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House Rules for LunaHidesHerFace

  • Replace Brawl with War and Resistance with Integrity.
  • Based on LunarHouseRules/ExpandedHeartsBlood, the first dot of the Heart's Blood background gives your shape-library a full complement of mundane animals. The second adds superpredators such as Tyrant Lizards and siaka.
  • Scab rolls do sometimes come up, when there's something at stake but not anything particularly worth spending lots of time on.
    • See toward the end of Session 3, where a scab roll decides how Jesya responds to Shadow Weaver's... overt affection.
  • Noncombat conflicts play out as suggested in the Wuxalted rules, but with the following modifications:
    • When conflict begins, set stakes. What's to be achieved by bringing your Abilities to bear? Whoever beats the others in the conflict wins what's at stake.
      • In Session 3, a conflict with Tradewind Wanderer had the stakes "Does Wanderer join the rebel cause?"
    • Noncombat conflict in Exalted is less draining than physical--you're dealing with Willpower and small amounts of Essence, overall, not copious Essence / Willpower / HLs. So after a noncombat conflict, you regain all Essence lost to "hits" (unopposed Scarlet successes) in that conflict. Essence spent on Charms and anima powers remains lost.
  • Nemeses and PCs can gang up against each other.
    • Multiply a beleaguered Nemesis' Essence (pool, not Detail cap) by the number of his attackers.
      Note: needs some work. This looks a little ridiculous if the PCs have less Essence than the guy they team up on.
    • Consolidate multiple Nemesis opponents into a single gestalt Nemesis with the total Essence pool of its members, and a dice cap equaling the highest of its members. If they're fighting in concert, as is standard procedure for Dragon-Blooded, add bonus dice equal to the leader's War Ability. Take the best, not total, values of each other type of dice bonus (Artifacts, Lunar DBT Gifts--Offensive / Defensive overlap makes "general" bonus dice--etc).
    • Separately resolve each exchange of an individual PC vs. a single or gestalt Nemesis.
