eat THIS, you slimy creature!"

Wisdom presses himself against a far wall, mumbling about "what will pass, will pass."

[*] Shadow Weaver rolls 8d6 vs. 5 for attack: (5) (1) (5) (3) (4) (3) (3) (6) = 7 successes.

[*] Shadow Weaver rolls 2d6 vs. 5 for defense: (5) (5) = 2 successes.

Wanderer's caste mark flares / as his Surprise Anticipation Method alerts him to the attack. / He holds his hand up behind him / and a sword of airy Gossamer materializes in his hand / parrying the falling hammer!

[*] Wanderer rolls 3d6 Scarlet vs. 5: (4) (2) (3) = 3 successes + 1 for demons.

[*] Wanderer rolls 4d6 Ebon vs. 5: (6) (5) (2) (5) = 3 successes.

GM: [Wanderer down 4, Weaver down 2.]

Shadow Weaver ghahs in frustration as his strike is parried, and flows back a step.

Shining Blossom Empress roars, "Tradewind Wanderer! You disgrace the mark you wear! / Prepare to explain your actions to the Unconquered Sun!" (V) / Springs forward, staff whirling in a blur / lands with a crushing kick to his shoulders / hisses "Die, deceiver!" / as she springs into a back flip / using the momentum to lash the staff at his head.

GM: As the staff extends toward him / he hops lightly into the air / and runs up the staff segment-by-segment, tp tp tp / slashing a neat cut along Empress' left cheek / as he hops behind her, kicking off between her shoulderblades. / "I am Exalted... my actions are the Sun's will!"(V)

[*] Shining Blossom Empress rolls 5d6 vs. 5 attackage: (5) (4) (6) (5) (2) = 4 successes.

[*] Shining Blossom Empress rolls 3d6 vs. 5 to protect my pretty face: (5) (3) (3V) = 3 successes.

[*] Wanderer rolls 5d6 Scarlet vs. 5: (5) (1) (1) (5) (2) = 5 successes + 1 for demons.

[*] Wanderer rolls 4d6 Ebon vs. 5: (3) (6) (4) (6V) = 2 successes.

GM: [Wanderer down 2 and adds one Limit, Empress down 3.]

Shadow Weaver snarls and LEAPS forward! / flinging the Jade Hammer in a high arc towards his opponent / and TEARING into Wanderer with tooth and claw, slashing, gouging, rrripping a way to his treacherous heart! / "For that, your blood shall run frrreely and slake my thirst! Die, cur!" / He inflicts his wounds, then uses his momentum to bounce off at a tangent, rolling once then springing up in a low crouch, fang-filled jaws snarling! / "SHINE! Heads up!"

Wanderer spins around, blood flowing into his anima in water and fire / and slashes through the air with his featherlight blade / sending a Sandstorm Wind Attack to rip through Weaver, bowling him over! / "Call me a cur, will you, half-beast? / Have you been so long in the Wyld that you've forgotten your humanity, / to ally with a Raksha monster?"

[*] Shadow Weaver rolls 7d6 vs. 5 for attackness: (6) (5) (3) (5) (2) (5) (4) = 6 successes.

[*] Shadow Weaver rolls 4d6 vs. 5 for whimpy defenseness, heh : (3) (4) (6) (5) = 3 successes.

[*] Wanderer rolls 4d6 Scarlet vs. 5: (5) (1) (4) (4) = 4 successes + 1 for demons.

[*] Wanderer rolls 4d6 Ebon vs. 5: (4) (4) (2) (4) = 4 successes.

GM: [Wanderer down 2, Weaver down 2.]

GM: [current score: Wanderer has 4 remaining, Weaver has 1, Empress has 3]

Shining Blossom Empress: [spending a point to double my dice pool here...]

