The Third Triumph of Swords is a formidable force, composed of Elite Extras, armed with Greatswords and Lamellar armor. There's a Scale of them, and they have an elite commander.
The base stats of a scale are
Communication +6 Training +4 Equipment +4 Morale +4 Health Levels -0 x1 / -1 x2 / -2 x3 / -4 x1 / Broken
Because they are Elite, this is at +3. These bonuses are added to Training, Equipment and Health Levels, resulting in the following.
Communication +6 Training +6 Equipment +6 Morale +4 Health Levels -0 x1 / -1 x3 / -2 x5 / -4 x1 / Broken
Because of the armor and spacing requird for the vast sweeps required for the swords, the army doesn't communicate as effectively as a troop of it's size would be expected. Additionally, they lack missile weapons for the early engagement advantage- they have to handle it all up close and personal. Communication is reduced by 4, and Training and Equipment are both again increased by 1.
Communication +2 Training +7 Equipment +7 Morale +4 Health Levels -0 x1 / -1 x3 / -2 x5 / -4 x1 / Broken
With the Elite Commander (3s in all relevant Attributes and Abilities), the Third Triumph of Swords has the following.
Initative: +8 To Hit: 13 Damage: +10L To Parry: 10 To Dodge: 6 (Remember, dodgeing doesn't allow for Morale) Soak: 8L
-0 O -1 OOO -2 OOO OO -4 O Brk O
Typically, the Third Triumph is directed to attack a unit in conjunction with someone else providing missile fire. This forces the enemy on the defense, and allows them to close in relative safety. Thus, they will tend to either Parry or Dodge, as is appropriate for the number of attacks incoming at them, if they come under direct fire. New recruits are always being trained, local champions that want a more steady paycheck and talented soldiers being wastefully promoted.