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Twilight of the Five Springs

Name: Skua
Caste: Twilight
Motivation: Restore First Age knowledge.
Anima: A flock of seabirds, all in different shades of a sunset sky, flying around her.
Concept: A Haslanti air pirate


Strength: 2, Dexterity: 4, Stamina: 3
Charisma: 2, Manipulation: 2, Appearance: 3
Perception: 3, Intelligence: 5, Wits: 3


Archery: 0, Martial Arts: 0, Melee: 1, Thrown: 3, War: 0
Integrity: 0, Performance: 0, Presence: 0, Resistance: 2, Survival: 2
Craft (Air): 2, Craft (Magitech): 2, Investigation: 3, Lore: 3, Medicine: 0, Occult: 2
Athletics: 2, Awareness: 2, Dodge: 2, Larceny: 0, Stealth: 0
Bureaucracy 0, Linguistics: 3, Ride: 2, Sail: 2, Socialize: 0


Craft: Engineering +1, Lore: First Age +1, Melee: Spears and Javelins +2, Ride: Aircraft +1, Sail: Airships +1


Skytongue, Icewalkers, Old Realm, Riverspeak


Artifact: 2 (A Haslanti Essence glider)
Contacts: 2
Influence: 1 (Amongst the Haslanti Air Pirates)
Resources: 2


Compassion: 1, Conviction: 3, Temperance: 2, Valor 3.
Virtue Flaw: Foolhardy Contempt (Valor)

Willpower: 7
Essence: 2
Essence pool: 13 / 28 (30) / 2 motes committed to an Essence glider

Health Levels -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incap/Dying


First Craft Excellency
Second Craft Excellency
Object-Strengthening Touch
First Dodge Excellency
Whirling Brush Method
First Lore Excellency
First Sail Excellency
Salty Dog Method
First Thrown Excellency
Returning Weapon Concentration
Triple-Distance Attack Technique


Essence glider (Artifact 2), a bundle of javelins, throwing knives, a hunting knife, a light breastplate, several small notebooks and a couple of scrolls, some random metal objects, a toolkit, a small camping kit, rope, an extra set of clothes, a small waterskin.


Join Battle: 5
Soak: 3 (5) / 1 (5) / 0 (4)
Dodge DV: 4 (3)
Knockdown: 5 / 6
Stunning: 3 / 5
Punch: Spd- 5, Acc- 5, Dmg- 2B, Def- 3, Rate- 3
Kick: Spd- 5, Acc- 4, Dmg- 5B, Def- 1, Rate- 2
Clinch: Spd- 6, Acc- 4, Dmg- 2B, Def- 2, Rate- 1
Knife (close): Spd- 5, Acc- 6, Dmg- 4L, Def- 3, Rate- 3
Throwing Knife: Spd- 5, Acc- 7, Dmg- 4L, Def- NKahavi/Skua/A, Rate- 3, Range- 15
Javelin (ranged): Spd- 4, Acc- 8, Dmg- 5L, Def- NKahavi/Skua/A, Rate- 2, Range- 30
Javelin (close): Spd- 4, Acc- 6, Dmg- 5L, Def- 3, Rate- 2

Social Combat

Join Debate: 5
Mental DV: 4
Presence: Spd- 4, Hon.Att- 2, Hon.MDV- 1, Dec.Att- 2, Dec.MDV- 1, Rate- 2
Performance: Spd- 6, Hon.Att- 2, Hon.MDV- 1, Dec.Att- 2, Dec.MDV- 1, Rate- 1
Investigation: Spd- 5, Hon.Att- 5, Hon.MDV- 3, Dec.Att- 5, Dec.MDV- 3, Rate- 2


Born and raised amongst the air pirates of the Haslanti League, Skua is frighteningly brilliant savant, a true child prodigy. Mostly self-taught, with knowledge scrounged from whatever source she could get her hands on in the North, Skua has been hunting after First Age lore since an early age, after seeing the excavations outside Crystal. Once she served aboard the notorious Osprey's Vengeance, but lately she has been seen aboard other vessels, as well as making forays southwards, to the Scavenger Lands.

Skua is the archetypal child prodigy: she learns swiftly, she hungers for knowledge, is precocious, and often arrogant because of this. She is brave, as life as an air pirate does not allow for cowards, but she also has a daredevil streak to her. She lacks compassion and can be considered amoral.

As far as her looks go, Skua is cute, in the way eighteen-year-old young women often are. She is long-limbed and sinewy, but still somewhat curvy. Life aboard an airship shows in her body, both in good and bad, as she bears scars on her hands and arms. She has short-cropped jet-black hair and large dark blue eyes. Her features are wide and nymphish, and she has a ready smile. Like most northerners, Skua is pale-skinned. Skua isn't very tall - she barely reaches the height of 5'3" - but that suits her as she is used to having to work in small spaces. She has a solid bone structure, but she isn't incredibly heavy; some would say she is on the waifish side, by the standards of the North.

Like most northerners, she dresses in leather breeches, woollen tunics and shirts, and in layers of vests and coats. Most of her clothing is decorated and trimmed in vibrant reds and blues, although she seems to prefer the muted greys of wool and undyed reindeer-leather the most.

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