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Another Crystal piece. Canon here too. What self-perceptions and self-deceptions does the mirror show?

He saw a different person in the mirror that no one else ever saw. He saw the pretty painted butterfly, the ornamental doll. He saw the fragile hands that had never wielded a sword, that only knew the right way to touch to bring pleasure, the silent lips that parted for whatever was forced on him. When he was not looking in the mirror, when he only relied on the descriptions of himself seen through others' eyes, when he donned a mask and was not himself, when he was with others of the Star-Chosen, he could almost believe that he was someone else, someone worth something.

When he was alone, all those illusions fell away. In the mirror, he saw the truth of what he was, and who he would always be, no matter how hard he tried to change. He saw everything he was and never wanted to be, and he knew the truth for what he was.