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The Royal Manse of Inaria

Located in Cydweli City, on top of a hill in the northern corner of the city. (It is a very little-known fact that the hill is artificial and is honeycombed with Shogunate-era tunnels that connect to the catacombs in the city proper.) It is sometimes called Dinas Cydweli by the locals and in older documents.

In appearance and layout, the Royal Manse strongly resembles a Western European castle. (This one, in fact.)

Manse 2, Earth-aspected.

Drawbacks: Notoriety 3, Maintenance 2

Manse Points: 13.

Powers: Fortress (5 pts.), Secret Doors and Passages (3 pts.), Self-Cleaning (2 pts.), Climate Control (3 pts.).

Hearthstone: Gem of Perfection (Book of Three Circles, p. 113)