Shining Blossom Empress lands lightly, flings stars at Wanderer as she turns to snarl / "You blame the Sun for your sins?! BLASPHEMY! BETRAYER!" / She drops her staff to leap high into the air, anima flaring in a blazing arc. / "THIS is the Sun's will!" / She grabs the falling hammer with both hands, turning in the air / to land with a devastating overhead ka-BOOM that craters the earth and shakes buildings!

Wanderer crouches down and raises his blade / Empress's blow landing with a sonic boom against his Heavenly Guardian Defense! / His chest studded with throwing stars, / he grabs Empress by her vest / and slams her headfirst into the cratered ground! / "You're mine, do not dare resist me!"

[*] Shining Blossom Empress rolls 10d6 vs. 5 to smoosh Wanderer to grimy paste: (3) (4) (4) (5) (1) (6) (1) (3) (6) (5) = 8 successes.

[*] Wanderer rolls 10d6 vs. 5 to not be grimy paste: (2) (5) (4) (4) (6) (6) (6) (3) (6) (1) = 6 successes.

[*] Wanderer rolls 6d6 vs. 3 to crack Empress's head: (6) (2) (4) (6) (3) (1) = 3 successes + 1 for demons.

[*] Shining Blossom Empress rolls 6d6 vs. 4 to avoid falling out of her top: (6) (1) (1) (4) (6) (2) = 4 successes.

GM: [Wanderer down 3 (1 spent), Empress down 1 spent.]

Shadow Weaver rears up to his full height, glittering jaws agape. "...What the hell do you mean, she's 'yours'?! / If anything, she's MINE!" / Calling on Luna's power, he gathers the anima to himself, focusing / raising both claws up to drink in the cool moon-tinted glow surrounding him, / and LAUNCHES his lupine form at his foe, tearing a crescent of destruction through the air, then skin flesh and bones, painting the alley red in his rage!

Wanderer stares the approaching werewolf down / his anima banner a whirling funnel buffeting Weaver as he approaches / and lifts his sword into the Lunar's gut as the claws rake! / The two of them crash in blood and shrapnel against a building. / Wanderer rolls Weaver off him with a mighty heave! / "Stay down, pup!"

[*] Shadow Weaver rolls 7d6 vs. 5 to slash the b'stard to li'l ribbons! : (5) (6) (3) (6) (1) (1) (6) = 4 successes.

[*] Wanderer rolls 6d6 vs. 3 to bleed but keep fighting: (4) (1) (1) (6) (6) (4) = 2 successes.

[*] Wuxalted rolls 2d6 vs. 5 to eviscerate: (6) (3) = 1 success + 1 for demons.

[*] Shadow Weaver rolls 4d6 vs. 5 to avoid getting hurt : (2) (2) (1) (6) = 3 successes.

GM: [Wanderer is out, Weaver holds steady at 1 Essence!]

Wanderer staggers and falls to a knee, his wounds and Essence expenditure overwhelming him.

Shining Blossom Empress gets to her feet, stalks over to the stricken Deceiver.

Shadow Weaver watches, panting, blood dripping from his now-scarlet muzzle.

Shining Blossom Empress reaches and grips the four chokers with her left hand. "These don't belong to you..." She draws her right hand almost to her left shoulder, and backhand-slaps his head clean off his shoulders. *ksplut-thud, bounce, splot*

Wisdom peers out from between his fingers, hunched in a doorway. "Is it... over?"

Shadow Weaver nods, the movement final. "It is done. But..." He stalks over to the Raksha and reaches down, grabs with a clawed paw, and lifts him up, only to slam him against the wall! Getting veryvery close, very in-your-face, he growls : "...And YOU. For all this, for ME to have done what I've done, y'd better damn well be WORTH it!"

Wisdom eeps! "I... it is my way to be useful, my lord! I shall not disappoint you!"

Shining Blossom Empress drops the body and jumps on Weaver, arms around his neck, all smiles! :-D:-D:-D She spins Weaver aside, slamming HIM against the wall, then plasters his face with kisses.

Shadow Weaver: "..!! ..!! ...!"

