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Name: Oshiro Masuyo 
Tradition: Daughter of Ether	Faction: Mad Scientist		Essence: Dynamic
Player: Lance			Age: 26				Concept: Yakuza Scientist
Chronicle: Reiswind's		Nature: Deviant			Demeanor: Trickster

(Physical)              (Social)                (Mental)
Strength      [X....]   Charisma      [X....]   Perception    [XX...]
Dexterity     [XX...]   Manipulation  [XXX..]   Intelligence  [XXXX.]
Stamina       [XXX..]   Appearance    [XXXX.]   Wits          [XXX..]

5 13 9

     (Talents)             (Skills)                (Knowledge)
 Alertness     [.....]   Crafts        [XXXBB]   Academics     [XXX..]
 Athletics     [X....]   Drive         [XX...]   Computers     [XX...]
 Awareness     [X....]   Etiquette     [XX...]   Cosmology     [.....]
 Brawl         [.....]   Firearms      [XX...]   Enigmas       [.....]
 Dodge         [X....]   Meditation    [.....]   Investigation [.....]
 Expression    [.....]   Melee		[.....]	  Law		[.....]
 Intimidation  [.....]   Performance	[.....]   Linguistics	[X....]
 Leadership    [.....]   Stealth	[X....]   Medicine	[.....]
 Streetwise    [X....]   Survival	[.....]   Occult	[.....]
 Subterfuge    [X....]   Technology  	[XXXBB]   Science	[XXX..]


Languages: Whatever everyone else has! (*cough*)
   (=Backgrounds=) (7)                     (=Spheres=)
Contacts       [XX...]			Matter	[XX...]
Avatar		[BB...]        		Forces	[XX...]
Library        [XXX..]	      		Prime	[X....]
Wealth         [XXBB.]        

Arete          [AB........]   
Willpower      [WW---.....]
Quint          [--........]   

PARADOX [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

       [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [P] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Lightning Calculator (1 Point)


Mistaken Identity (+1 Point)
Defective Sense (Sight, +1 Point)

Experience: 2/2

Signature Foci:
 Matter: EtherLance/Ethereal Injector
 Forces: Reactive Manipulator Gloves
 Prime: Ethershades (Yes, mirrorshades too)
 Dynamic|Flowing (1)
 Static|Programmed (0)
 Entropic|Evaporation (0)

Items Worth Note


Combat Data

+13 Init (+7 Unarmed), 15 Dodge, 11 Parry, 3B/7L base damage (Automatic pings for 5. Essence whore HERE.)

Health Levels:
[ ] -0
[ ] -1
[ ] -1
[ ] -2
[ ] -2	
[ ] -5	
[ ] Incapacitated

General Background

Oshiro Masuyo was a young, overachieving college student; then soon afterwards a college professor as well, rapidly graduating with honors and degrees in physics and engineering. Up until that point, her life had been relatively simple, all things concerned; nearly suffer nervous breakdowns over every test, but bring home the straight A's that made her parents proud, spurning little distractions like friends, sports, or the boys who spent time chasing her throughout high school. She felt that she was rewarded well enough with her entry in a prestigious university, the status that came from being a young professor, even getting in the news for day as an oddity, the young professor.

From that point on, she started asking far too many questions of herself. Experiments she ran in her own time, in her research, testings various chemical reactions and matter. A book she had found in her bag (But never recalled getting, and was already checked out to her through the campus library, how could she have forgotten something like that...), called 'Kitab al Alacair'. Something dealing with the 'Ether', as it called it, an odd phenomenon she linked with theories on dark matter in her head.

After her equipment somehow dropped partway into and fused with the table, she was fairly certain she had successfully created it.

The visit from the Sons of Ether came shortly after, to confirm her suspicion - and let her know just how wide of a world she could experiment on now. Immediately happy at this discovery, she was disheartened when, at her first hearing tenure, she was released; the amount of equipment she had gone through was 'disturbing' they said, despite the fact that it was rather economical; and a number of other small complaints about 'not being able to express her ideas well', 'improper notation of research'...a litany of minor complaints that had nothing to do with how she chose to ignore the advances made by the head of the tenure board, a new arrival, or the report she had published denouncing the theories of another scientist responsible for a very large endowment to the school.

The media, who had cared about her when she arrived at the job, didn't say a word as she left, if she ever noticed; not that she had went to look for them anyways. Instead, she went to work on her own, dipping into her personal savings from her short periods of work, from the grant money paid in advance for studies she could no longer complete, just working away.

It was a few weeks later when an offer of work came her way. Far different from teaching; a man had an interesting question to her of how laser beams worked, as well as certain systems reaction to pressure. The matter was simple for Masuyo to solve; in fact, she told him that she could have a device ready to manipulate them all by the end of the night. The man expressed surprise, and then made a phone call.

That night, Masuyo found herself staring at the entrance to a store, and was considering. The offer the gentlemen around her were making was persuasive even without the obvious consequences; having found out just how much money was left in her bank account, remembering just where all her work and discipline had taken her...

She gave the men what they needed, and that night, a store of little consequence, who had been neglecting to pay the money asked to the Yakuza, was robbed and burned. And Masuyo had a new occupation. The new guard of the Yakuza found the pretty scientist a very useful, if unconventional, assistant; but their hackers often turned out the same way, and she had some skill in that too. Whether it was dealing with and explaining the seemingly impossible, or providing tools that went far beyond what you could find in a store - or even make in most university labs - for less-then-ethical people. Masuyo found this life even better then the one left before; less time spent reporting, less restrictions on the research, almost as much money, and no stupid rules about what you had to spend it on. Her parents were considerably less approving; they had been eager for her to find a husband when she had gone to teach at the university instead, but at least then, she acted properly. None of this going out to clubs, staying up all hours of the night, working a bizaare unreliable job, dealing with men casually instead of focusing on marriage...but for Masuyo, so long as she listened to the requests made by her superiors, everything went fine.

And more often then not, the requests themselves were worth it regardless of money; you could always find new applications of SCIENCE in these kinds of situations.

Background and Goals

Full Background

Note: The last one of these I did was 11,042 words. Do you really want all that to read? I didn't think so.

XPLance/Hand/BP Expenditure

-1 BP for Merit
+2 BP for Flaws
-4 BP for Arete 2
-3 BP for Avatar 0-2, Wealth 2-3
-8 BP for Tech 5, Craft 5
+2 XP for the Hotel Brawl