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Shapechanging 2

Initial Notes

Shapechanging 2 is focused on the changing of that which is around the Lunar, and thus I have cut it away from the other charms.
Note: Evolution Charms will be marked with a dotted border, Charms with No prerequisites will be marked by Grey backgrounds.
Please note changes after tree.


Shaping the Once Living Form: Shaping the Ideal form is now the only pre-requisite.

New Charms & Evolutions


Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower, 1 Health Level + special
Duration: Permanent
Type: Simple
Minimum Wits: 4
Minimum Essence: 5
Pre-requisite Charms: Lunar Blood Reshaping technique

Blessing of the Changing Moon allows a Lunar to make permanent physical changes to a willing Subject. By allowing the target to taste their blood while activating this charm, allows the Lunar to make various changes to the targets physical appearance. At the cost of 2xp from the target or Lunar, physical alterations can be made to change the targets visage with a successful Wits + Craft (body shaping) roll. The use of this charm can be from anything as simple as minor changes such as Hair and Eye colour, and skin tone changes, to a completely new face. Beyond the cosmetic value of the charm, no actual attributes are affected, however beings whose faces are altered for disguises are perfect, and cannot be pierced as illusions in any way because they are an actual physical change.

Additional Notes

Shaping the once Living Form and Lunar Blood Reshaping are by no means exclusive, but I felt that the ability to shapeshift objects into other objects really wasn't on the same wavelength as shaping living things. Similar, but by no means the same.


New charm Idea for review:


Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 2 Health Levels + special
Duration: Permanent
Type: Varies
Minimum Intelligence: 5
Minimum Essence: 6
Pre-requisite Charms: Blessing of the Changing Moon

The nature of this charm is not for the faint of heart, the subject of this charm must first drink the blood of the Lunar, and the Lunar must then ritually mark the Essence points of the body in his blood also. The use of this charm then allows the Lunar to significantly alter the physical makeup of the target. For the cost of 8xp from the Lunar ot target The lunar may "reassign" the physical related attributes of Strength, Stamina, Dexterity, and Appearance. By shifting muscle tissue, to either strengthen limbs add padding, stream-lining, or even beautifying the targets body. All those who are subjected to this are at a loss of -2 to all dice pools for a number of days equal to the dots that have been re-assigned.
More intrepid individuals may subject themselves to more... intensive treatment. If the lunar is able to aquire reasonably fresh "spare parts" in the right quantities, they may add to the existing attributes instead of rearranging them. This process is far more gruesome, forcing the target to make a conviction roll at a difficulty equal to the total increases they wish to make. Failure does not mean they will not go through with the process, merely scarred mentally by it, as well as physicaly, in which they are at -4 to all dice rolls for the number of days equal to the dots aquired in this way. If the target botches, they are immediately ill, and will not attempt the process, the motes, willpower, healthleves, and experience points spent are wasted, and will not allow for it again for a lunar month.
These changes are made with a successful intelligence + craft (body) roll. Failure incurs 5 dice of lethal damage, botches may indicate loss of attributes, temporarily or permanently.

A little take on Vampire Clan Tzimisce Vicissitude. For the Lunar who wants to play Dr. Frankenstien. - ArabianNinja, who thinks the real fun is finding the spare parts....