Shining Blossom Empress: "My hero! You DO love me! Oh, my love! My saviour!"

Wisdom basks. Mm, passions.

Shadow Weaver weakly tries to fend off the attentions, muzzle creased in a silent snarrl, wtf?

Shining Blossom Empress probably can't really reach your face at the best of times, never mind in ten-foot-monster-mode.

GM: Leaving the two to their bloodstained happy reunion, the raksha wanders over to the decapitated body. With a vague wave of his hand, the four chokers vanish from the neck-stump.

Shadow Weaver: "...You...ah... get... awrgh, GET OFF! Grrr!"

Shining Blossom Empress wraps her arms around his torso and nuzzles his chest, squeaking with joy.

Shadow Weaver composes himself, barely. "WAIT! You, Raksha!" He crooks a razor-sharp claw. "C'mere."

Wisdom turns around. "I am your humble servant, lord of the wilds... yes?"

Shadow Weaver growls, unthinkingly wrapping one huge furry arm 'round the small and lithe form of Shine. "Are you? You see that corpse, you see what has been done?"

Wisdom: "I do, resplendent wolf! And by the gateway Nirakara through which I entered this world, by every Shinma in the Wyld, I thank you for it!"

Shining Blossom Empress looks over, frowns. This wasn't for the raksha, this was for the Sun. She doesn't say anything yet, though.

Shadow Weaver's expression darkens. "I'll have more from you, creature, or you will share a like fate! Swear to me, swear that you are committed to this one and m'self, to our well-being, to our safety, and most of all, to our SUCCESS! ALL of our endeavours."

Wisdom bows deeply. "You know my kind well, august hunter. It shall be an oath, then."

Shadow Weaver's eyes narrow, not yet placated.

Wisdom reaches into his cloak and produces what looks to be the fang of some creature--a siaka, perhaps.

Shining Blossom Empress looks sad. Feels bad for the poor Raksha, he's been through a lot lately.

GM: Gossamer and Essence ripple down the fae's arm and crystallize upon the object, making it shine like diamond.

Shadow Weaver watches.

Wisdom: "A Samhara Oath, my lord, covenant of the Sword. I shall serve my master Shadow Weaver and mistress Shining Blossom Empress, aiding them in their goals until they deem my service complete. And from it I shall gain strength to resist any temptation that might urge my betrayal."

Shadow Weaver grudgingly nods.

Shining Blossom Empress slips away from Weaver and goes to hug Wisdom.

Shadow Weaver raises a brow.

Wisdom, a little puzzled, hugs gently--carefully--back.

Shining Blossom Empress looks up. "I told you we'd keep you safe."

Shadow Weaver shifts back to human form, staggers.

Shining Blossom Empress flits back to Weaver, clings some more.

Shadow Weaver is too weary to resist.

Shining Blossom Empress feels a pang. "I know... why don't we go get some breakfast?"

Shadow Weaver ghahs and nods. "...And then a nap. A long one."

Shining Blossom Empress slowly smiiiiles. She secretly hopes he might be too tired to morph into a wolf-form when he naps.

Shadow Weaver doesn't realize the consequences of what he said, heh.

Shining Blossom Empress only wants a cuddle. "…Wisdom, will you be okay, now?"

Shadow Weaver pushes off from the wall he was leaning against.

Wisdom: "My Graces are mine again, now, though sworn to your service. I will manage as I have since entering Creation."

Shining Blossom Empress nods. "Go then. Be well."

Wisdom bows with a flourish of his hand. "I leave in awe as when first we met." He wraps his cloak tightly around him and heads away from the ravaged scene.

Shining Blossom Empress wonders if she can turn in the Anathema's corpse for bounty.

Shadow Weaver ignores the Raksha and heads for the alley, and blessed rest. "...C'mon... we'll send Jesya fer some breakfast... awrgh..." He pauses only to gather the bundle of purchases from the clothier.

End Session Five
